Why ubuntu is bad for a newbie to distros? what is the urinocally the best choice?

why ubuntu is bad for a newbie to distros? what is the urinocally the best choice?


>why ubuntu is bad for a newbie to distros?
It's not. Anyone who says it is is trolling.

After years of experience you will settle with Ubuntu anyway, so might as well use it now

Ubuntu is bad for a newbie distro because it is easy to use and install. It is much better to use something like arch which might fail and not have drivers for the WiFi or ethernet and so that you need to download stuff on a USB and then learn to mount a USB from the command line and then compile the drivers from the USB and so on and so forth.

Ubuntu users get lulled into thinking that Linux is supposed to be user friendly and so on. Ubuntu is better for professionals and veterans who already have a grasp of everything and do not need the struggle to get it.

the only thing people cry about is the amazon spyglass, which is really a fault of the desktop environment that comes ootb; it can be easily removed by a single command or by switching DEs

there's also the people who cry about systemd but a lot more distros use that
this guy gets it. Even Terry Davis uses ubuntu (with unity and the stock desktop background no less) and just runs templeOS in a VM

>Even Terry Davis uses ubuntu
this means nothing because Terry is not a GNU/Linux expert. he is a templeOS/HolyC expert; neither of those two things are featured in GNU/Linux.
>but he wrote a fucking compiler he's Mr. God's chosen programmer the greatest on earth you dumb CIAnigger!
there i saved you the trouble.

Install Gentoo, by the time you get it installed you will know a lot more about GNU plus Linux

>why ubuntu is bad

google's most valuable engineer uses ubuntu unity

if Alan Turing were alive today, he would be using Ubuntu 14.04

why not 17?

because he has to wait for stable AMD drivers

This just install the gnome version of ubuntu.

ubuntu would be nice if it wasn't full of botnet and unity wasn't trash.
kind of like Kubuntu actually.

Start off with Debian, unless you're mentally incapable of following a short text tutorial to make sure everything is working and updated.

is this actually where the gentoo meme started? It's just a good learning exercise?

>Alan Turing
If Turing was alive today, he'd use a Mac, and not just because he was gay.


>not just because he was gay
Why would he use a mac then?

This, Ubuntu is good for starting out on Linux, then you can start distro hoping until you find your distro

I really wish this was the wrong answer, but it's not.


>google's most valuable engineer USED ubuntu unity
Old pic from 2006. He doesn't use Linux anymore.

Because he has lots of experience with prejudice and knows that fucks like you are full of shit.

loonix btfo

Ubuntu Budgie.

xubuntu is pretty much the best out there. tried all of them along with the bsd's.

Recently installed Xubuntu on my laptop and it's great. Install was straightforward and didn't run into any hiccups, DE is customizable and simple, plus it runs well on laptops without a lot of RAM.

Ubuntu is a babby faggot distro full of bloat

>what is the urinocally [sic] the best choice?

>full of bloat
You can just do a minimal install with Ubuntu Server.

At that point why not install Debian? Ah, because you're too stupid to make minor configuration changes.

Shit package manager

>why ubuntu is bad for a newbie to distros?
It's not
>what is the urinocally the best choice?
Ubuntu, Fedora, macOS

Seriously, everyone who says you need a "build it from scratch" distro has absolutely no idea what they're doing and speaks from their ass. They're the type of people to constantly post their riced out anime desktop on Sup Forums and whine about broken configs. I don't use Linux to be a neckbeard who can recite the man page to an obscure screensaver utility or learn how to reformat my drive to contain 3 FAT32 partitions for three subdirectories in my /home folder. I just need to work.

this 2bh
debian is the linux that's still linux but with actual stability testing while not blowing massive dicks

>you're too stupid
Says the guy calling Ubuntu a "babby faggot distro".

There is something called portability, let me illustrate with an example, a notebook is something you can get out of your room and run shitty slides on in a conference. A desktop if what you would use to do real development.

you uh.. you do know that unity wasnt around in 2006 right?

Pretty sure it started because it's Stallman's OS of choice. Funny how they never mention that he doesn't actually know how to install it himself and gets a lackey to do it for him.

I use Ubuntu Gnome and I like it.

Why has no one installed Genthree yet?


stallman purposefully doesn't endorse gentoo.
He uses trisquel, which is fully free software ubuntu

how can someone this good at coloring be that shitty at faces?

ubuntu and debian are unironically best for newbies.

>At that point why not install Debian? Ah, because you're too stupid to make minor configuration changes.
idk ppas not working takes the good out of a .deb distro imho. Ubunut or Mongaro are the choices for a newbie.

yall got baited, he said at some point that he uses macs for presentations and portability. Otherwise he seems to use Ubuntu

> babby faggot distro full of bloat
> for a newbie

This chicks neck is fucking long

ubunto is fine, untity is the problem

My first distro was Slackware back in '04.

After I installed it on my Dell Inspiron 640m, barely anything worked. I had to learn to recompile the kernel with certain modules, how to blacklist modules, how to install packages from source etc.

13 years later it made me appreciate the ease of use, simplicity and just works™ of apt and Debian.

But I still firmly believe everyone should start with a source-based distro without a package manager and go through all the motions to familiarise themselves with how linux distributions are organised and how they work.

Every Linux distro is the same, it really depends on which package manager you prefer and the installation type you want. If you want something a bit bloated but easy to install that there is nothing wrong installing ubuntu. It can do pretty much anything out of the box (it's Debian with more support for proprietary software).

yeah i rally appreciate those 2 hours session i've spend trying to compile fucking firefox man

>make && make install
Hard as fuck.

Mac OS

Post proof

And no, a picture of a mac is not a proof, that's a laptop brand, not an OS

Best thing I've found is to install Ubuntu server and build up from there.

Use Fedora. Best OOTB experience.

>we live in an age where we can preserve bit-exact copies

>well integrated with Gnome3
>terrible with every other DE


Most likely still runs on Ubuntu 16.04.

You clearly haven't compiled firefox if you think that's going to work

how'd you resize it while keeping the same quality?

People that bounce between distros looking for the "perfect" one and rice their desktops don't do actual work.

Manjaro, like Arch but without autistic installation

I grabbed the original your doofus. downscaling is almost always a lossy operation.

Enjoy your inability to install .deb packages via debtap

t. Antergos user