Is life in denmark expensive? i am interested in a phd there and the salary is 14000DK/month after taxes...

is life in denmark expensive? i am interested in a phd there and the salary is 14000DK/month after taxes. will that be enough or would i need to find a job as well?? also, how is life there? mainly looking for aarhus and copenhagen, is it interesting there? danes of Sup Forums enlighten me


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>14000DK/month after taxes
What?? That can't be true, that's like a two week's salary.

Copenhagen is shit, Aarhus is great.

It's pretty expensive but you can make it work [spoiler]if you pay denbts[/spoiler]

Copenhagen is really difficult to find an apartment! But if you want a cheap apartment you can look fx in Roskilde and pendle with train. Many people do that because it's cheaper. Some even live in Malmö because it's cheaper too there.
14000 dk month isn't a lot, but since you're just one person I think that should be enough

>As of April 2012 you can expect to take home between 23,800 DK and 30,500 DK before tax. As a foreign PhD student in Denmark you will lose between 35-40% of your salary in taxes, so realistically you could be taking home a minimum of 14,280 DK a month.

Why Copenhagen shit?
I think Copenhagen is great and I like it there more than Århus because Copenhagen is bigger and more beautiful. But Copenhageners can be shitty autistic people in my opinion, there are also many feminist types there. Copenhagen is a very leftwing city compared to the rest of Denmark. But I like Copenhagen more than Århus.

For foreigners though I think Copenhagen is better because I think there are more foreign students and such in Copenhagen than there is in Århus. I also think Copenhageners are more open to foreigners than people from Århus but idk.

the islands are shit go to aarhus

>the islands are shit
can you elaborate that?

theyre bollocks

Have you ever been in Denmark?

*The European Territory of Denmark

No just Denmark*

thank you all, but moneywise would you say that 14000DK is ok for 1 person? i mean, i plan on returning to greece a few years after my phd and have put to side some money as well. do you think it's possible? or will i have spent it all on living costs etc?

wow you are a traitor you must contribute to d*nmarks economy before you go back

i will pay denbts

Yes, it will be more than enough. But I think those numbers on income taxes are wrong. In Norway it's 27-30%, I don't think Denmark is that much different.

The taxes are 35-40 % here. Some even pay up to 54 % taxes

Kom til Norge min venn. Sammen skal vi drite på svenskene som serverer oss kaffe og kaker.

>I like it there more than Århus because Copenhagen is bigger and more beautiful.

Copenhagen is fugly.

Still bigger and there's more life. Århus is pretty dead desu

>tfw I am doing phd home and I get jack shit

nigga, if i chose phd in greece i would practically pay to do so

what are you doing phd in?

To be completely honest I get about half of what cashier makes.

It's not too unreasonable, nobody minds if I don't show for an entire week. I still have to publish, but so far it seems like I am progressing at reasonable speed with that too.


not yet, but i search in electrical engineering. mostly control systems in renewables and smart grid.
i too would get something like 300 euros but it is shit pay because i have to pay insurance about 2000/year as i am considered an engineer + all the other expenses. the only thing worth it is, as you say, you are free to go at whatever pace you want.

Scandinavia out of the EU NOW!

How are the small cities like Slagelse? Is it more difficult to find a job there than in Copenhagen?

Denmark is super expensive. Are you getting Marie Curie sponsored?
Why not Germany: Better research and cheaper too. There are many medium sized University cities that are not expensive at all and quite enjoyable.

In my opinion small towns are boring. But you could probably find job there if there's an industry neighborhood