How can I convince my colleagues not to fall for this meme?

How can I convince my colleagues not to fall for this meme?

embrace it, just one more thing to learn that doesn't make any sense

you stop nagging them with your autistic bullshit

And just let them embrace even more autistic bullshit?

oop is the oppposite of autistic. it's actually used successfuly in real world

oop is good

it's just when they insist on doing multiple weeks of inheritance shit and don't cover other things like composition (which is going to be a lot more useful than multiple inheritance levels) it becomes a problem


OOP is a meme but OOP hate is also a meme. the former is perpetuated by code monkeys with bog standard college educations. the latter is perpetuated by basement dwelling snowflakes without any formal education.

if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about you'd understand the value of object oriented languages as well as the reason for their success.

here's a hint: it's not a one-size-fits-all tool and it's not an abstract abomination either.

OOP is a a paradigm invented to create trainable programmers.
The problem is it trains shitty programmers.

>How can I convince my colleagues not to fall for this meme?
Transform them into basement dwelling neckbeards and it will follow

The best thing you can do is not try to convince people to not learn OOP, but rather to learn it but take it with a grain of salt. It has some practices that can help good design, but nothing will make you programming shit faster than thinking OOP is the ONLY solution.

Calling OOP a meme is a meme. It's still the best approach for state-like systems.

>he doesn't use a functional programming language in the workplace

How do you retain data persistency without a workaround with monads?

I thought OOP was a waste of time until I started to use Qt for graphical interfaces.
OOP makes a lot of sense the way Qt does it.

I think that can be said about every decenty written graphics api, its true though.

>inheritance = literally abstraction in purest form

no, that's composition.

OOP is just another tool for programming. Sometimes it's good to use, other times, not so much. It depends on what you are doing.

What are some other useful paradigms?

Ask them to do a concurrent system.

akka is built on top of oop language features. actors and messages are objects

functional, declarative, procedural, there's a bunch. read "concepts, techniques, and models of computer programming" to get a decent introduction.


functional programming creates a pipeline of data transformation. Not all programming tasks fall in that category.

How do you achieve first class functions without a std::function or pointer workaround?

This. Inheritence is taught as the only OOP way to create new code from existing classes

C++ is a poor choice since it's a second rate POOlang, but it's trivial to mimic closures in any garbage collected POOlang like Java (even before 8). Objects bind code and their data together just as closures do, and it's not hard to exploit that.

confirmed for never programming a GUI