TFW I realized I wasn't talking to normal people from different countries all this time...

>TFW I realized I wasn't talking to normal people from different countries all this time, but rather losers and outcasts of society and instead learning about autism in other countries

dumb frogposter

>le Sup Forums is for losers meme

maybe /r9k/, Sup Forums and the weeb boards, but Sup Forums is made of mostly normal people.

>Sup Forums is made of mostly normal people
define "normal"

I still find it difficult to believe normies here have intercourse with other people

Can you imagine the intricacies of the encounter, "let suck your hidden groin?!", "insert your erect member in my pooper?!"

Just try to imagine it in a detailed manner, it will blow your mind!

>Normal people

Nigga I sometimes wonder if I misclicked on r9k just looking strictly at the catalog.

You people are NOT normal.

You must be new here. Always expect autism and youll be rarely dissapionted

why are you still here then?

>Be a fucking leaf
>Elect a literal meme SJW idiot
>Country on fire
>Weed still not legal
>But at least you can now legally commit suicide and get a blowjob from a dog

>it's a canadian autism bait thread

Are you even trying, merkel?

Sup Forums is a huge normie board

people with a decent amount of social life, who study or work and don't spend all their day in their own bedroom.

NOBODY ever thinks about you. EVER. when trump gets in office.. oh boy





YOU EVER HEARD OF IT, KEKNADIAN??????????????????????????????????









why is there non-stop "tfw no gf", cuckold threads, stupid "banter"(actually just moronic forced memes), and more?

Really feels like r9k with flags

Sup Forums has a pretty high density of normal people although on the flip side we are normal people with a weird twist

let's learn about autism

i got a gf (for 5 years now, im her only one ever)
i study law (nearly finished, i allready get pay)
i got friends (not so much but still)
i go to the gym for 5 years now (no pause)
i have big boy savings my parents gave to me

and i pretty much only shit post on int and do the most autistic stuff haha =D

this is fucking Sup Forums you idiot
what did you expect?

We have full blown nazi conspiritards.

We have weaboos that have never been closer than a meter to a non-related woman.

We have Sup Forums aka pedo-central and Sup Forums aka autism.

Don't get me started on Sup Forums or /r9k/.


Thank you for being the shining light of success in this dark alleyway

WEW, these threads used to happen hourly until janny started deleting them

Because people from /r9k/ migrate out of /r9k/ to shit up good boards like us. Perception v. Reality, I shitpost like any other faggot but I have a girlfriend and an acceptable social life.

this tbqhwyf
Except no gf coz manlet
I mostly use Sup Forums to meme and hate on turkey, euros and canada.

i can check sudan on my list now thank you

I know this one is bait but i have to tip my fedora

>"im her only one ever"

I'm well educated, employed at a highly skilled and well paid job, have a healthy relationship with my peers, and enjoy regular sex with non fat females.
I was a bit awkward socially when I first started to come here 9 years ago, though.

Stuff like that happens if you catch them early, like sophmore year of high school, however unless you are a good fit for them you likely won't be able to keep them for a long time.

>define "normal"
If you get more than 82 points on this scale, you are normal
Sorry for /r9k/ posting

Why the fuck would a normal person want to speak to a Canadian?

>I'm well educated, employed at a highly skilled and well paid job, have a healthy relationship with my peers, and enjoy regular sex with non fat females.
Are you prepared to get stabbed for all that success?

lel, women are fickle, changeable and men are easily disposable in this hypersexualized world

Enjoy being dumped by the sisterhood because you had contradicting views over a burger or drink

It's only a few sperg out out of the many that post here, a lot of people who post in generals are normies with gfs, jobs, studying and they use Sup Forums to escape for a bit I guess?

For real? There are tons of white european posters during work time. That should have been a clue since your first day.


t. R9k

Yep that's pretty much Sup Forums in a nutshell lol

Personally I pretty much just come here to shitpost.

