I fucked up guys, help

I fucked up guys, help.

I recently graduated hs with an average of 53%. No, I'm not a retard, I just spent most of hs learning how to program and doing projects on GitHub.

My parents think I got a better mark, probably because they see me coding all day, and I'm waiting for my acceptance letters. I put why I got such a low grade in my letter, and even sent a link to my GitHub, but I doubt it will be enough.

Did I just fuck up my future?


You can't graduate with a failing grade, retart

You need a 50 to graduate, I got a 53

you actually note your mark on your resume ?
wow that's retarded

You fucked up really really bad. Getting into a good university is the most important thing for your career.

Just go straight into industry, if you are already capable of keeping up then college would only be cv padding. Might be a bitch getting a job but get your hustle on, build your portfolio, go to hackathons to show off and get contacts. Maybe accept some shitty internship for a year to get a reference.

Dude, no one cares. The answers are infront of you. The programs you applied to had a higher grade needed then you achieved.

You will not be accepted.
You will face reality.
You are lazy and your projects will not save you.
Time to learn on your own for the next year and see if any school will gift you the scraps of a decent education.

Why do you ask questions you know the answer to? Did you expect someone to say something different? Must be tough buddy, go clean your room and tell your parents the truth. Weigh your options and talk to your tech profs at the school. Goodluck.

Dicks' Sporting Goods carries 12 gauge slugs if you need them.

OP post your github link
pretty sure its 99 % c+p

Hey OP, i made the mistake of going to a shit university, when i already knew how to program. 5 years of non-sense group projects, not waking up because i don't want to sleep during lectures, lack of motivation after because a Msc in Computer Science there was such a bullshit diploma.

I didn't need it. And it's not even useful anymore. It'll help you find your first job maybe, but after that a good github/stackoverflow, and of course relevant professional experience will make all the difference.

You might not need uni at all. Try not to rack a huge debt like a lot of us did, and keep doing what you're doing.

Lmao they really dumbed shit down since I was in school.
70 was the lowest passing grade

I worked with people who didn't go to college and while they are great 95% of the time you notice that they skimped on some topics. Which is okay if you want to do the same job for 40 years but I wouldn't want to promote somebody who isn't on par with his colleagues.

I don't know the American education system good enough but can't you do a year or so community college to get good grades and then apply to college with those grades?

Yeah, but the thing is I want to get a PhD in CS, and work on machine learning algorithms and just general AI research. I don't really care about making a shit load of money, I program because it's fun and interesting, not to make money.

He probably lives in canada, it's 50 here. But to get such a low grade really takes some real autism, anybody should be able to get a 70 in math/sci courses if you actually try and if you aren't a brainlet you should be able to get at least an 80.

Like the other anons said, you're not that fucked. You can always start working right away, even if for free initially. Besides, it doesn't look like you'd like college that much, academically, since you got such low grades. If you're in burgerland, there's really no reason to go into so much debt in your case.

share your github with us plz

Are you in canada? What unis did you apply to? And for what programs? I can tell you now that if you do live in canada no uni is accepting you with that average. Take a fifth year, actually try and apply next year.

>F is a passing grade in Canada

If he's in ontario, the way shit is graded is aids because it's pooled into these autistic sections that all weight your grade differently. It's a lot easier when the grades are just pooled into one section with whatever weightings they should have. But there is no excuse for


Go to community college and transfer to a state university.

Fuck I want to do the same but with robotics, tough I already have the engineering degree and finishing the MSC. Probably the next year I get into some PhD degree but never looking forward the money, just the fucking fun of doing it. The pesos will come however.

>mfw Dean's list every quarter
Work harder, don't be a nigger