So I have some books that I want to get rid of. The problem is...

So I have some books that I want to get rid of. The problem is, I know for a fact that no copy of them has ever been digitized. If I rid myself of them now, they may be lost to the historians and archivists of the future. I want to scan them and make PDFs of them.

Problem is, I’m broke as fuck, and can’t afford a legit book scanning rig. I have an iPhone 7 and an iPad Pro, though. They take pretty passable photos. I can handle lighting, too. The only problem I foresee is that the phone might not be able to cache all that shit well enough for a dedicated scanning app to work.

I could manually capture, crop, and sort the photos myself. I could even use both the iPad and the iPhone as a dual-camera rig.

How would you guys approach the problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

>have rare book
>want to get rid of them

Just fucking keep it then, tell me what book it is and i'll tell you where to get a pdf of it

Donate them to a book scanning project

>I’m broke as fuck
>I have an iPhone 7 and an iPad Pro


Did you go to college? Find out if the campus has one and see if you can join an alumni association or something to get access.

How much do these things cost anyway? Are there models that are within the reach of non-commercial money? I've always wanted to start scanning some weeb books that aren't on the net, but I can't bring myself to de-bind them to make scans.

A) Why do you think I’m so broke?

B) The iPad Pro actually pays for itself because it renders textbook piracy extremely practical. I saved $300 on books last semester alone. I also save a lot long-term on pens/pencils/paper/notebooks/etc.

Good idea. I’m in college now, but I haven’t heard of anyone having a book scanner. Maybe I’ll ask around at the university library.

I don’t have *a* rare book. I have *eight god damn boxes* of rare books. They take up a whole closet.

That’s a great idea. Do you know of any off the top of your head?

>I don’t have *a* rare book. I have *eight god damn boxes* of rare books. They take up a whole closet.
Okay user, you can't just post that shit and not explain what you have.

donate them to the library, as for scanning no idea.

It’s a lot less special than it sounds. A lot of really old stuff that sat in a relative’s parlor for 60+ years, a bunch of old CYOA books (a category I collect because nobody else does), and stuff like that.

So, rare vintage firewood then?

Are you going to tell us these book names or continue to dodge the question and talk out of your ass?

and time stamped pic

Otherwise get the fuck out

Somehow I expected something like illuminated books from past centuries. No wonder you didn't go straight for the auction house. Not to put you down or anything. I do admire that you want to make them available regardless. Sometimes I can't help but think rare + valuable, yet most of the time rare is actually rare + not valuable at all.

is it more important to you that they're preserved or that you turn a profit on the deal?
if you want them preserved, your choices are copy stand or debind.
if you want to turn a profit, they're copy stand or give up on preservation.

either way, this is an obvious proxy for your issues dealing with impermanence and your eventual death, and you should probably see a priest/philosopher/dealer as appropriate to your personal beliefs.

contact and give it to them

I’m a little busy right now. Multitasking between this and sharing a quality terrible movie with my fiancee.

An unpreserved book is an unpreserved book.

Precisely. It doesn’t have to be the Dead Sea Scrolls to have historic value.

I’d prefer both, if possible. I never liked destroying books to scan them. It seems so sad.

Surely there is some kind of book scanning service that you could outsource the job to.

There are, but as I understand it, they tend to debind the book in the interests of speed.

>either way, this is an obvious proxy for your issues dealing with impermanence and your eventual death, and you should probably see a priest/philosopher/dealer as appropriate to your personal beliefs.

>10 replies
>can;t name the book

Please leave

I can post while watching the movie. I cannot go down into my basement, dig around in my closet, pry open a dusty box, and take a picture for your entitled ass while watching the movie. How hard is that to understand?

>either way, this is an obvious proxy for your issues dealing with impermanence and your eventual death, and you should probably see a priest/philosopher/dealer as appropriate to your personal beliefs.
damn, savage bro.

I mean, he’s right. The only permanent thing about us is that which we contribute to the sum of human knowledge and achievement. Archiving is a potent way to contribute, especially in the 21st century.


C'mon, you're still trying to convince us of your shitty story?

Think it through next time user.

kys you fucking faggot

>The only permanent thing about us is that which we contribute to the sum of human knowledge and achievement.

I already told you there’s a fuckload of books down there. I even told you that a bunch of the undigitized books belong to the CYOA series and its derivatives, which, to the extent of my knowledge, are woefully underpreserved. Only a few volumes of the series exist in a DRM-free digital format.

I would cut the spins and just scan them at a library or workplace top feed scanner.