>When I was 14 I started fucking a neighborhood girl who had Downs, she had awesome tits and a perfect ass, she never said no, did anything, it was great, all she wanted was a glass of Mello Yellow and crushed ice when we were done
>She got pregnant and her Mom decided to keep the baby, kid was born fucked up
>She told her Mom that I was fucking her, she called the police, my parents, the school and our church
I lived in a town of about 2500. so everyone knew in about a minute
>Everyone called me "the retard fucker", I had to stay home, my parents were super pissed and my pastor asked me to stay away for a while
>Judge was going to hold me over for rape and a bunch of other shit, my parents asked for a paternity test, my Dad paid for it
>Not my kid, I was denying I had fucked or even touched her
>The judge orders her Mom's boyfriend take a paternity test, he skips town, they got some of his hair from a brush, he was the father of the baby
>My parents were relieved, my Dad said he wasn't so worried about me having fucked a retard, he was more upset thinking I had been fucking a black girl
>She is still the only girl I ever fucked

112, mostly due to youth really so I couldn't grab certain +s. In about two years I'll be in the 120 range assuming I don't randomly fuck myself up

That doesn't and won't happen to me because I don't go after dumb bitches, only happened once for my first time and I learned my lesson to not even give whores like that person the time of day.

Fuck off you faggot

pocela je lagano da se spusta ka podu

prvo je nekoliko puta isla u cuceci polozaj i sirila noge sto je vise mogla

lagano bi se dodirnula dugim i uskim prstima ukrasenim crvenim noktima po vrelom predjelu vagine

onda bi ustala i par puta se okrenula oko ose balago isticuci savrseno izvajanu zadnjicu

ponov bi krenula u cuceci polozaj ali ovoga puta meni je okretala pozadinu

ponavljala je ovaj ritual nekoliko puta

cinimi se uvijek nedovoljno

uvijek sam zelio da vidim jos jedan okret i jos jedno spustanje

djelovala je na mene kao droga

poslije zadnjeg okreta nijezno je otisla do svoje torbice i izvadila gumicu za kosu

boze zar njena kosa moze izgleda savrsenije pomislih

muzika je i dalje ispunjavala sobu dok se ona pripremala da nastavi svoju malu predstavu

otisla je skoro na drugi kraj sobe direktno gledajuci u mene

lampa i njeno tijelo su u harmoniji emitovali savrsenu sijenku na zid kakvu vidjate samo u najboljim holivudskim filmovima

ponovo je pocela da se spusta ka podu ali ovoga puta u cetveronozni polozaj

tako je krenula ka meni lagano nisuci bokovima

svakim malim korakom koji je pravila moje srce je kucalo brze

gledao sam cas u bokove cas u grudi koje su se nadzirale kroz uski otvor za glavu

dosla je do mene i stavila njene tople ruke na moje butine

pocela je noktima da vuce po mojim hlacama od predjela karlice sve do koljna

skinuo sam majicu i bacio ju na pod

ona je sada vec skoro usnama doticala moje pantalone u predjelu gdje je se ocrtavao moj kurac

njene grudi su doticale moja koljena dok je ona lagano saputala mojoj kurcini "mmmmmmmm ah"

stajala je na koljenima i gledala u mene kada je pocela lagano da mi otkopcava slic

"zelim te kroasanko"

to je to pomislih

sada ili nikada

nastavice se

Took you long enough

>"you people"
>said every Sup Forums poster ever to the other Sup Forums posters

pocela je da mi skida pantalone

ustao sam i pomogao joj da skine svoju majicu

o moj boze kako je savrsena

i ona je ustala

skinula je helanke i bacila ih na vec formiranu gomilu nase odjece

stajali smo jedno ispred drugo

nosila je crni grudnjak u kojem su savrseno smjestene grudi gledale ka meni i ocaravale me iznova i iznova

