Ending net nutrality will be the best thing for the internet...

Ending net nutrality will be the best thing for the internet. By making people have to pay extra for social media sites it may end up limiting the access to those sites due to some people simply not wanting to pay to go to facebook or instagram etc. By limiting access to those sites the social media/fake news machine will have less control over peoples lives.

Just look at what cable is already doing with bundling everything. If they are allowed to get control over the internet they will tear it apart real quick and that's exactly what needs to happen. The internet needs to be destroyed and rebuilt in manner that makes in decentralized and has a higher barrier to entry to keep the women and normies out.

Something low bandwith would be great imho. That would essentially kill "media" No more porn, No more stacey and her selfies. No more tyrone showing off his stolen shoe collection.

This is one time where capitalism can actually use it's power to destroy a greater evil.

Other urls found in this thread:


>net neutrality

You mean that thing we've always had, but only became an issue because Netflix lobbied Obama because they didn't want to pay what they owe?

The internet can be destroyed by ending net neutrality, but there is basically no chance you can rebuild it as a new decentralized thing. You will not get radio frequencies or cables for it.

Mesh nets will pop up using existing 2.4ghz and 5ghz frequencies.

>But it will be slow

Yes that's the whole point. It needs to be slow to cut out the social media cancer infecting it.

You got it wrong, you imbecile. It's the social media sites and netflixes who'll pay to have decent speed, and all ELSE will be slow unless YOU pay up.

But that's wrong. Sites like youtube and netflix are extremely high bandwith sites. They use up more data than other sites. Even FB Twitter and instagram are all full of video content. These sites will be the ones throttled first.

Any media site including Sup Forums is just apart of the cancer that needs to be cut out.

>including Sup Forums

Trust me. We wont need this place anymore after we kick stacey and tryone off the internet.

Can you US warriors of social justice explain?
The rest of the world has been enjoying everything for free, why should we care if you have to pay for fresh air?

Basically if it passes, Stacy will have to pay more if she wants to post her selfies on instagram and share reddit memes of facebook.

ITT: Poe's law.

Social media is going to be free nigga, they're not going to unplug their surveilance machine.

Also the more sluts there are on the net, the better the amateur porn.

>Still no revolt for better internet in the American States of Freedom

Wait, is this what the state department meant about provocatively seeding discussions?

You're a delusional moron. Instead of decentralized democracy (in original sense of the word), it will end up starving millions and handing most power to the few. Just like certain political system which wanted "decentralized democracy".

It's the price we pay for not paying 60% income tax, senpai.

>too many temporarily embarrassed millionaires

I'd rather pay the tax and get some real live public services for real public benefit.

>public services for public benefit
How much of those benefits, in terms of raw dollar value, have you consumed? I hope it's half or more of what you've paid overall.

Op, kill yourself my man

Free Healthcare, not having to take a loan to go to university, Roads that don't have holes bigger than the cars that drive on them, being able to live off of the state for a few months if you can't find a job, and more.
I think it adds up.

Tards thinking this was about anything more than Netflix and other content providers rent-seeking from the government to not have to pay their fair share of network usage fees to ISPs when they take up the majority of the bandwidth.

Net Neutrality = solution looking for a problem. Nevermind that banning municipal and state monopolies would have been far more productive.

Back to the psych ward with you.

Furthermore, the unintended consequences of Net Neutrality are that ISPs have less incentive to invest in their infrastructure now. You will see stagnating speeds and stability problems.

Think of a toll road. Do the semi-trucks and Smart cars have the same usage of the roadway? Do they cause the same amount of congestion? The same amount of damage? Etc...

So why the fuck should ISPs be forced by the government to give giant content providers a free pass on their networks compared to other regular traffic? The ISPs don't own their networks now? Are we going to fucking socialize the communications market? Where does this shit end?

You didn't answer my question. I don't give a shit about your idea of public good, how much have you personally benefitted? Having working roads is not an accomplishment, by the way.

lol at all the Americans defending this because Drumpf said so. If Hillary said she wanted this Sup Forums would go into a meltdown

Nigga i need to shitpost

What Sup Forums wants:
>as much freedom of speech as possible
>the ability to run servers from home
>no data caps
>no tiered pricing bullshit

Will ending net neutrality enable these things to happen? NOPE

>Mesh nets will pop up using existing 2.4ghz and 5ghz frequencies.

