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Old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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bangin ur mum

nth for join points

who's your favorite csci author? mine's brian kernighan

implementing signal processing paper with sepples

Link paper.




excellent post

I'm finishing up an android app, and I've reached the point where everytime I want to publish it, I decide I want to add one more feature. I think I'm just worried if the first release is missing "feature x" then people will pass over it or rate it bad

Does anything in university ever actually get seriously difficult?
I just got into algo/data struct and we've already built simulated multi-level caches and round-robin CPU schedulers, which I'm sure would be much more difficult to implement on the OS level but as an exercise were...not hard, at all.
I keep expecting "the next class" to be where it gets real and interesting, but class after class is just "oh so that's how you do that" followed by no critical thinking for two weeks.

Is there a language like C that doesn't require me to spend hours trying to get libraries from 20 years ago to work?

inheritance was a mistake

Yeah. It's C without windows.

OOP was a mistake.

why hello there missy

procedural was a mistake


I'm sorry you don't know how to use a package manager and automake. It's way less arcane than adding packages in visual studio or java ides.


haskell is dead

I'm sorry you have never written a program that is deeper than a puddle.

C++ killed programming back in the 80's


You're making a mistake if you're in a situation where you can choose what you can use and you chose 20 year old obscure libraries with compatibility that you can only download off geocities backups on archive.org

It's not C's fault that you're straying into the woods and getting cuts on your legs. You can do that with any language.

Enjoy your single threaded pile of garbage

So just release it, have people complain and the update with a new feature. Gets your shit out there and shows you listen to your userbase.

Calm down. This is a nice thread.

Actually, I'm not making a mistake. You're just too stupid to understand that your own experiences don't necessarily reflect everyone else's.

>I'm not making a mistake
>I'm trying to write stuff in C and am heavily relying on everybody else to have written a library for me already
You should go back to Python, C is not meant to be used with your import addictions.

this guy -> is right, listen to him

stop posting rude languages like ocaml!

Yeah, okay. Come back to me when you can find a low-level boot delimitation library for C that's compatible with current hardware.
You can find one for plenty of other languages.

Complete idiots...

The irony is palpable.

wrote a toy assembler today. The assembly lang is fictional and rather limited, though

It's really not. You have no idea of what you're talking about. Go back to writing hello world programs.

Also started working on my minimal shell again calling it lush.

Nobody cares, fucktard.

I have literally never heard of boot delimination, searching boot delimination brings up nothing. Fuck, google autoexcludes delimination.

I have a lot of trouble believing there's a "low level" library you can't call with inline assembly.

I can taste how upset you are from here.
C is not a language where you run around and import 30 libraries to do what you want. If you're working in C you're almost guaranteed going to have to write most of it yourself.
I know that's not the answer you want to hear because boo hoo, now you have to work! But that's the reality of the language.

> What are you working on, Sup Forums?
I said what I'm working on.

Yeah, and I told you nobody cares.

Neat. Post some examples.

I've thought about writing a FORTH interpreter myself.


fair point.
What are you working on?

lol @ pretending someone actually cares about your garbage to make yourself feel better


I'm a contributor on the NodeOS project and I'm working on that right now.

some examples of?

>Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace.
I don't like you.
I don't like you very much at all.

Why not?

that's neat! how does it boot though? And everything has to be run in userland or am I wrong? cr0 can't be accessed.

Stop using javascript for things it wasnt meant for

Shit programmer here.

So I'm extremely unfamiliar with android studio and I haven't touched Java in forever.

I'm trying to create a color changing like stop light button that takes in a click, then pauses, before turning to the next color.

Basically how I have it is

//Stop is the Button from my MainActivity.xml file
Stop = (Button) findViewById(R.id.stopButton);
//(onclick class)
//Pausing the thread for 5 seconds
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

But this basically ends up with Thread.sleep for the time, but the actual Tint change never happens. It's just sleeps for 10 seconds. Is there (obviously) a better way to do this, or some method more specific to AS for handling Activity pauses/breaks? How do I pause the activity for 5 seconds, do a tint change to the button, then continue on?