crne cipkane gacice suptilno su prelazile u dubine njene guze

jos jednom se okrenula oko svoje ose dizuci ruke ka gore

privukao sam ju ka sebi i lagano skinuo grudnjak jednom rukom dok sam drogom vec umjetnicki sarao po njenoj guzi

grudnjak je pao na nasa stopala te sam ga suptilno odgurao u stranu

sada su njene bradavice dodirivale moje tijelo

kako je samo savrsena pomislih

poceli smo da se ljubimo

uzivao sam u svakom dodirnu njenih crvenih usana

njezno sam joj stiskao guzu dok su nasi jezici igrali najljepsu igru ikada

lagano sam ju povukao ka krevetu koji je bio iza nas nikada ne prestajuci da ju ljubim

pali smo na mekani madrac

dok smo lezali njene grudi su sada jos jace pritiskale moje tijelao

digla je se tako da je njena guza dosla tacno na moj kurac

pocela je da pravi lagane pokrete zadnjicom njezno pomjerajuci moj kurac

sjecam se tog savrsenog dodira njene guze

digla bih ruke u zrak plesuci tako po mom tijelu

ja sam savio ruke i stavio ih iza glave i nastavio da gledam u njeno predivne velike grudi

najednom ples prestade

ona stavi ruke na moje grudi i odgurnu se ka kraju kreveta

skinula mi je bokserica i bacila ih na gomilu

moj kurac se odjednom ispravi poput strijele

ona lagano krenu ka njemu spustiv si svoje grudi na madrac

kretala se poput zmije izmedju mojih nogu

dosla je do kurcine i njezno ga uzela u ruke pri dnu

nastavice se

I have faced worse in the army and make a point of carrying my gun when I go out. We are you fastforwarded 10 years m8.

AaLtOjEn sUpErPoSiTiOpErIaAtTeEn mUkAiSeStI MyÖs tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlToJa vOiDaAn lAsKeA YhTeEn jA SaAdA JoTaKiN UuTtA SyStEeMiÄ KuVaAvA AaLtOfUnKtIo. TiLoJeN LoMiTtUmInEn tAi kIeToUtUmInEn (EnGl. EnTaNgLeMeNt) TaRkOiTtAa sItÄ, eTtÄ YhDeN HiUkKaSeN TiLa sIsÄlTäÄ InFoRmAaTiOtA MyÖs jOnKiN ToIsEn (MaHdOlLiSeStI HyViNkIn eTäIsEn) HiUkKaSeN TiLaStA; mOlEmPiA HiUkKaSiA SiIs kUvAa yKsI, mUtTa aVaRuUdElLiSeStI JaKaUtUnUt, AaLtOfUnKtIo. LoMiTtUnUt tIlA/AaLtOfUnKtIo vOi sYnTyÄ EsImErKiKsI KaHdEn hIuKkAsEn tÖrMäTeSsÄ TaI JoNkIn hIuKkAsEn hAjOtEsSa uUsIkSi hIuKkAsIkSi. KvAnTtImEkAnIiKaN ErIkOiSuUs oN, eTtÄ EpÄtArKkUuSpErIaAtTeEn mUkAiSeStI YhDeN HiUkKaSeN TiLaN MiTtAaMiNeN VaIkUtTaA MyÖs tOiSeN LoMiTtUnEeN HiUkKaSeN TiLaAn, Ja tÄmÄ TiLaN MuUtOs tApAhTuU VäLiTtÖmÄsTi.