This is unironically exciting to me. My dad recently has been tinkering with mesh nets and showed me what he had using all commercial products. He's kind of a tinfoil but goddamn is it cool although he's retired so I'm iffy about the time investment required. "no time" to him is several full days of set up and optimizing the location of the receivers

I'm leery about anything that helps out cable companies, but this really just seems like a hissy fit thrown by internet mega-corporations. The strategies they've used to promote this have been very questionable as well, I went so far as checking the IA site and it seems that they're only interested in spreading a bunch of tripe so filled with buzzwords and scare-mongering that it's impossible to ascertain any kind of informed opinion from their perspective (their shitty attempts at meme images in particular was insulting). A war between these companies and ISPs is probably in our best interest- if Net Neutrality dies they might be forced to lobby for something actually useful like ending ISP monopolies.

I love how these """progressive""" activists primarily attack chairman Pai's race as a fallback argument. Just as racist, hypocritical and ignorant as Cleetus.

Gee I wonder why they're using dishonest methods to achieve their goals.

Retards want to regulate internet content by going back to a 1934 law that led to telephone monopoly.



W3C co. with google, netflix & microsoft gonna JEW us all


Why don't people start using GNUnet now? Seems like a superior choice.

>people are going to starve unless I have my normiebook REEEEE

I have paid a total of $50 for college and haven't paid medical bills in my life. How much have you paid for those?
This isn't about personal gain but about greater good. Even if I don't benefit from it there are people that do. You can't rely on optional charities because of selfish pieces of shit like you who wouldn't give a single cent to anyone else. This is why we need taxes and we should tax rich people more.

>You mean that thing we've always had, but only became an issue because Netflix lobbied Obama because they didn't want to pay what they owe?
Didn't the customers of ISP pay for acress to Netflix? Why would Netflix need to pay money to ISP? They already pays the backbone providers for their net access why do ISP get money for something their customers have already paid for?

So you want your whole life to basically be run like the DMV. Nice dude.
>muh gubbermint roads are good
Have you literally ever driven on state roads? They can't even do that right.

I will not partake in that transaction. What are you going to do? Force me? I fucking dare you.

What is going to happen?
Will we see shit like Freenet gain more popularity?

That was a metaphor referencing communism, you dodo.

>Will we see shit like Freenet gain more popularity?

Maybe a little bit but the average person will just accept whatever happens as long as they can get on facebook

Are you not aware of these incredibly anti net-neutral devices?


>Sup Forums - political discussion

>Sup Forums - political discussion

face it, the whole site is Sup Forums now

Where will Sup Forums's userbase go?
I just want to keep shitposting.

Not /jp/ though

>Arguing for a massive corporation
Are you retarded?

> the unintended consequences of Net Neutrality are that ISPs have less incentive to invest in their infrastructure now

I'm not sure what rock you're living under, but they don't have any incentive to do this as it is since people can only pick from one or two providers.

Netflix costumer were already paying their ISP, why should Netflix pay them too? They must pay their ISP but not the customers.

>Netflix costs more for ISPs to deliver
No it doesn't you fucking retard. It's the same bandwidth that the user is paying. It doesn't matter what website the user is visiting, because the bandwidth cost will be the same. That's what the customer pays for.

Same reason trucking companies pay extra tax to maintain the roads. Sure, I paid for the product in the truck, but the trucks are using up the highways more than anyone else. It's in their interest to help maintain it

The cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics that Sup Forums uses to justify this administration and non-partisan issues never cease to amaze me,

Many ISPs are also cable TV providers.
Netflix is hurting cable subscriptions.
ISPs would love to put their boot on the neck of Netfilx.

Are you retarded? Sup Forums isn't going anywhere.

not necessarily. most ISPs have peering agreements with major cloud companies (especially Netflix) that routes their traffic along a different path. all that constant streaming dumped onto the core ring(s) of an ISP would fuck it up for everyone.

Netflix doesn't pay shit for all that bandwidth used, which if net neutrality was repealed, they would.

and then everyone goes back to pirating everything

They pay at their end, trucks don't pay twice to use a toll road they pay more at the toll booth.

>$0.02 has been deposited to your account


>internet right now is a highway
>retarded companies want to insert toll booths even though tye road is fine
>they want to make a dirt road next to the main road, then call the main road the "fast lane"
>they make you pay the same amount of money for the dirt road as they did the highway, and then you pay even more for the "fast lane"
They just want to rake in the shekels and fags like you will defend it. The internet is now part of this nation's critical infrastructure, and should be controlled completely by the government like electricity, because obviously these fucking kikes can't handle it properly. Fuck you for actually defending this.

is there anyway i can be informed on net neutrality without some reddit faggot fear mongering?

it's hard to believe people think this way, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree haha

>it's hard to believe the goyim know, I guess we'll have to shut it down haha

I'm 4th generation european american, why does opposing government control of private business mean I am jewish?

