Why the fuck does Vim jump lines when I'm trying to edit a file? For example, I'll be on line 40...

Why the fuck does Vim jump lines when I'm trying to edit a file? For example, I'll be on line 40, trying to go to line 42, but instead, it 'jumps' to line 44, avoiding the line I want to go to. What is this bullshit?

To make this thread relevant to the board, should I switch to emacs? Which do you use? Pros/Cons?

That's what you get for using inferior software. Emacs doesn't have these problems.

> 22
> 33

I feel the power of these dubs. What makes emacs superior, if you don't mind sharing your thoughts?

:help pebcac

All work fine on my machine

Lul, fuck ye m8.

How is using the software i.e. what it's supposed to do, my fault?

Do you have word wrap on or something?

How about you describe the motions you used to attempt to move down two lines, so we can instead make fun of you for being a brainlet that doesn't know how to use vi?

Who is this OP?

Not sure.

I figured out how to get to the line I want, though. I literally have to hold 'l' down and run through an entire line of text to get to the bottom(which is the following text).

What the fuck. How is this "fast"?

I guess it is a pebcac. *~*

8/10 I enjoyed that post.
Thanks OP.
Reminds me of the time I had to help my Grandmother with photo editing software.

You're far too dumb to be using vi: the greatest
piece of software ever to be created in the past
40 years. Just use nano.
Your problem is with wordwrap.
I would tell you to turn it off or turn on
line numbering or to map "gj" to "j" or
something like that, but what's the point.

could you show a screencast? I haven't had that problem

oh so the lines were too long. Btw to skip to the end of the line hit $

also Shift-A will put you in insert at the end of the line.

Vim is top tier shit man but you should use the vimtutor.

Today I was reading the vim manual I came across a part of a chapter that may be useful to you. 10.7 on formatting text, shows a couple settings regarding line wrapping and how to quickly convert long lines to short ones.

It is found typing first :help and then within "usr_10.txt Making Big Changes". ctrl + ] to enter the chapter once your cursor is over it.

this is a great chapter. I'm about a thrid of the way through it and picked up quite a lot

:set number

Your multiple lines is actually just one very long line.

Programmable functions, Emacs ecosystem, Lisp, etc.

It's a boy

are you Turk?

literal moron. hahahah. you should stick to nano.