KvAnTtImEkAnIiKaN MuKaAn sChRöDiNgErIn yHtÄlÖä nOuDaTtAvIiN AiNeHiUkKaSiIn lIiTeTäÄn aAlToFuNkTiO, jOnKa aVuLlA VoIdAaN EnNuStAa eRiLaIsTeN MiTtAuStEn tOdEnNäKöIsYyKsIä. EsImErKiKsI ElEkTrOnIeN KaKsOiSrAkOkOkEeSsA HaVaItTu iNtErFeReNsSiKuViO VoIdAaN SeLiTtÄä tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlToJeN KeSkInÄiSeN VuOrOvAiKuTuKsEn aVuLlA, eIkÄ ElEkTrOnIn sItEn nÄhDä kUlKeVaN KlAsSiSeStI VaIn tOiSeN RaOn kAuTtA. hIuKkAsTa kUvAaVa tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlTo vOi sIiS MuOdOsTuA UsEaMmAn aAlLoN SuMmAnA, sUpErPoSiTiOnA. kUn hIuKkAsEn tIlAa mItAtAaN, nIiN LoPpUtUlOkSeEn vAiKuTtAvA ErI TiLoJeN SuPeRpOsItIo hÄvIäÄ VäLiTtÖmÄsTi jA HiUkKaNeN AsEtTuU HaVaItUlLe tIlAlLe. TäMä iLmIö oN KoKeIsSa hAvAiTtU PiEnIlLe - kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsIlLe - hIuKkAsIlLe, MuTtA MiTä tApAhTuU JoS HiUkKaSeT SuUrEnEvAt mAkRoSkOoPpIsEeN MiTtAkAaVaAn sAaKkA? mAkRoSkOoPpIsIlLa hIuKkAsIlLa oN TuNnEtUsTi kOkO AjAn tÄsMäLlInEn tIlA, jOtEn kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsEn ePäMäÄrÄiSyYdEn tUlEe aRkIjÄrJeN MuKaAn jOsSaIn vAiHeEsSa hÄvItÄ, kUn sIiRrYtÄäN AtOmItAsOlTa mAkRoSkOoPpIsIiN KlAsSiSeN FySiIkAn kApPaLeIsIiN.
sChRöDiNgErIn kIsSa -TiLoIkSi kUtSuTaAn nIiTä tIlOjA/AaLtOfUnKtIoTa, JoIsSa tArKaStElLaAn pUhTaAsTi kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsEeN SyStEeMiIn

>i got a gf
>no friends
How? Doesn't she care?

kReIkKaLaInEn kIrJaLlIsUuS Ja kUlTtUuRi kOkI KoVaN KoLaUkSeN, kUn aLeKsAnDrIaN KiRjAsTo pOlTeTtIiN Ja rOoMaN VaLtAkUnTa mIeHiTtI KrEiKaN. tIeTeEn jA FySiIkAn kEhItYs kEsKeYtYi oLeElLiSeLlA TaVaLlA VaRhAiSkEsKiAiKaNa, MuTtA AlKoI HiLjAlLeEn eLpYä sYdÄnKeSkIaJaLtA LäHtIeN. aRaBiEn aNsIoStA PaLjOn tIeToA On sÄiLyNyT AnTiIkIn kReIkAsTa. ArAbEiLlE SuUnNiStAmInEn jA LaSkEmInEn oLiVaT TäRkEiTä, JoTeN TiEtEeT OlIvAt oLeNnAiNeN OsA ArAbIyHtEiSkUnTaA. uSkOnTo sUhTaUtUi mYöS TiEtEeSeEn sUoPeAsTi, AiNaKiN AlUkSi. 800-LuVuLlA ArAbIeN TiEdEkEsKuKsEkSi kEhItTyI BaGdAd, JoNnE PeRuStEtTiIn vIiSaUdEn tAlOkSi kUtSuTtU KoRkEaKoUlU.[11] kOrKeAkOuLuSsA KäÄnNeTtIiN KrEiKkAlAiStEn tEkStEjÄ ArAbIaKsI Ja hArJoItEtTiIn oMaA TuTkImUsTa. ArAbIeN NyKyIsEeN EsPaNjAaN PeRuStAmAt lAaJaT KiRjAsToT OlIvAt oLeNnAiNeN OsA KuN EuRoOpPaLaIsEt aLkOiVaT KäÄnTäÄ AnTiIkIn lÄhTeItÄ ArAbIaStA LaTiNaKsI. 1600-lUvUlLe aStI TiEtEeSsÄ VaLlInNeEt kÄsItYkSeT OlIvAt eTuPäÄsSä pErÄiSiN RaAmAtUsTa sEkÄ ArIsToTeLeEn jA MuIdEn aNtIiKiN FiLoSoFiEn oPeIsTa. LoPuLtA KiRkOn vAlLaN RaPiStUmInEn sEkÄ MaAiLmAnKuVaN MuUtTuMiNeN Ja uUdEt iNnOvAaTiOt aLoItTiVaT TiEtEeLlIsEn vAlLaNkUmOuKsEn, JoNkA KaTsOtAaN AlKaNeEkSi vUoNnA 1543, JoLlOiN NiKoLaUs kOpErNiKuS JuLkAiSi dE ReVoLuTiOnIbUs oRbIuM CoElEsTiUm -TeOkSeN. kOpErNiKuS KuOlI PiAn jUlKaIsEmIsEn jÄlKeEn. KaToLiSeN KiRkOn vAlLaN MuReNeMiSeEn vAiKuTtIvAt kIrJaPaInOn kEhItTäMiNeN Ja kIrKoN SiSäIsEt oNgElMaT.