Examples of your assembly

Of course the fag being so hostile to an user working with assembly is a jscuck. I bet you're also the fag who can't comprehend "apt-get install libxxx-dev" and "./configure; make; make install"

Please have mercy on me /dpt/

This is a program written for a university assignment. INb4 "not doing your home work for you", I've already completed it. Could I get some meaningful feedback? The TA who grades these "doesn't like to type" and just gives out 100's or 0's.

I know there are a multitude of things that could be done better, but I'll never be able to fix them if I don't know what/where they are.


Requires mcsp.wartburg.edu/zelle/python/graphics.py

Is it due tonight? If not, go directly to the TA and ask for help. That's your best plan. And if the TA shoots you down, bitch to the administration.

I'd bitch to the professor AND administration anyway for only giving 100s or 0s on essentially an essay assignment.

>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
I'm writing a fizzbuzz program in pure binary using only a hex editor.

oh sure.
the lang is just simple functions ATM.
IM 2
AR 0

this would be the assembly of a function that takes one input and adds 2 to it.
Your code isn't an OS... it just calls os constructs via system calls and would not work without another OS beneath it.

>Your code isn't an OS...
Right.. And macOS isn't an OS either, is what you're saying?

It's really minmal. you have 2 regs (one Accum, one GP), a stack and basic arithmetic ops.
SW swaps the contents of the two regs.

No It is. It is self reliant. It has access to real mode and is written in a language that can use constructs of Machine language necessary for an OS.

you're retarded

>It is self reliant.

probably. I mean my assembly lang was made without IO or a strict wordsize. That's pretty dumb.

Have you ever played TIS-100?

No. is that the assembly lang game on steam?

>bitch to the administration.
Do you live in some sort of alternate universe where people care? The administration doesn't care. The professor doesn't care.

The TA "Just took the class semester" and "doesn't like typing".

When do you realize that you got comfy with your language? Is it when you start using it to automate your personal tasks?

I didn't.

>getting comfy with a language

I'm guessing you're taking an intro to programming course. So drop the course then. Take it at community college or another semester.

Also have you >>tried>tried

what programming can I learnto make an iphone app

C but you'll need to learn to inline asm as well so research assembly



You'll need Ruby for that. You can try it out in your browser at tryruby.org

Fuck, you could go nuclear if they don't do anything. Research around for similar on campus and write a hit column about how "University of Students Getting Fucked Because They're Weak Cucks'" computer science department is a degree mill which puts little effort into ensuring students have an ability to program.

And tips for talking with people. Don't whine about your grade. You sound like an cheating indian premed student. Whine about how you don't understand the material and you can't learn from your mistakes because the TA is a lazy piece of shit.

a gun

read this book to make your iphone apps fast

A lot of this.
School administrators are gigantic fucking pushovers, so if your prof is pulling some kind of bullshit you can go over his head and get that shit taken care of.

Machine code is the master race because it came first, no computer or language can run without it. Efficient and organized. Nobody ever said the master race of programming needed to be handwritten. Prove me wrong Sup Forums.

The more I read, the worse it gets

Respect your elders, cunt.

You can handwrite machine code.

prove it

Just use this:

Swift !

>Take it at community college
Already taking it at a "I couldn't afford to go anywhere bettter" state school.

>Also have you >>triedHave you actually >>tried TA is a lazy piece of shit
In his defense, he only has one hand.

if your classes are longer than four lines you're doing oop wrong

shut the fuck up idiot

Do you know any good Javascript arithmetical parser which stores an expression in an AST and lets me run it thousands of times with different variable values?

I have found and tried some conventional parsers, but I don't want to rebuild the AST each time I evaluate the function with different variable values.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

unless you go to a university prestigious for stem you shouldn't really be humble bragging. my university's not the best so i supplement with self study

>having classes at all
Pajeet, out.

I'm not trying to humble brag, I'm legitimately asking, because if it's not gunna get hard I'm gunna start slamming textbooks into my brain.

C is for systems programming and things that require super high efficiency. if you want numerous easy to use libraries that just werk and which you can copy-paste together, C isn't the language for you. if you're making a desktop application use java or something. no one hardly even uses C anymore so why are you even using it?

You'll need either Swift or Objective-C, and XCode, which only runs on Macs.