Howdy user! Now I dun jus' heard that you think American friendliness is superficial! Well shucks, that just ain't true...

Howdy user! Now I dun jus' heard that you think American friendliness is superficial! Well shucks, that just ain't true, you big silly! We really are that nice! Why do you think we aren't being genuine?

booo fuck off love

oh my god stop talking so much

this is why everyone hates America
this super nice all the time crap is leaking into Europe

Nigel, why so mean? :'(

Isaac, don't worry, my daddy fighting for you in the Middle East right now! We love Israel!

Oh my god, I'm 1/8th Irish! We could, like, have common ancestor and stuff!

At least, you need to stop having a small talk with strangers.

Im sorry i am deaf

But strangers are just folks you haven't made friends with yet!

Oh wow a poster from Japan, what's it like there?

Did those meanie-boo-beanie Hamas guys and their rockets do that to you? :'(

>american women
>not obese

clearly this is a ruse



Hey, when did they get internet in the Soviet Union? That's so cool! Good for you Vladimir!

he clearly hit you where it hurts

Hi Hungary! Your accent is so cool :3

Where is blag men?

hanging from a tree

This. Clearly a hoax

>this super nice all the time crap is leaking into Europe

>Niceness.... what abhorrent and sugary delusion of the sheeple... who can't see the world for the darkness that it is...

I don't have that accent. And from what I've seen, American chicks don't care about it anyway.