YhTeNä sUuRiMpAnA FyYsIkKoNa pIdEtTy gAlIlEo gAlIlEi vAsTuStI NäYtTäVäStI KiRkOn oPpEjA. gAlIlEi lOi pOhJaN KlAsSiSeLlE FySiIkAlLe jA HäNtÄ KuTsUtAaN UsEiN KlAsSiSeN FySiIkAn iSäKsI. gAlIlEi tEkI PaLjOn lIiKkEeSeEn lIiTtYvIä tUtKiMuKsIa. YkSi kUuLuIsImMiStA TaRiNoIsTa oN, eTtÄ GaLiLeI PuDoTtElI ErI PaInOiSiA KaPpAlEiTa pIsAn kAlTeVaStA ToRnIsTa. GaLiLeI HuOmAsI MiTtAuStEnSa jA ArIsToTeLeEn oPpIeN VäLiLlÄ RiStIrIiDaN: kApPaLeIdEn pUtOaMiSaIkA Ei rIiPu kApPaLeIdEn mAsSaStA. gAlIlEi kEhItTi mYöS NyKyIsEn tIeTeElLiSeN MeNeTeLmÄn, JoNkA MuKaAn tEoRiAn jA KoKeIdEn pItÄä oLlA SoPuSoInNuSsA. mUiTa gAlIlEiN AiKaLaIsIa oLiVaT ChRiStIaAn hUyGeNs, JoHaNnEs kEpLeR Ja bLaIsE PaScAl. SaMaLlA VuOsIsAdAlLa tErMoDyNaMiIkKa aLkOi kEhItTyÄ NoPeAsTi. Jo gAlIlEi eSiTtI LäMpÖmItTaRiN ToImInTaPeRiAaTtEeN, mUtTa vArSiNaIsEsTi tErMoDyNaMiIkAn iSäNä vOiDaAn pItÄä oTtO VoN GuErIcKeA, jOkA KeHiTtI 1650-lUvUlLa eNsImMäIsEn tYhJiÖpUmPuN.[12] tErMoDyNaMiIkKaA KeHiTtIvÄt vOn gUeRiCkEn jÄlKeEn mUuN MuAsSa tHoMaS YoUnG Ja rObErT BoYlE. TiEtEeN VaLlAnKuMoUs kUlMiNoItUi vUoTeEn 1687, jOlLoIn iSaAc nEwToN JuLkAiSi tEoKsEnSa pHiLoSoPhIaE NaTuRaLiS PrInCiPiA MaThEmAtIcA. tEoKsEsSaAn nEwToN EsItTeLeE LiIkElAkInSa, JoHoN KlAsSiNeN MeKaNiIkKa pErUsTuU. pRiNcIpIaSsAaN NeWtOn eSiTtElEe pAiNoVoImAlAkInSa sEkÄ MuUtAmAn tEoRiAn kOsKiEn vIrTaUsDyNaMiIkKaA. mYöHeMmIn kLaSsIsTa mEkAnIiKkAa mUoKkAsIvAt jA LaAjEnSiVaT ErItYiSeStI LeOnHaRd eUlEr, JoSePh-lOuIs lAgRaNgE, wIlLiAm rOwAn hAmIlToN Ja mOnEt mUuT, jOtKa tEkIvÄt uUsIa lÖyTöJä tEoReEtTiSeN FySiIkAn aLaLlA.

