Should I feel bad for getting Windows 10 Home instead of Pro?

Should I feel bad for getting Windows 10 Home instead of Pro?

Pro hasn't mattered....ever

Enjoy losing what limited control over the botnet you would have had with group policy editor.

>Should I feel bad for getting Windows 10 Home instead of Pro?
Yes. Pro has deferred updates which means you don't automatically force install updates until there is a positive community feedback.


Both are shit, Home is just a lot more shit.
Enterprise > Education > Pro > Windows XP Gold Edition > Home

no, you should feel bad for getting windows 10


Auto updates can be disabled in the pro version.

Thanks. Updates was what fucked up my Windows 7. I got black screen, couldn't remove the updates, and after trying everything I gave up. Didn't have the Windows 7 disc, so I just decided to begrudgingly "upgrade" to Windows 10. I know I could have torrented but I haven't done that before and just didn't bother. But I'm gonna get my money back and buy Pro instead now.

I need it for Adobe products.

then get 7 or 8.1

I'm guessing I have to torrent to get those?

Why wouldn't you torrent windows 10? Who the fuck pays for operating systems? This isn't 20th century.
You don't have to torrent 7/8.1. You can get them officially from Microsoft and activate them with daz loader.

a few years ago you could get them directly from M$, you just had to buy a key or find a way to activate them, but idk if that is still possible

You should feel bad for getting windows 10 period.

Good old times when Windows was a real OS, and not an advertising platform.

You should feel bad for buying Windows 10 period. If you bought it. If you didn't then don't worry about it.

It does. For example, you can't join Active Directory without pro.

Why the fuck so we have the same first line and matching dubs? I'm done with Sup Forums for tonight.

please don't go.

You don't actually need to activate Windows 10, it runs just fine forever and can be downloaded free from Microsoft.


Sorry, buddy, but this guy wants me to stick around Also windows 10 is free as long as you don't mind being unable to change the wallpaper and spying options


Windows 10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ubuntu VS LinuxMint

>"For example"
>lists only thing he can come up with
>it's literally nothing useful


Why pay for windows when you can be an insider and use it for free?

Install Win98SE , user. Then pirate retro warez.

Insider version is for beta tester...

Not him, but from where? msdn is fucking shit now

Wasn't there a huge dump of msdn files on /t/? The thread is dead now but I assume files should be somewhere.

It is, you can download W10 directly from their site.

Serious question: Is there an alternative to Windows 10 out there that will let me play video games on Steam?

>Should I feel bad for getting Windows 10 Home instead of Pro?- 33 posts shown.

How much did it cost?

>$50 more for a bunch of useless bloat and the ability to edit the group policy.

only cucks would do this


Fuck off Sup Forums

Why are there so many dumb fucking normies on this board

If you're on Sup Forums and you arent at least using win 10 LTSB you should be ashamed of yourself. Should've just gotten 7 or 8.1.

Group policy is good, you fucking twerp.

Can't encrypt your porn

If you're on Sup Forums and you aren't using gnu/lignux you should be ashamed of yourself.

Also >pay for windows DOUBLE NIGGERS

If you don't need group policy or remote desktop and you're running less than 16GB RAM you'll be fine.

Windows 10 pro is the master race

Yeah, you should feel emotions about software.

you should feel bad for getting Windows

enjoy being cucked

because there is a virus on most. download the trial and then crack it. R/piracy actually has a good guide on getting mst

you forgot a powergap before gold edition

you say that as if you can't just change your edition in under 10 minutes

>t. thigh high sockfags

You should feel bad for not getting LTSB user.

Nice no RDP meme