Fuck you Sup Forums. Your shitty advice has made me regret every tech purchase I've made since I started lurking here

Fuck you Sup Forums. Your shitty advice has made me regret every tech purchase I've made since I started lurking here.

Everyone here told me "yo dude the moto x/g is like the best phone for the money, you'll get the fastest android updates too"

I first got the Sup Forums and it was so fucking laggy from the basic apps I used. Within a month I upgraded to the moto x pure, thinking I'd have a future proof phone for the next few years.

NOPE. I had to replace the battery 3 times already because it could barely hold a charge and would overheat randomly, but even when it could hold a charge the micro usb port was fucked after the first month.
Now it can only charge if I bend the cable at an odd angle. I'm still waiting for android 7 too!

I also needed a laptop for school, and everyone here was shilling for a thinkpad. Picked up a T430, then after my first semester I realized that this junk compiles quartus projects slower than my friends cheap core M ultrabook. Battery life is absolute shit in comparison too.

Then there was that meme: "you don't need more than 8GB of ram to run games"
Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%, rarely lower. If I fire up photoshop and visual/android studio, I'm probably using 20GB on average. You faggots were the only reason I thought I'd get a mini ITX board because "gee they said I'd never need 16gb of ram for daily use"

You fucks told me to install linux to use less ram. I wasted 2 weeks browsing obscure forums trying to figure out how to install fedora since the installer wouldn't function properly. When I finally got it installed, I realized that I couldn't even keep my 295x2 plugged in without the whole computer killing itself and rebooting endlessly.

Fuck you all.

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nice blog faggot

That's what you get for listening to people who probably use all those things in a different way than you do.

Summer needs to end

Stop being a whiny gamer faggot and use that GPU for mining Ethereum while it crashes like your self-respect.

>everything Sup Forums ever told me has lead me to fall for the meme

Maybe you just aren't smart enough to figure it out user. Sounds like you've only been here about a month and a half

>listening to Sup Forums

You got what you deserved. You still deserve worse. I don't feel sorry for you and hope you do it all again.

been here since 2009. I figured it out now after taking Sup Forums's shitty advice, now I'm finally buying more suitable hardware.

I haven't touched a video game in over a year, the GPU is for openCL exclusively.

I use the hardware for the most Sup Forums related things possible, so...

I love my lineage os powered moto g5 though

>Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%, rarely lower. If I fire up photoshop and visual/android studio, I'm probably using 20GB on average. You faggots were the only reason I thought I'd get a mini ITX board because "gee they said I'd never need 16gb of ram for daily use"
You're a literal retard that doesn't understand OS RAM management.

>moto Sup Forums

What the fuck were you doing with it, mining bitcoin?

I know that this is just shitposting, but if it's true, I am genuinely happy you were dumb enough to do as we say.

Not enough ram to run anything

Yeah I've learned to take advice from Sup Forums with a truckload of salt.

Fuck Sup Forums and their MX100 recommendations. Crucial dropped the MX100 barely past an year because they couldn't fix the random drop out issues. Fucking MLC drive with only 72TBW rating and drive health drops like crazy.

Bought a Kingston and it's been much more reliable.

Fucking Sup Forums and their R5 1600x meme, I'm on the latest bios and 3200mhz is still unattainable if there is more than 2*8gb ram in it. Also can't hit 4.0ghz on all 6 cores even on an AIO.

Fuck Sup Forums and their G400s bullshit, has the fucking worst scroll wheel I've ever laid my hands on.

Also fuck linux, and fuck mint.

Fuck Sup Forums for recommending the RX shit480, AMD replaced it with the 500 series because the 400 series were shit, ran hot and were not competitive.

At least the miners took it off my hands so I can go back to GTX and bought a 1070


Dude, it's like all you do is make bad choices. I don't think Sup Forums is an issue per se, if Sup Forums wasn't there, you'd be taking bad advice from somebody else.

Just because people suggests things to you doesn't mean you shouldn't look up shit on your own before purchases. You're the only one to blame tard.

>Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%, rarely lower.
Even though this is clearly bait, why the fuck would you need like 400 tabs open at the same time?

>Fuck Sup Forums and their G400s bullshit

Never take advice on mice from anyone, let alone retards on Sup Forums. The pipeline for mouse recommendations is something like OCN > shitty gaming forums and reddit > your mom's ass > Sup Forums. Needless to say, crucial information gets lost on the way. What these idiots spout is third hand opinions that they don't even understand.

Most optical sensors today are good enough for anything. You don't necessarily need a 3366 or even a 3360, you're not making money in Counter Strike. Fuck, even that scene is littered with 3310 zowie mice with their "swamp cursors". When you pick a mouse, think about shape first and foremost and get something that agrees with how you move your mouse. Not how it sits in your hand as common sense would imply, but how it moves with your hand. How easy it is to make precise adjustments. And of course, don't use a shitty mousepad and if your mouse has shitty feet, change that - any advantage of a good mouse is lost without taking care of this.

I'm using a g100s and its supposedly meager sensor is actually great. I had no trouble being very good at Quake with office mice, so fuck all this sensor talk. If it's not smoothing out the ass like a 9800 or something, you're fine.

You're just shit at life, son.

Got it for $400, and it still beats my friends new Titan X in almost every openCL application by a considerable amount. Nvidia still doesn't have a single slot video card that can match it in pure performance, and it's been years since it's release...