VuOnNa 1738 DaNiEl bErNoUlLi jUlKaIsI TeOkSeNsA HyDrOdYnAmIcA, jOkA KäSiTtElI StAtIiKaN TeOrIaA Ja nEsTeIdEn lIiKkEiTä. SaMaLlA TeOs lOi pOhJaN KiNeEtTiSeLlE KaAsUtEoRiAlLe. KuUsIkYmMeNtÄ VuOtTa mYöHeMmIn bEnJaMiN ThOmPsOn hAvAiNnOlLiStI, kUiNkA MeKaAnIsEeN TyÖhÖn kÄyTeTtY EnErGiA MuUtTuU LoPuLtA LäMmÖkSi, Ja vUoNnA 1847 jAmEs jOuLe sAi mItAtUkSi, MiKä mÄäRä mEkAaNiStA EnErGiAa vAsTaA MiTäKiN LäMpÖmÄäRäÄ. tÄmÄn pErUsTeElLa hErMaNn vOn hElMhOlTz eSiTtI YlEiSeN EnErGiAn sÄiLyMiSlAiN.

VuOnNa 1808 JoHn dAlToN EsItTi ePäSuOrAsTi mAlLiN, jOkA ViItTaSi aToMiEn oLeMaSsAoLoOn.[13]

fYsIiKaN SuUrImPiIn tUtKiMuSaLuEiSiIn kUuLuI 1800-lUvUlLa sÄhKö. RoBeRt bOyLeN, sTePhEn gRaYn jA BeNjAmIn fRaNkLiNiN 1600- Ja 1700-LuVuLlA TeHdYt tUtKiMuKsEt kOsKiEn sÄhKöÄ AnToIvAt eDeLlYtYkSeT SäHkÖn tUtKiMiSeLlE. nÄmÄ TuTkImUkSeT JoHtIvAt sÄhKöViRrAn jA JäNnItTeEn hAvAiTsEmIsEeN. eNgLaNtIlAiNeN FyYsIkKo mIcHaEl fArAdAy eSiTtElI NäKeMyStÄ MaGnEtIsMiN Ja sÄhKöN YhDiStÄmIsElLe. TäTä hÄn hAvAiNnOlLiStI LiIkUtTeLeMaLlA MaGnEeTtIa jOhTiMeN YmPäRiLlÄ SiTeN, eTtÄ JoHtImEeN InDuSoItUi jÄnNiTe.[14]

sKoTlAnTiLaInEn jAmEs cLeRk mAxWeLl eSiTtElI 1800-lUvUlLa yHtÄlÖnSä, JoIsSa hÄn kUvAa sÄhKö- Ja mAgNeEtTiKeNtTiÄ SeKä nIiDeN VuOrOvAiKuTuStA. nE JoHtIvAt mYöS PäÄtElMäÄn, EtTä vAlOkIn oN SäHkÖmAgNeEtTiStA AaLtOlIiKeTtÄ. 1800-LuVuN LoPuLlA SaKsAlAiNeN WiLhElM RöNtGeN LöYsI RöNtGeNsÄtEiLyN Ja sAi hAvAiNnOsTaAn eNsImMäIsEn nObElIn fYsIiKaNpAlKiNnOn.

iHmIsEn uSkO FySiIkKaAn jA MuIhIn tIeTeIsIiN KoHoSi nOpEaStI HuIpPuUnSa. 1800-lUvUlLa tEhDyT VaLtAvAt lÖyDöT SaIvAt iHmIsEt uSkOmAaN TiEtEeSeEn jA SiIhEn, EtTä tIeDe rAtKoO KaIkKi iHmIsTeN OnGeLmAt tUlEvAiSuUdEsSa.

