Is there any user who can help me identify the name of this font?

Is there any user who can help me identify the name of this font?


did you try whatthefont?


Turd Code Mono

one of these is surely the right one



whatthefuckamilookingat semi-condensed


the default fixed width font on X. It's a bitmap font that looks quite nice actually on smaller font sizes. I don't know why this size looks so weird


jesus someone had a stroke while creating these fonts, get better ones faggot

hello it's -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-jisx0201.1976-*

Jesus christ, was the whole point of this thread just to trick people into getting headaches by opening that image?

>actually wanting this awful shit
>not using terminus for everything everywhere


Is one of the requirements of arduino programming that your code be absolutely devoid of any consistency or style whatsoever? Does it refuse to compile if you don't have outdated, poorly-spaced, commented-out "Serial.println" lines everywhere?

Best font for programming is by miles Envy Code R. Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't

yeah kind of; the editor fucks up your formatting the best it can and if you compile and upload in the arduiono ide you're usually adding the desperate serial.prints there too

I actually like it. its pretty aesthetic

I'm generally not a fan of sans fonts, but that has a nice similarity to fixedsys so I can't say it's all that bad.

On another note, there's definitely a scarcity of good, fixed-width, serif fonts that aren't angular and ugly like consolas. Someone have any suggestions? Currently my favorite is Century Schoolbook mono.


looks pretty cool