When are you going to join the Ryzen masterrace user?

When are you going to join the Ryzen masterrace user?

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buy vega


3 months ago

When my 4770 is outdated.

When they make a Raven Ridge laptop.

Planning to upgrade to Threadripper in August.

Already did and it feels /swood/

What's the best mobo for a ryzen 1600? After that I'll probably be joining by the end of the month

>people bought 6 core cpu in the current year

What are you, a corelet? Somebody update the corelet chart. Make 6C12T borderline corelet.

Ryzen is an amazing processor and superior to the competition in every way no sane man can deny that. But Vega? kek

>Nvidia fag in charge of damage control

What did he mean by this

Same here, bro!
AMD is shit!
Translate: "user with $3000 PC piss on poor cocksuckers".

Get your low-end rubbish out of here.

Only a quad-core? 1366x768 display? Kingston SSD? Nice meme.

>A fucking 4 gigabyte GTX 1080 on 768p


>4 gigabyte
nice bait

Vega incoming.

mine ETH

When my glorious Athlon 64 X2 4800+ dies (never).


when scythe makes the big shuriken 2 am4 compatible so never

To be honest, I don't see myself moving on from X58 any time soon.

ill be building a new pc around may next year, hopefully AMD is still competetive, my last build, 18 months ago i had to go with intel.

>tfw i7 2600k sandy bridge
I'll upgrade one day.

well I missed out because my mobo on my fail dozer started to fail.
I Don't regreat Intel buy but I don't think I want to stay in their ego system after Zen3 but we will see.
I got my GTX 1070 today.

the question is are we going to see vega cards on Sup Forums because i'd love to see them in action.

good to see speccy updated for ryzen but still not correctly showing DDR4 RAM

When some good cpu intensive game comes out, no need to upgrade right now.

I mean eco system.


I think people are overhyping Ryzen because it's the first decent thing AMD has made in like 5 years and all the fanboys have built up hype and are exploding right now.

I expect things to settle down and Intel to once again take the crown with coffee and cannon lake.

>This [b]ENVY[/b] of poor bastards

No competition and Intel monopoly during last decade was really bad for CPU development and technology progress.

My first GPU ever was an ATI HD 4670 1GB Sapphire, my second was an AMD HD 7850 1GB Sapphire. Currently I am on a GTX 970 and I was planning to seriously upgrade to a full AMD PC when Vega releases. But the piece of shit is bugged into oblivion and isn't even close to its paper performance. How does that exactly make me an Nvidia fanfag?

>768p with GTX 1080
how are you still alive with that stupidity?

cъeби oбpaтнo в cвoй cocaч, шкoльник

How about kys with shit resolution and shit vram?

Right. I'm the guy at . Pretty sure there's nothing to be envious about in your system.

That's because the Frontier version isn't for gaming

If no gayman why bother.

nice meme

nice argument

Ok, how about this one.

When has a 'non-gaming' GPU ever performed like absolute garbage in gaming benchmarks?

Here I'll even give you the answer: Never, the only differences have always come down to differing clockspeeds.

And of course when I say this I mean relative to its consumer or 'gaming' counterpart.

If you seriously think RX Vega will be significantly faster you're a 12 year old minecraft kiddie whose first ever GPU is likely not even a year old yet.

>When has a 'non-gaming' GPU ever performed like absolute garbage in gaming benchmarks
Since forever. This is why Quadros are not included in gaming benchmarks anymore.

>This is why Quadros are not included in gaming benchmarks anymore.
You're an absolute fucking idiot, pic related.

Never post on this board again you dumb redditor.

Nice photoshop, friendo.

A screenshot I made for a thread recently..

What's the point? This isn't a rhetorical question. My lovely 2009 Phenom II is still good enough. I can see upgrading if either it failed or I wanted to run a Hackintosh, but it hasn't yet and I don't.


maybe when Zen+ rolls around
i see no reason to upgrade

why mixed gpus

>housefire bridge
you poor thing, did you miss out on sandy somehow

dedicated physx card for some MMOs i'm playing that support it

i got my 3770k for really cheap from a friend who upgraded to haslel when it first came out so i'm happy with it

honestly the worst thing about my bridge is my fucking garbage piece of shit motherboard
i hate this featureless fuck-up of a mobo
can't even change c-states in the UEFI for overclocking

never because my fx8350 is more than powerful enough for me as im not a gaymer winbabby

>dedicated physx card for some MMOs i'm playing that support it
What difference does it make?

No one needs that many cores.

That's a TV via HDMI.
Я - тoт caмый aнoн c кoмпoм зa 180К дepeвянных.
A ты - нищyкoвый хyecoc пoдгopeвший.
How about ysmd, you little bitch?
A bit better.
Just a bit.

>480 xfire
>1440x900 @32hz

What did he mean by this?

Holy shit get a better computer


Probably 2 generations from now, since I have a 6600k and Gtx 1070

nothing mindblowing, but generally about 15fps more than just the 980ti, but also now there's additional effects and the like being rendered so the game looks even prettier

I don't need that much power.


Consider suicide.

When ryzen laptops come out.

Next month

Lol $3000 for THAT? How do you get ripped off that bad?
Are you gay? Do you like it in the ass?

My config: arhivach.org/thread/220061/

Kak eto govno mojet 180K stoit???

>A total of 177,918 rubles.

I'm not clicking a Russian link.

Why? I thought its on decline hard.

It is

learn to read charts

why would i upgrade from 4690k?

I have expensive PC, and you are poor cocksuckers.
You are afraid of Russia, little bitch, don't you?

Stop hacking other countries' elections then.

You have expensive SHIT. Is like art, take a dump and sell it for a million.

Except you bought the dump.

when ryzen 2 is out

4790k is doing me fine for rn

first gen worst gen

Your next sentence is gonna be "buy the dip".

That's a dead cat bounce.

silence, cretin

lmao when BTC recovered from $200 it was also a dead cat bounce wasn't it? kys

Remember the Ayylmao

tfw no discernable difference other than slightly lower power draw for higher latencies overall

That was a dump, just like this time.
People like you, you buy at the top and you cry after the dump and tell yourself it'll go up again in a few years.


>>My old PC is dead, and I ask my grandma buy a new one as a present for New Year.
She agreed and goes to the DNS store, buy parts for new PC, and I build that masterpiece of my gaming rig.
Because she loves me very much.

what's up with those freezing temps

>no access to the RAM for a quick hot swap

Why do people do this with aftermarket coolers?

lmao remain salty

He's using the Fahrenheit system

Keep sucking my dick, you stupid moron.

don't be so mad just because you didn't short ^__^

that's temp in celsius

pacific northwest, fresh cold boot (3-5mins on) and my room has a box fan in the window that was going full blast at like 3-4 in the morning, so my aio was full of chilly liquid.

Zen 2, more mature AM4 drivers/motherboards and less insane ram + ssd prices. Current 2500K is good enough untill then

That's not even current end, let alone high end. You've spent about 2x as much as it costs.
>not 1080ti
But I know precisely why.

The next bump is gonna wipe your entire portfolio. Stay mad faggot.

>tfw can't understand latencies :( :(