strongly typed fags will defend this

> strongly typed fags will defend this


The curly brace, someone could put it in the code and it would make a ton of errors.

>TypeError: expected type post, not shitpost

What? Stronlgy typed deosn't meen free block syntax

>doesn't compile
>compiler points out the location of the open curly

i get it, i should be motivated to work
i love OP for posting this kind of threads

I don't see what strong/weak typing has to do with rogue curly braces.

Curly braces have nothing to do with type systems.

And most things that would cause a compile error in a statically, strongly typed language would cause a runtime error or bug in a dynamically, weakly typed language, but at runtime instead, which is strictly worse in my opinion.

If you've ever had to work with a >10k line Python codebase, you'll know the pain of "what is this function being called with?" "Why did I get a can't call non-callable object error four hours into the run of the program?" "Why is this being thunked / wrapped in a 0-argument lambda?"


>And most things that would cause a compile error in a statically, strongly typed language would cause a runtime error or bug in a dynamically, weakly typed language, but at runtime instead,
a. Learn what weakly typed means, then stop using it wrongly
b. Indentation errors (and other syntax errors) are immediately caught in Python

There is no life
in the void

quila cuin vai xa duxto

>using lambdas
here's your problem

OP is retarded


Lambdas are awesome though.

Statically typed means the type of a variable is fixed. It may be shadowed by a variable of a different type but the same name, but that's only sugar for introducing a new binding.

Strongly typed means a program will not compile if an operation between variables of two types is not explicitly allowed somewhere, in a manner that can be used by libraries, not just the core language (more or less). For instance, in Python you can add, call, call methods on, etc an instance of any class, and only at runtime will it become an error if that operation is not supported. Similarly, you can call add between a string and an integer in JavaScript, and it will only become a runtime error if the contents of the string isn't valid. But, barring type annotation features in both languages, it is impossible to declare a function that may only be called on a string, and will otherwise result in a compile time error.

You're right that I slightly misspoke, though. I meant "type checking compile error" not just "compile error", since syntax errors can be statically checked for in almost any language (barring eval).


>strongly typed
There is no formal hierarchy between type systems.

>Strongly typed means a program will not compile if an operation between variables of two types is not explicitly allowed somewhere
No, it doesn't, you have the Static/Dynamic and Strong/Weak axes a bit muddled. Also Python is strongly typed.

How would you define the terms?

In my experience, people use "strongly typed" mainly to mean "statically checkable type system", and people rarely use statically vs. dynamically typed at all, or use dynamic just to mean "weak", which makes sense because dynamically typed languages are very hard to statically check.

I also believe these are the most useful definitions. If Python is strongly, dynamically typed, and C++ is strongly, statically typed, then I'd argue your definition of "strongly typed" isn't very useful, since the most important distinction is the class of errors that are caught at compile time, versus those that are caught at runtime.


Dynamic means the type can change at runtime. Weak means the type can change at compile time. For example, C has weak static typing.

>type can change at compile time
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. I agree that C has static thing. In C++, like in C, you can sidestep the type system with a pointer cast, and both languages support a limited set of implicit conversions, between integer types for example (in a manner that cannot be used by libraries for other types). Yet I'd argue both languages are strongly typed, because a large class of errors are prevented by static analysis aka type checking. Ie, in C you can't pass a StructA to a function that takes a StructB, unless you explicitly sidestep the type system. Think is guaranteed by type checking. In contrast, in Python you can pass objects of any type to an arbitrary function, and only at runtime will you discover (or not discover) that you're attempting to use the objects in ways that are not supported for their type (ie, calling a non-callable).

I'm sorry, I don't have the energy to explain it to you succinctly, but I urge you to use the resources available on the web to educate yourself.

Curly has a submachine gun, she could easily take out some shit code.

Funny joke

A thread died for this.

now thats a cop out

What language doesn't demand any sort of code structure?




are you using a compiler from 1995? this is a non-issue. go home, you fuck.