What the hell is this? I thought AMD was supposed to be the budget alternative to Intel, yet their cheapest CPU costs more than twice as much as Intel's.
What the hell is this? I thought AMD was supposed to be the budget alternative to Intel...
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Those aren't official prices (TBC = to be confirmed), and the G4560 is already up to $80, due to market demands.
The Celeron G3930 is $42.
>i thought
Well you though wrong.
Now kill yourself.
Yeah, and it's a dual core piece of shit.
Ryzen 3 is 4 cores and 8 threads.
Ok, but where is AMD's $42 processor?
You can buy some old-ass AM3 APU for that much. It probably runs the same or better than the Celeron, too (especially on integrated graphics)
*cheapest CPU worth a dam
>socket fm2+
I'm looking for something that's from this decade.
Are those curryniggers at that rumour mill so set on being constantly wrong?
Raven Ridge APUs should be pretty cheap. Dunno if they'll be $40 cheap.
I don't know why these websites keep getting this shit wrong. R5 and up have SMT enabled. R3 does not.
WCCFturd can't even be assed to update their copy-pasted Excel spreadsheets.
>implying they didn't just make them up
other people make that shit up
WCCF pajeets cant even be bothered to, its just copy and paste """""""""articles"""""""""""
>costs twice as much
>has twice the performance
>can be overclocked
AMD is not for paupers, if you are one you should look at intel's offerings.
Not this shit again.
I don't get why AMD don't sell the 9000 series APUs (Bristol Ridge) to consumers and not only to the OEMs.
I mean even if the cpu and gpu were crap, it would be better to get an AM4 motherboard and put one of those (that probably won't cost over $50) so when the zen based ones come replace it or even leave it if they do the task, as you probably look those only to not buy a dGPU and do office/browsing tasks. But now for that the only option is either a celeron turd or a pentium at best in a soon to be dead platform that is 1151.
>inb4 1151 isn't dead
Jewtell will probably pull a 775 Bentium to 775 Core2 with the 1151v3 and making koffing lake only compatible with Z/H 3xx chipsets
>AMD was supposed to be the budget alternative to Intel
You must have completely missed their financial presentations.
No, AMD is no longer a budget alternative - and they very plainly say that they are not trying to be. They basically turned their backs on their entire customer base.
AMD is trying to go after the highly profitable high-end market segments. This is what they are targeting. This is why we got a Ryzen R7 before R5 and the R3's were an afterthought. This is why they are trying to push EPIC and Threadripper.
How well this will work out.. who knows.
They won't be cheaper than the R3's, that's for sure.
The Raven Ridge chips aren't that far out, support for them is merged into Linux kernel 4.13git so I don't think they are more than a month or three away.