Any Witcher-like open world games where my character is never alone?

Any Witcher-like open world games where my character is never alone?

I'm afraid to be alone.

real life but only when you're a handsome extravert

World of Warcraft, make your own private server and play as a hunter or warlock. Personally I'd go with warlock for dat succubus.
You can play offline or open a port so your friends join you and then you'll never be alone. Until you realize that all end-game content and some mid-game content is useless without at least 100 players.

Good luck!


Dragon's Dogma

Fallout 4.
A ""wasteland"" where you're drowning in random npcs and enemies 99.9% of the time, game even throws a companion and your own faction on you within the first ten minutes outside of the vault.
Even if you kill off everyone you meet, they just respawn in a day or so unless named.

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

fallout 4 is freaking garbage

Watch Dogs 2

The NPCs in Fallout New Vegas learns and grows as people if you take them with you. The game is not "Witcher-like" in any sense but the NPCs are very well written. The game is good too.

Other than that the Elder Scrolls games allows for companions as well. The last three games even has tons of companion mods. I recommend Sofia the Funny Follower for Skyrim. She's super hilarious and one of the more vocal ones. I also recommend 3dnpc for tons of extra people to talk to and bring with you.

This. 3 and NV are better.

3 is garbage too

But it's better than 4 :^)

>poop is better then diarrhea

>Fallout 4
>A ""wasteland""
Come on this game is such a garbage. Play Wasteland 2 ou Fallout New Vegas, but not this one.

Sorry to tell you that but you're in the wrong chan. Go to Sup Forums

You really had me going OP, for a moment I almost though this was Sup Forums.

But poop IS better than diarrhea. Not to mention pooping feels so relieving.

>we're born alone
I don't know about you, freak, but I was born from my mother's womb and was placed right into her loving arms.

Your consciousness is alone. We can express parts of it to other people through language and facial expression, but only a tiny sliver. We're still always alone with our thoughts. Especially a baby, since it can't express anything meaningful about what it's experiencing.

It's like you don't even like having the physics engine tied to FPS, broken reticles on anything but 16:9 screens, collecting power armor just lying around like they're cola bottles, having four pre-recorded dialog choices all of which are retarded and generally of no consequence because you're pre-destined to be a concerned parent and a retard, or randomly generated bullshit tower defense / kill / fetch quests.

At least 4 has somewhat decent combat, for a Bethesda game anyway.
I can't recall a single positive thing to say about FO3.

>Being headshot by a guy over Corvega factory.
>50m distance
>Kill the guy after reloading the game
>Got a fucking shotgun
This game is just broken, the story is just written by a 5yo child and god, why did you do this to Fallout Bethesda, Obsidian was ok to make another one.


Shotguns can fuck your shit up perfectly fine at 50m (and I don't even like them), it's just vidya that gets it wrong.
What's retarded about FO4 is that in your hands shotguns are useless beyond 15m and .38 guns are useless at any distance, but "legendary alpha veteran killer raider commander" will 360° oneshot you.
Don't forget about the randomly generated magical bullshit drop like plasma-infused .44 revolvers, armor that absorbs damage from a certain type of enemy, or an assault shotgun with extra explosive damage (completely broken, will dismember everything in the room almost instantly, on higher levels it results in still-alive torsos of legendary bullshit enemies lying on the floor, and you having to walk from one to another, magdumping into their heads to actually kill them.)

In Skyrim you can have pet cats!

Take this shit to v!

Wasteland 2 is shit, tho.

t. kickstarter backer

Still a better game than Fallout 3 and 4. Not the best, but quite decent compared to these. The only one thing that was cool were the ambiance of some places in the 4, after, there wasn't nothing to keep.

I feel like it's too late to really get into WoW. Nevermind that, I don't really think I would want to go back.

real life

Nier Automata is a masterpiece.