>So I have some books that I want to get rid of"
>"I know for a fact that no copy of them has ever been digitized"

>"a bunch of old CYOA books (a category I collect"

So let me get this straight. You COLLECT RARE books, you know that they are HARD TO COME BY to the point of NO OTHER COPIES AVAILABLE online. And you want to get rid of them so you can look at them on your iPad.

OP is a faggot. Sage goes in all fields. You know the last one.

You can post edgy memes all you want, but it’s true. All we have is the mark we leave.

Well, gee, you fucking retard. I have a paper copy that rapidly degrades, and there’s no convenient way to duplicate it in order to distribute it to another person for redundant safekeeping. The first time water, or fire, or even the fucking sun (for an extended period of time) touches it, it’s gone, and it’s gone for good. If I digitize it, it’s preserved in its current form for the remainder of human history, and I can make as many copies as I want to make sure the contents of the book are never lost to history.

You are really fucking stupid.

OP, it's alright if you just want to scan rare doujin and H manga. I have a lot of books that aren't scanned and I want to hunt down personally to scan for everyone.

You can digitize them all you want. The fact that you want to get rid of the physical copies, no matter how fragile shows that you are the fucking retard. Those books have survived however long they have in your care for, I'm sure if you don't keep them under the sink nothing bad will happen to them.

You own two "smart" devices worth more than your time and you couldn't even google "How to professionally scan books in high quality". Then you proceed to think up a dual camera rig from two different devices with two different cameras RIGHT AFTER YOU COMPLAINED ABOUT CROPPING AND SORTING THE PICTURES.

Kill yourself retard.

i'm not even trying to be savage. I have the same problem, i've got shelves full of crazy self-publishing where both the content AND the physical form is significant and telling myself i'm probably nuts is just how i deal with it inevitably going to the shredder when i die and my landlord doesn't want mid-2010s Japanese monographs on American laundry detergent, complete with hand-translated single-use packets lovingly inserted.

>iPad pro pays for itself
Honestly this. The 70 I spent on my Kindle has saved me well over 500 on textbooks alone, money well spent

For fuck’s sake, I don’t want to throw them in the trash. I want to get them out of my closet and pass them on to someone else who would appreciate them more, after – AND ONLY AFTER – a permanent digital copy has been made for posterity. How is that so wrong?

>couldn’t even google

Of course I Googled. The “proper” way to do it is to spend a fuckload of money on equipment. I was hoping to avoid that if possible, seeing as I’m a bit short on money.

>dual camera rig from two different devices with two different cameras

Actually, dipshit, the current iPad Pro and the iPhone 7 have the exact same camera sensor.

>complained about cropping and sorting

Scanning apps can auto-crop (very well, I might add), and if I could work out a script for zipper-merging the output of the two devices, that would work too. My only concern – as stated in OP – was that the phone would choke on all the data.

It would literally take you seconds to find just one title and author, you lying fuck

Why would I lie? What motivation could I possibly have?

Fine. Find my the Star Challenge series, by Christopher Black. The entire series. One book from the set doesn’t count.

>the Star Challenge series, by Christopher Black

It annoys me you couldn't google a fucking actual rare book to prop up your shitty story, instead you used a popular 80's book that was published by dell of all people.

You are the worst type of shitposter

>seeing as I’m a bit short on money.

>I’m broke as fuck
>I have an iPhone 7 and an iPad Pro

>A) Why do you think I’m so broke?

You cant afford the proper way because you spent your money on apple devices. Now you're trying to make up for that by using them. Seriously, stop trying.

Here you go dumbass, took me 5 seconds on google.

>no e-book
>not available on Amazon
Why does Google even bother cataloging shit they and no one else even has? Might as well not exist.

I'm not gonna say "reddit spacing" but jesus fucking christ man.

Post titles of the books at least. Fuck your fiancee's movie, this is knowlege and preservation we're talking about dog.

found it

Scan books while binge watching Kill La Kill. I developed a similar problem because there's a Powell's store directly between work and home. Maybe they would like your old books when you are done with them. Erf, $320, not a cheap device.

That's still gonna do a number on the spine after lifting the book and putting it down 100+ times, but seems to be the most consumer-affordable solution.

6mm margin is a little disappointing still, I was expecting 2mm at most.

Beggars cant be choosers. You got your answer now leave

Tone down that edge Sup Forums, I'm not even OP.

it's an iphone.
it just werks.
You need a board box, a lamp, and a camera.

give them to the nearest library

you may find people that buy your books

Just take pictures and have a text recognition software convert it to text

Get one of these, they are like 15 bucks

>contribute to the sum of human knowledge and achievement
you know that none of that has really happened
knowledge does not accumulate and great deeds change nothing