Same situation. No. Presumably she knew what she was getting into.

>tfw no gf


>tfw no qt goyim hating, shekel hording, yaprak eating, gefilte fish cooking, mincha reciting, menorah lighting, tefillin wearing, peyot growing, zionist supporting, shofar blowing, challah braiding, hanukkah celebrating, suka constructing, tikkun leil shavuot studying, pomegranate harvesting, purim commemorating, hamantash baking, yom kippur fasting, mikvah bathing, yeshiva researching, kashrut dieting, shechitah slaughtering, tahor purifying, teramuh offering, zavah abstaining, zeved habat naming, minyan contributing, hazzan singing, multicultural promoting, morally conniving, salmon curing, keplach frying, dreidel spinning, meat koshering, tzedakah giving, parashah reading, shema davening, maariv beseeching, siddur adhering, kabbalah thinking, matzot preparing, kotel wailing, chametz burning, karpas dipping, teshuva atoning, chesed bestowing, yeast withholding, kiddush sanctifying, hilonim respecting, siyum achieving, netilat yadayim washing, maror grating, bareich blessing, afikoman stealing, omer counting, hol hamoed holidaying, tish attending, kitniyot rejecting, ketubah signing, kiddushin dedicating, badeken covering, chatan encircling, mazel tov shouting, temple mourning, krenzi dancing, zimmun recounting, pidyon haben redeeming, brit milah advocating, shalom bayit reconciling, klezmer playing, khazone intoning, krekht creating, kinnor plucking, tziltzal banging jew gf

Why would you want to talk to normies? They're boring as shit, and only know how to talk about their boring normalfag problems of wageslaving, being cuckolded by their girlfriend, how "racism" and "bigotry" are bad and how "borders are just artificial lines MAN! dude WEED lmao!!"

I want to apologize.

My ancestors did not raped, killed and massacred efficiently the Incas. The living proof is that Peru exists.

Peru is a mistake and my fault, is populated by monkeys, lesser beings, they smell bad. I want to apologize for that. Sorry, wholeheartedly sorry.

With this I also want to ask your help, the final solution is possible, we can kill the Jews, Gypsies, Peruvians and abos.

We achieve massacre all the Jews in Spain, with great appreciation will teach you to do the same, so that Germany will not fail again. But we need to first destroy Peru and all its people.

They are rats, smell bad and only serve to plant potatoes. Sorry, they not serve to plant potatoes as they are less of a rat intellect.

They were only three races if we trust in us, blacks, Asians and whites.

Believe me, it is minecraft, my struggle, mi lucha and also yours.

Sincerely, Spain

Better NEETs who can only talk about their depression, how the whole world is wrong except for them and anime + videogames

I can interact with normalfags just fine but it is tiring for me and I don't seem to get the same satisfaction from it as when interacting with people who are more like me, that's why I like Sup Forums, I don't have to deal with normalfags as much here.

Honestly thats not much of an issue. A much larger problem is having conflicting friends, like your friends don't like her and her friends don't like you. I have this problem to a degree right now, she believes my friends hate her despite only one really truly hating her and her friends that she parties with find me annoying because I force her to reduce her alcohol intake because she constantly has enough to make her vomit.

>being cuckolded by their girlfriend, how "racism" and "bigotry" are bad and how "borders are just artificial lines MAN! dude WEED lmao!!"
You just described how dumb today's commies sound like
Not all normies think like that around the world

>Same situation. No. Presumably she knew what she was getting into.
Why? Not tryng to be rude (honestly) but don't you feel like a loser if she goes out with her friends outside?

