This photograph was taken in an American subway shop

Is this an American thing?

>notoriously bad diet
>not having disintegrated bowels

kind of want to make a dump in my pants just looking at it. inspiring. anyone who has never done this doesn't understand the soft feeling of your butt cheeks squishing your own turds when you sit down. it's like Dr. Scholls for your butt

It's pretty common. I say I shit my pants Half the time I go out. Always carry a change of underwear and pants.

Do ALL non-Americans have large folders full of pictures of Americans shitting themselves?

Because, you know, no American does.

I'll admit it's happened a lot to me recently.


i shit myself HUGELY a few years ago when i was working at a t-shirt shop, but luckily i was working solo so i just closed the shop and stripped and cleaned up myself and dressed into company clothes

I shit myself at work probably once a week. It's a cultural thing, Most cunts wouldn't understand

>literal shitposting
Stop appropriating our culture you cis fuck

I usually just change my underwear not the pants

>not shitting yourself to keep yourself warm

>used to freedump all the time
>graduated and got a great job
>have to wear a suit
>don't want to ruin expensive trousers
I bring a change of clothes with me to work so I can change and just go on the subway back home.


there's nothing wrong with letting a cheeky squirt out now and then

my mom shit herself in jamaica while we were tarzan swinging into the falls.

It's because a lot of Americans take weight loss pills but still live of greasy diets. So shit just leaks straight of their arse.

Do Americans shart on bed?

are they conscious of that?
seeing lots of these pictures, can't tell.

you mean other countries dont do this?

Most are but some aren't. It really doesn't matter though

dude, diapers man. I wear them all the time and when they're soiled (I consider a diaper unusable after 2 solid dumps or 1 liquid diarrhea rush) I just go into the baby station in the woman's room and leave the used diaper out for a baby or woman to use. I prefer pampers because Huggies are a tight fit and push your poo tail around and back into your testicles. It's just disrespectful

>Most are

what did they mean by this?

>be American
>get shart

he's saving money on sauce because it costs extra

This. Be honest yuros, have you gone a week without at least shitting yourself once? I didn't think so.


Nobody wears diapers cept for old folks

>It's a forced poo in the loo meme

Y-you guys are joking right? You don't actually shit yourself once a week?

I've done it a few times. I'm sure everyone has. Don't lie and act like you haven't.

Yeah, actually. I remember someone on an American podcast talking about shitting his pants on a semi-regular basis.

>tfw no designated shitting streets because of liberal politicians
fucking millennials.

I'm almost 21 and have shat myself 1 time since i've been older than 7 (when i was 17 - i was at home and just had gastro)

Jokes aside, it's part of the culture dude. Some people think it's weird, but American culture has always focused around working hard. The pics you posted are extreme examples. Most people here just do little piss dribbles or small rabbit turds in their undies (out of sight) because it's more convenient than going to the bathroom

This whole thread is nothing but proxyfags

not our fault you're living memes

>he would rather shit his pants than go to the toilet and stay at work for 10 more minutes

EXCELLENT work ethic

or people having fun

fuck that dude the bus only comes by my work every 2 hours, I'm not staying late and risking missing it.

>have you gone a week without at least shitting yourself once?
yes, ive gone months without doing it

>never been pissdrunk face down on a bathroom floor with a volcano of shit erupting out the backdoor

How can you shit yourself without realizing it?

this is why our country is the most powerful in the world on a bad day, and yours is the myopic member of the 5 eyes program on a great day

stop acting like a self-righteous euro-wannabe and let a dribble off in your pants. it's not that bad. just a stupid misconception of it being "childish" by stuck up euros

thought it was weird seeing poopy pants in places like Dennys when I was a kid but after long nights of drinking with friends i get it.

It's been like 3 years since I rode any public transport. Do you come across a lot of weirdos?

Nous aimons manger des tacos et des tortas, et la majorite de notre population aime les drogues, donc je ne me rends compte quand j'ai fait caca.

I'm pretty lucky so no. In all seriousness though, my friend is like, cursed such that he can never take public transportation without being accosted by some freak. Last time he took it a schizophrenic guy sat down next to him carrying a bird cage containing a tiny little human skeleton model and crushed cans of red bull.

Also some freak always used to scribble graffiti all over the sidewalks and walls near a couple of stops I used to take. stuff like math equations with made up symbols and entire essays about the illuminati. Most of it was pen but a bit of it was actually carved into the cement. Never met the freak, glad I didn't have to take that stop late at night.

This, I also make sure to shit myself and smear it all over me whenever I'm in the bad part of town (usually to buy assault rifles and kinder eggs) so that everyone can see that I'm brown just like them

they shart in the mart

just stop. Yeah, it's an American thing obviously. Leave it alone

>mfw I see a bunch of australian tourists IN LINE for the bathroom
like, seriously??? pants are like $5 in burgerland.

unlike your poo

>implying this person shit themselves
That's period blood, guys.

It's just for good work

This is why I hate sitting down in public places.

How you fatty pant shitters can handle this bantz so easily ?

That's litteraly worse than the Indians shitting in the designated streets... you guys are shitting in your pantz


Because we shit our pants while sitting down. It's comfy.
You shit yours while running away.