>takes tech advice from Sup Forums

Fair enough, that's a great price, especially if you got it a long time ago.

I only have 20ish tabs open, 6 for entertainment/Facebook and 10+ for documentation/textbooks. I have a constant backup running in background too, which takes up a lot of ram as well.

>constant backup running in background
>clearly special case
>8gb is not enough! you lied to me Sup Forums!

Do you ever think for yourself?

you learned the hard way OP. 1/5th of the posters on Sup Forums actually know what they're talking about and most of them aren't even browsing all the time either. Honestly Linus is pretty good for advice and the highest-rated, most reviewed product on newegg or amazon is generally a pretty decent product. trust your gut

>Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%
The fuck? Close some tabs moron, I'm barely hitting 5GB with Chrome (5 tabs, 17 extensions), VS and Photoshop running.

You have a bookmarks feature for a reason, stop using tabs as bookmarks.

I remember using Quartus. It's just slow in general.

So you're saying their projects compiled way faster on a Core M vs. your i5-3320M? That doesn't make any sense.

Same with using that much RAM for what you're doing. I have 40 tabs open right now in Chrome on Windows, and a linux VM running, and I still have 4GB out of 16 free.

You sound like you're just shit with technology.

It's not anything special, just copying from one slow 8TB drive to another using standard backup software. I'd be surprised if most people didn't already do that...

You are just a fucking faggot

>Sup Forums told me to get a 2500k
You guys are the best.
>Sup Forums told me.to get g603 and g303
They are great.

>Sup Forums told me.to get a t420

Shit is durable easy to repair and run just like any other laptop once again Sup Forums has never let me down

This place is full of shills targeting the budget oriented segment, they are not even trying to hide it anymore. Sometimes they shill a bit more expensive products from Sony too. But mostly AMD trash shilling central.

>Intel+Nvidia damage control poster.

>taking advice from american trap porn site

The only damage is on your esophagus from Raja's spicy poo that you guzzle so hard. Intel are still like 10 times bigger than AMD if not more and AMD can't even put out a card that competes with 1070 and up. AMD is still alive thanks to shitting out overpriced trash to the poor people who get lied by their marketing expecting some fucking miracle because they don't realize you get what you pay for.

tl;dr go back to plebbit or wherever you came from, I built my desktop pc with Sup Forums advice and it's been running fine for almost 2 years now.

I had 2 G100s and they both started double clicking and letting go when I drag n drop. Cheap mice never seems to last more than half an year for me, RMAed both of them, sold one, gave away the other.

> T430
> Not 420
What's the point.
>gee they said I'd never need 16gb of ram for daily use
I could've said the same about 16mb 30 years ago. You see, computer industry is developing.
Thinkpad is famous for its performance per price. Find me an i5 14" upgradeable laptop for $150, even used one.
> install linux to use less ram
> I couldn't even keep my 295x2 plugged in without the whole computer killing itself
It used less RAM, though.

>I wasted 2 weeks browsing obscure forums trying to figure out how to install fedora
Here's a tip:

>moto g

Memes are the only way to live, its max comfy


This has nothing to do with the cheapness of the mouse. G100s had a design flaw. Double clicking can be easily fixed (forgot how right this moment, but it's a piece of piss). On mine, left mouse click simply died altogether so I had it repaired instead.

But here's the thing - the only mice I ever used that were immune to m1 and m2 failing were the shittiest, cheapest office mice around. It only seems to happen on gaming mice - and even when it does, it's usually an issue with the shell itself rather than the switch.

>Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%, rarely lower. If I fire up photoshop and visual/android studio, I'm probably using 20GB on average.

>Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%, rarely lower.

I don't even understand how. Do you have 300 tabs open? Close your browser and restart it. I had 300 tabs open (because fuck "bookmarks") but only a few of them actually loaded. Along with that, blender was running, hammer for dota, unrealed 3.0 and unity (don't even ask why) and I didn't reach close to 50%. 16 gigs of ram here too.

>2 GB or more of RAM (8 GB recommended)
> GB of RAM; 4 GB of RAM recommended
>3 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended; plus 1 GB for the Android Emulator

not my problem you are literally retarded, of course you need more ram for development you literal retard

>Right now I'm sitting with 16GB of ram just browsing the web and memory usage is 75%, rarely lower.
the problem is somewhere else you literal retard and it's probably related to Win10 you literal retard

I bought quite a few things after Sup Forums's recommendation.

best deal I've ever gotten in my life, served me well, it still works but won't keep up with games on 1080p
>Samsung 830
Still works wonders! I don't need anything better than that.
it's fine, although I wish I had saved up for a cheapy 1440p
it's okay, but I have expected better
>Define R4
clean, modular, plenty of room for HDDs and stuff.
slapped it into my laptop, worked well since 2014

either I'm lucky or I just have some common sense, because I don't buy stuff that's too good to be true

what is this from

>Sup Forumsuys, please recommend me some good hardware and software, because I'm incapable of making my own decisions t. brainlet

Seriously you must be really retarded if you buy some meme shit shilled by literal autists.
Why didn't you install Gentoo you retard, didn't Sup Forums told you to do it?

>muh RAM
>better use the most bloated piece of shit software that exists with the most bloated OS ever
use GIMP and Codeblocks and adblocker and your RAM problems are solved

god I hope you are a troll
>better not install Ubuntu which is the most recommended Linux, better use a meme distro