What operating system would Adolf Hitler have used?

What operating system would Adolf Hitler have used?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mac O SS

Windows 3rd Reich



Would've had his cronies make one and market it as the only pure OS.

Apartheid Linux

He failed at everything he set out to do, so probably GNU/Linux.


"Betriebsanwendung für Rechenmaschinen version 8.8"



It wipes out your configs every update.


Probably MacOS desu. He was a vegetarian, animal rights activist, and socialist so he fits the demographic.

>animal rights activist
>kills jews
also hitler wasnt gay, so no MacOS

Comparing jews to animal is an insult for animal, user.
Animal is for loving, while jew is for gasing.

Who was the developer that ended up killing himself a few years ago?

loled that this is a thing

You don't know when will it shit itself

This. It's something that contemporary totalitarian regimes do nowadays. See Red Star OS.

This needs a quick photoshop.

will gentoo run on my Z3 boys?

Are you talking about Ian Murdock who founded Debian or someone else? He killed himself in the end of 2015. Nobody else comes to my mind

kind of funny

Hitler obviously would've use openSUSE, as it is a German made distro. Fucking idiots...

Yes but it takes three months to compile chromium

Anything from IBM.

It would take longer than the Reich planned to exist.

>Red Star OS