>NEETs who can only talk about their depression, how the whole world is wrong except for them
so just like every writer/artist/philosopher/etc ever ?
yep sounds like the good people to talk to

understand that at one time they were normal, but they have been reborn in the memes, molded by them

Normies out reeeeeeeeeeee!

I guess if you want to call the specimens of /r9k/ "writers" and "philosophers"... sure

>not doing drugs/smoking weed makes you a normalfag
wtf? DUDE WEED is like the most normie shit out there.

You mistake not having friends with being a social retard. I can go out and socialize just fine, I just don't have any people who aren't family who I would consider "friends", feel close to or care about.

I got 80
Please more people post their score
Dunno, not smoking is healthy so it makes you a normie i think

>Sup Forums NEETs are writers/artists/philosophers/etc

>get a blowjob from a dog

>Dunno, not smoking is healthy so it makes you a normie i think
General opinion is that weed is not bad for your health. Normies also love to vape.

You're a Sup Forums poster too, you know? or are you a Redditor scum?

Only by Sup Forums standards.

Considering that we're on Sup Forums, it's fair that he makes that point.

What the fuck is a 'normie'?

Seems to be used for anyone who isn't a complete sperg

Except for /r9k/ where the definition of normal is still a little weird the Sup Forums definition of normal is pretty normal.

>having a gf
>not ugly
>not socially retarded
Seems to be pretty normal even in the real world

The definitioni generally see used is basically just someone who (assuming out of college/vocational school) has a job, at least a sub-par social life, has/had a girlfriend, lost virginity by the end of college, not ugly, not a sperg.

This is surprisingly accurate

I got 87 btw

>Seems to be used for anyone who isn't a complete sperg
That's completely it.

They're normies because they were born normies with normie brains.
Normie brains will have normie ambitions by nature.
Normies will ALWAYS be normies, no matter how asocial they become.
If a normie tries to like what we like they are faking it and will quit eventually, I learnt this from my normie friends.


>You mistake not having friends with being a social retard.

Stuff beyond normalfag isn't really accurate as far as points needed. I'm within 3 points of the Chad category but I am in no way and likely will never have that description fit me.

>What the fuck is a 'normie'?
That about neatly sums it up. Everytime I see somebody throwing the phrase "normie" around on here, it's usually either preceeded or followed by some painfully autistic shit.

Doesn't that just sound like a normal, well adjusted person? Not sure why that's used with a negative connotation, I think it's just some sort of satire

Sup Forums is the most normie-friendly board out there.

Nah, being able to form and maintain friendships is what separates a sperg from a normie. If you don't have friends you're a sperg with an undeveloped infantile personality.



47 :^)

>Not sure why that's used with a negative connotation
Because of sour grapes.

>don't grow attached to other people
>hurrrr sperg
That's like, just your opinion, man.


I belong on Sup Forums.;_;

>dead end job
>ugly gf who cheats
>too ugly to get anything better

Yea, you only make it in comparison to the absolute losers that dwell here, compared to rest of the world though you are pond scum that people don't even want to pity because you disgust them enough.

As vague and lop-sided as this is, I got 90.
Not really.

>>not doing drugs/smoking weed makes you a normalfag
>wtf? DUDE WEED is like the most normie shit out there.
Do you think that infographic/test/whatever you want to call it was made by a normal person? Look at how rigid and autistic the results section is.


Exactly what I am desu, but I'm looking forwards to exercice and having a bf real soon

Have you taking a look at the political positions represented here? Most in no way, shape or form represent mainstream political views in the country of the poster.

I was a Sup Forums regular up until a year or so ago, only came back to see the brexit discussions. It has only gotten worse since the last time I was here.

Assuming people here are "normal" will seriously skew your view on the world. Don't do it. Actually don't go to Sup Forums at all for too long.