These are the people who call you dumb on Sup Forums

>these are the people who call you dumb on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>being called dumb by brits

you must be really dumb

I thought it was common knowledge Brits are fucking stupid.

they are

Yeah, duh. Are you sure you're not one of them?

Deport Muslims and Blacks.

so thats why so many wanted to stay, they have never read a history book

>Google Trends shows search data as 'relative' and not specific numbers. But we can still easily prove very little, if anyone, has been searching for EU related terms by comparing them against shit people are unlikely to search for:

>"Lawnmowers" vs "What is the EU?" 50 to 3
>"Werewolf" vs "What is the EU?" 52 to 7
>"Rules of football" vs "What is the EU?" 50 vs 50 (tied)

anglos are either very intelligent or very stupid.
That's why America has the best univeritites in the world but at the same time the highest rate (among western countries) of people who don't believe in evolution.

Remember, they call us stupid to deflect that same criticism away from themselves.

>people who don't believe in evolution
That's a bit different; there's an effort among religious zealots to disprove evolution because it threatens their young-earth bullshit, so they actively sow disinformation.

well yeah didn't you know pork is haram?

>britain's future ruined by 70 yo dumb cunts who don't know what eu is, who still think uk owns india.

ayy lmao. literally worse than electing erdogan.


>literally worse than electing erdogan
not by a long shot

How do you know it's leave voters? Could be remain voters because they didn't expect a brexit

Who on Earth would ever want their country to remain a member of an organization they've never even heard of?

Not all religions stick to the young-earth shit.
Jehovas Witnesses know its impossible for the earth to be only 5000 years (or however old people think it is) and they somewhat look into science to explain their beliefs. But since they have a small voice, no one really pays attention to them

I know this from many years of attending their meetings and at one point almost getting baptised

It's probably because of how much inequality there is in our societies. Half the country lives in absolute poverty and the other half is rich as fuck. Poor people tend to be dumb fucks

Then we should all ask ourselves - why is there such disproportional inequality in the UK and USA?

They are. This is especially true in provincial areas. This is why cities chose to remain, but the inbred hicks chose to leave.

Could be because we allow working people to keep most of what they've earned instead of forcing them to redistribute it to people who do nothing all day.

Because half of the anglos are too dumb to make it
>tips american dream myth

Jesus Christ


Brits arznt stupid right wingers are

Because the poor don't wish to change. Why work hard when you can get away with the bare minimum. People don't change. Except when they're rotting.

>Copoc пaк cпeчeли нa гъpбa нa Beликoбpитaния
>Soros won again on the back of Great Britain
Bravo Britain.


Is there a more easily manipulated country in the world or you have the top place reserved for the ages??

*Ceгa cцeнapият дo гoлямa cтeпeн ce пoвтapя. Пpeз 1992 г. Copoc и гpyпa инвecтитopи yмeлo изпoлзвaхa мeдиитe нa Ocтpoвa, зa дa пpитиcнaт бpитaнcкoтo пpaвитeлcтвo, пpaвeйки пo-лecнo зa нeгo peшeниeтo дa излeзe oт eвpoпeйcкия вaлyтeн мeхaнизъм и дa дeвaлвиpa пayндa.*

*He e яcнa тoчнaтa cyмa, кoятo милиapдepът cпeчeли oт вoтa зa „бpeкзит”, нo oт пyблични дaнни, кoитo фoндът мy Soros Fund Management e зaдължeн дa пpeдocтaвя cпopeд peгyлaциитe в CAЩ, тoй e yдвoил зaлoзитe cи зa излизaнe нa Beликoбpитaния oт EC пo-paнo тaзи гoдинa, oтвapяйки къcи пoзиции въpхy пayндa, oблигaции и aкции.*