It's going to be interesting watching all those British people who used a credit card to access porn sites getting...

It's going to be interesting watching all those British people who used a credit card to access porn sites getting their details hacked by someone who'll probably sell the details on the Darkweb...

...and then some sick fuck will most likely use it to buy child pornography.

But hey, gotta protect dem children, AMIRITE?

What happened?

does this apply to 2d pron too

Brits will now have to enter a credit card number just to visit porn sites.

you aren't tolerant and progressive enough to understand the benefits!

British politicians have decided that they need to make people give out personal details to prove their age before viewing porn.
One of the suggested details is credit card info.
Meanwhile, said politicians also want backdoors in all crypto, which--even if they *can* make it happen--will result in the total compromise of all British computers within a day, because that's about how long it took for some guy in his basement to brute-force three passwords for accounts owned by the British equivalent of a senator.

I suspect what they actually mean is: when they go on a pay site they need to pay with a credit card to prove their age. (because nobody can steal their parent's CC)

I doubt free sites are effected.

Being Britain most likely they didn't even think this through.

>when they go on a pay site
it applies to all pr0n sites, whether they're free or not, they must give age proof, if sites don't adopt means to verify age, they will be blocked at ISP level, you can consider Sup Forums to be one of those sites that will be blocked for sure (red boards).

>be british
>about half past the 7th bong
>got a case of the old jollyloins
>fire up the old babbage machine
>all of a sudden the bobbies beat down me door
>forgot to wroit me letter to the queen to get me smutpapers
>they search me handheld-telly
>"oi then gov, looks loik you've been a naughty boy, you've got the whatsapp on here, that's got encryption! got somethin to hoide ya bloody terrorist?"
>looks like it's off to the tower of london for me

This was a tory law you fucking idiot

The way you typed that they sounded Australian in my head.

The article specifically mentions sites that provide pornography on a commercial basis.

This is what happens when you vote conservative.

>voting for statists leads to statism

wow surprising

Thankfully their lust for control is only matched by their retardation.

Britain is just policing morality to prepare its long since invaded and conquered island for its sharia future.

if your site has ads you are commercial

What is wrong with Brits...
World is going to shit hole lately

Brown people with lower IQ.

you mean old fuck conservatives

Serves them right for watching porn for free on the internet and not buying it from a shop where it can be taxed by HM Revenue & Customs. Britain is a nation of shopkeepers after all.

IQ by race has long been proven. Stop being a science denyer

>...and then some sick fuck will most likely use it to buy child pornography.

>paying for porn

Except the problems with British laws relating to tech clearly stem from the clueless old people in charge who don't even know what an internet is, niggers aren't the ones creating theses laws.

Also, it is spelled "denier".

>implying payment solution companies have pedophiles who sell cp as clients
>implying pedos would use credit cards to buy cp so their identity can be easily found out

Dumbest thread on Sup Forums right now, probably made by a low IQ stormfag

Pedos use your stolen card numbers to purchase buttcoin which they then use on CP dark web sites

It's not that hard to understand, user

Or, they know exactly what they're doing and this is another step towards a Great British Firewall.

>implying vps isn't a thing

Prove it, you need to send a whitlows of documents to buy buttcoin with credit card

>Porn will be blocked in the UK soon
>America losing NN

The internet as we know it will be gone soon lads. At least we got to experience the golden years

they try to introduce laws like this all the time and promptly get BTFO after experts unanimously agree that it's infeasible, this is probably the 10th "porn is going to be banned!!" scare there's been in the past 5 years

If you honestly think it'll work as you're describing you don't belong on Sup Forums. Fuck off back to Sup Forums or Reddit where you belong.

Do you honestly think anyone SELLING CP would take credit/debit you brainless cunt? Seriously, fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>passing any legislation right now
Literally only a handful of MPs would have to rebel (and there's always at least a few) and anything they try to pass is dead in the water. No way this even makes it to the floor.

Amerifat education system on display

Try reading the post again, burger. They use buttcoin, not credit cards

/nupol/ plz go

It's only for pay sites.
2/10 bait, made reply.