Hello, i have a question for you

Hello, i have a question for you
Do you prefer North Iberia or South Iberia?

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I prefer central Iberia.

south iberia, prefer the landscapes there, the cities too.

Hello, i have an answer for you


south obviously, north is shit-tier

Shit tastes


Northern Iberia. I worked on the south and it's hell on Earth. To hot while in Galicia I can sleep using my duvet the whole year. Also, I love the fact that tourists barely come here.

que tal parares de fazer estes fios autistas e arranjares uma vida maninho

E que tal se deixasses de estragar os threads dos outros

>bons triplos

>Also, I love the fact that tourists barely come here.

I know that feel. It's a really nice feel.
Let the south swarm with tourists while we get our comfyness

Well I love the north but the south is really more exotic, different, for a French


North for living, south for holidays.

ayy lmao

is a desert lad...

I would say I prefer North because I hate Andalusians, but I also hate Portuguese, Basques, Catalonians, people from Madrid, communists, muh Franco and gypsys.

So like 99% of Spain really.

I understand that and I feel the same.
However, the north is way nicer. The south is too boring, just barren landscapes, poor small houses, poor churches... Almost everything there is small and poor.

Come to Canary Islands then

Of places I've visited in Iberia:

Asturias>País Vasco>Navarra>Costa Prata>León>La Mancha>Costa Verde>POWER GAP>Costa Lisboa>Catalunya>Rioja>Madrid>Valencia>>>>>>>>>>>>Baleares>Madeira

Só I guess the North takes it.

The new world
[spoiler]I still believe that we'll make it one day[/spoiler]

I prefer North Spain, basically anything above Parallel 42º.

Don't really know what that piece of Portugal is doing there. I love Portugal but that map makes no sense.


Good choice. The tourists we receive in the north are usually the best ones cause they are the ones who are more interested in culture instead of "muh beaches, discos and free beer"
You didn't visit Galiza and Minho?

north iberia sceneries are too common here

Minho region is culturally, genetically and historically linked to Galiza.
The weather too is Atlantic and the lanscapes are the same as you see in north iberia, except we have more population

¿Qué piensas de los asturianus? Tienen la misma carácter independista como los demás que mencionaste, ¿eso es lo que no te gusta? Soy un cornualles y ahora vivo (la mayoría del año) en la República Popular de Yorkshire del Sur y me encanta el orgullo que tenemos y el odio que compartimos para los cabrones en la capital

I did visit Galicia but I didn't think much of it. Then again I was camped out in sticks and didn't manage to see much besides coastal desert so I didn't think it fair to include it in rankings

Then why include parts of the Basque Country, Aragon or Catalonia which are much more different culturally, genetically and historically.

Los asturianos no somos independentistas.

La única tierra que no es independentista es Castilla.

Because it's still North Iberia in terms of climate scenery and geography

y do u h8 us ;_;

This always pops into my head everytime i think about Castilians

Quien /republicadecuenca/ aqui?

because he's autistic

That's clearly not a Castillian, but a pseudo-Spaniards Galician, you can see it by his hand movement, bald head and utter ignorance of how much of a cuck Franco was.

I literally don't know how there are still spaniards that think good of Franco.
He was one of the most cuck leaders Spain had

Y me pones un artículo de la Wikipedia... Mira, voy a hacer lo mismo:

Independentistas hay hasta en Murcia o Extremadura. Eso no significa que los murcianos o extremeños sean, en su inmensa mayoría, independentistas. Desde luego nada comparable a catalanes y vascos.

>Because it's still North Iberia in terms of climate scenery and geography

No, it isn't.

The Pyrenees have a mountain climate, not an Oceanic climate.

Again, no. Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque country are much more montainous than Galicia, which is much flatter in comparison.

Your criteria are flawed, IMO. If you include northern Portugal, then why not include the French Basque Country, which is similar culturally, genetically and historically to the [Spanish] Basque Country?

This, we have a side of the Pyrenees too
Of course it's not just a copy paste of the same landscapes but still, places like the Sierra Nevada or Sierra Morena feels more new to us
I'm only talking from a tourist point of view, not about living there

Te estaba vacilando siguiendo la broma de que los asturianos dicen "españa es asturias y el resto es tierra reconquistada".
Becuase people don't actually have a clue about Spain's history, sadly.

What i wanted to state is that north iberia looks different from the south. It's just a general map with ilustrative purposes

Come to aragon bro, even if you hate us we aren't that many so we don't really bother anyone

Yeah, i totally understand your point.

Don't really have any kind of opinion, but I've heard that the north is better

Solo hablé de lo que he experimentado, la primera vez que visité, la expresión que oí más que cualquiera otra fue "no somos españoles, somos asturianus", and "sólo en Asturias"

el madrilENO

It's the same shit to me desu

español? tu castellano es perfecto


You fucked up, it's
>El mandrilANO

I liek spein

Pues irías a alguna manifestación de un grupo político nacionalista.

No tienes más que ver los resultados de las últimas elecciones (o esperar a las del próximo domingo).

Grazie :) no, pero viajo mucho. Estaré en Salamanca para el año que viene. Conozco la ciudad pero no sé nada de Castilla León, que hay que ver?