Why are the Poles so angry today?

Why are the Poles so angry today?

The possibility of a future shrunken or collapsed EU angers them due to their requirements for EU monies

They got BTFO by the Brexit

Because those white niggers live on handouts

We aren't

oh my glob, didn't you hear? poles are getting trumped out of the UK (but for real), and the EU (their best safeguard from lebensraum invasion) is in danger.

get a job



I dont give a fuck about them. Im just hoping to see west in flames

I'm not

that was a really quick response. what image editing software do you use?

Eh wut? I'm in joy.
Poland will receive EU aid only until 2020, just 4 more years.
Those "handouts" are only 2% of Poland's GDP. Look at this idiot.

Because there are a million poles in the UK who work and take child tax credits which they send back to their wives in Poland. This could pose a massive threat to their economy.

It'd be the equivalent of the U.S suggesting that it was going to stop Mexicans being able to take money across the border.


butthurtbelters are always angry


hello newfriend


I'm a Pole in the UK who supported Brexit. Other Poles (and pretty much everyone else) have been shitting on me all day today. Never felt this fucking smug in my entire life

>This could pose a massive threat to their economy.
This already happened. Our stock dropped hard because investors knew pounds artificially pumped our economy.

>Poland will receive EU aid only until 2020, just 4 more years.
You know damn well the moment EU writes a budget that's in any way inconveniencing to us we're gonna have a riot.

>You know damn well the moment EU writes a budget that's in any way inconveniencing to us we're gonna have a riot.

The practiced in cucking an entire country like Ukraine. They can handle Poland now.

>country like Ukraine.
But Ukraine is not a real country.