I think his race has a bit to do with his ignorance :^)

Then you are a shabbos goy

You're feeding the cable company kikes, retard. It's un-American. Stop it.

>think people will have to pay extra for the highest traffic sites and not instead have to pay to surf outside the mainstream

but you want our current RIGHT WING FASCIST administration to control you??

That depends if cable companies play host to those mainstream sites or not.

Uh, user, Facebook is consistently in the top 3 websites. Facebook would pay ISPs extra to make access to Facebook cost less and not count toward data usage on cellular plans before ISPs started charging customers more for accessing Facebook. If anything, net neutrality ending would enhance the current social media cancer on the internet because those companies would have the money to pay ISPs to make their sites cheaper to access.

Over my cold, dead body am I ever paying for porn on government monitored sites.


Trump wants to end Net Neutrality. FCC control the internet, not Trump / Comcast

This is my gripe about this entire thing. It's just placing all the internet discussion into a virtual financial landscape when we really are getting distracted from the core issue. Us Americans have jack shit for lowering internet prices.

hmm I didn't know the fcc wasn't part of the united states government

They operate under Obama law Democrats fixed the internet. Trump want to break it.

>It needs to be slow to cut out the social media cancer infecting it.
I don't think you realize how slow that would be. The backbone routers on such a network would have a bit under 10 Gb/s of bandwidth to split between every other router they connect to, if you used every non overlapping channel available and the best hardware available today. One router connected to 3 others would give that router a synchronous download speed and upload speed of 1.66 Gb/s on each link. Assuming the mesh networks were local, you'd quickly drop to dialup speeds in larger cities, and that's before considering interference from everyone who wants to use their wifi normally. Try serving 400k+ people and you'd see bandwidth available per user drop so low that you'd be better off dialing into BBSes over your VOIP phone (or amateur radio equipment on the 2M/70CM bands).

>Join the Day of Action for Net Neutrality, or else we may all end up banned from Sup Forums.

>click link
>see john oliver supports net neutrality

not an argument, now sign the petition or be banned from Sup Forums forever drumpfkin

Even Sup Forums supports this shit you retard.
If these fucks win- everyone from the most REEE of Tumblr to the most dipshit of Sup Forums are at the whim of an asshole at a cable company.

argumentum ad populum

>I won't support net neutrality because someone I don't like supports net neutrality

t. r/the_donald

>Mark Zuckerberg supports net neutrality

ahahah, facebook and friends would buy their way to be first in line on any ISP's tier list, it won't stop anybody from using social media. Argument dead, end yourself.

repealing Net Neutrality, will take us to the stone age in internet infrastructure. The ISP's will not have to invest to make more money. Like always with this government, consumers end up with the short end of the stick. They don't want balance in this Jungle, they just want to prevail, by tying everybody's hands.

t. Drumpfkin

Just go back to Sup Forums and make a thread there, most of the folks on Sup Forums are actually sick of this shit already so cn you guys leave now?

John Oliver also breathes, so you should probably suffocate yourself in protest

sick of the net neutrality discussion? It's one of those few topics that belongs on Sup Forums or Sup Forums. I can't' see what Sup Forums has against it being killed though. More competition and choice is a good thing.

I agree. If we remove net neutrality I can enjoy youtube, netflix, and facebook in comfort knowing that even a billion dollars in comcast tax is immaterial for these 12-figure companies while Sup Forumstards cry waiting 2 minutes for their frogpics to load. I can't wait to chat and laugh with Stacy and Chad about how smooth and easy to use the new internet is and how all those retarded Sup Forums losers suddenly disappeared (lol)

The IRS is armed now, gadsdenfag. Your life really is worthless if you don't pay denbts.

>he thinks social media is what will be crippled and everything else will keep working fine, because big corps want nothing more than to restore the internet to some dude's idea of glory
>you are this fucking naive and putting this much trust into the people who have all the incentive in the world to screw you over

desu if Zucky is for it, at least be wary.

>More competition and choice is a good thin
Yeah I sure do love paying my Premuim Comcast™ package to view certain content and being throttled for no reason other than to charge me more money. Being against NN is the same as saying you love BCC ( big company cock) shoved down your throat and your rights as a consumer trampled upon.

>Being against NN is the same as saying you love BCC
As long as he gets to watch his wife's next son being created, I don't get the impression user minds much.

then why are all the biggest corps fighting against NN if they're going to benefit from NN going away?

makes no sense

Nice post, user

unhappy with your ISP so you want to give them the government approved monopoly instead of switching service providers.

if these people are for something then I'm not likely to be for it.

two people that Sup Forums hates: