/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for freedom.

Asking again


How difficult would it be to make ascii stuff from scratch?

don't know, read the source code


Is stallman really mildly autistic?

I bet stallmans favorite vidya gaem is toejam and earl.

Fifth attempt at installing gentoo lads.

We are the resistance, we're a "network analyst" group, that fight, Lgbt, feminist and antifa twats.now, how we do that, is classified. But We are recruiting at the moment.

We accept: coders, pen testers, programmers, ect

Join us! So we may remove this cancer! Cheers!



get phuqd

Anarchist logo, and you fight lgbt feminist and antifa? Really?

You sure have a lot of free time.

nice meme

so you're basically an alt-right group that's too dumb to do their shit on their own.

Get some GG Allin and learn to rock 'n roll, kid.

>Still falling for the gentoo takes a week to install meme

I'm curious. How did you fail those 4 times?

6 days*

What's the difference between coders and programmers?

Out of school and out of job.

Also this Takes like 6 hours at the most depending on your speeds.

Stupid small mistakes that fuck you over when you've compiled everything.

'Bout 3 fiddy.

A good Gentoo install takes a week (if you never installed it before). Ofc you can just do the vallina stuff, but then there's no point in installing Gentoo.

>Stupid small mistakes
like what? compiling 64 bit for 32 bit? no really, if you follow the handbook, how could you fail?

Coders: Python, Ruby, Go
Programmers: C, Lisp, Butterflies

kek, everything has no meaning anymore

Include me in your screenshot.

If you don't install stuff like xorg or whatever it will take significantly less to install

Shut the fuck up. We're all not autistic where we need the most accurate CFLAG for the most pointless thing.

I was about to install GRUB2 and then I apparently hadn't had the BIOS mounted or some shit. I honestly didn't know where I fucked up because I followed the docs as closely as possible.

The first time I attempted to install, I think I chose the wrong profile or something.


Lmao I know
Shits fucked breh

>hadn't had the BIOS mounted
You might want to recheck whatever you learned about this.
>install gentoo
is a meme until you start reading up about every step you take. Once you're there and actually understand what you do, you start owning your system for real. And you won't fuck up ever again. I promise you that.

Fedora vs openSUSE go

My favorite color is green
Ergo, openSUSE

I have no idea why people even consider installing it.

Well that's legitimate

Well that's legitimate

openSUSE because not a facebook logo


screenfetch or neofetch, go

The one you wrote yourself.


Since i have my new GTX linux doesn't recognizes my GPU anymore and uses my onboard one instead. This is especially a problem when i use live CD's like Tails and can't install drivers. Is there anything i can do ? All i want is to change my screen resolution

man xrandr

didn't know about xrandr
thanks for helping a noob

"Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 600"

>using Arch for 2 years now
>tfw I have yet to find a piece of software that I need that's not in the main repos or in the AUR
I'd like to contribute a bit and write some PKGBUILDs for the AUR but I have yet to come across something that's not already in there
wat do


Cool, I'm using Arch aswell.

write a program which prevents arch from breaking

Hello /fglt/,
I am moving from Debian to Void Linux, and so far I'm having trouble deciding what DE to use.

I have been using XFCE, and I love it's customization, but I want to maybe try something a little new?

Cinnamon looks very nice, but I want to kind of rice a little to make things look even better.

Which is the best for ricing, XFCE or Cinnamon? I imagine with effort, I could get XFCE to look exactly like anything I can do with Cinnamon, no? What is the benefit of choosing Cinnamon over XFCE?

>le arch breaking meem x^)
this is really getting old
if it were at least half true, it might be still funny

>what is Manjaro

pick 1

also why switching from a fine distro?

There are plenty of aur out-of-date packages that need maintenance but you most likely can't.

>you most likely can't

it breaks every other day, just follow the arch reddit and laugh about all the kids falling for the arch meme who cant boot their machines anymore

Systemd fucking sucks, that's why.
I'm so sick of dealing with this stupid fucking shit crashing and breaking everything and never working.

That and I want to try out something new. Debian is starting to feel kinda boring. Arch seems too edgy and memey, and Gentoo sounds like it'll take me a million years to install. Void looks like it's just Gentoo for people who don't have time to deal with its stupid bullshit.

And okay,
how about which is easier to get looking nice - XFCE or Cinnamon?





How about starting with a simple wm like openbox? Comfy to rice. If you really need a DE, go xfce.

user incompetence (sometimes utter retardation) is not the distros fault
I've never had Arch break or do anything unexpected
I can also speak for a couple of people I know from a hackerspace irl

Whats a good solution for tranfering stuff from a GNU/Linux laptop to an Android phone? My first thoughts were ssh / ftp?

check the arch wiki article on mtp
I use simple-mtpfs


>xrandr: failed to parse '1280x1024_60.00' as a mode specification

Thinkpad clit mouse is super slow in xfce, mouse options don't really help, xset doesn't really, either. What's the preferred way of speeding up the pointer in xfce?

rtfm you dumb faggot

>Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

>*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Rude posters not welcome.

Anyone here set up a pci-passthrough and if so? My question is do I need to install shit from the motherboard driver disk to my guest os or do I just need to use the redhat driver stuff only?

are two monitors required for this?

post help or go back to

that pasta is a meme these threads are not friendly at all

Couldn't find said pasta at knowyourmeme; your argument is invalid.

>friendly means spoonfeeding lazy ass fucks

I use two, I believe you can do it with one though.

technically no, but it'd be a little inconvenient especially without a kvm switch

The only thing required are 2 gpus. Since most machines already have a lq onboard gpu, passthrough should work for most people.

>kvm switch
what's that


if KVM your processor needs to support it as well as the motherboard

he's obviously new and clever enough to read stuff people link him
he's also a friendly guy who says thanks for help
why are you such a fagget?
is this what you want new users thing about our community?
kys retard

Thats a different kvm

yeah I mean, what are these users thinking
using arch without baby sitting it 24/7?
lol n00bz!

kvm is the standard vm in kde

>baby sitting it 24/7
>people who've never used Arch actually believe this

So, I installed the latest Ubuntu. And I have an HD 6950. It's currently using that gallium driver. The proprietary driver says it's only compatible for Ubuntu 16.04.

Do I have to roll back and run ubuntu 16.04 to install the proprietary driver, or can I delete that flgxd(forget the letters) file and still install the driver?

>baby sitting it 24/7
when will this meme end

>proprietary driver
Why would you want to do this?

if it works leave it like this

It's barely able to keep up with low end shit from 10 years ago.

To actually use the gpu as intended instead of pushing stuff to the cpu.

Well, but it's proprietary software which runs on kernel level.

What are some cute terminal commands?

Install Lumina.

start() { sudo systemctl start $1.service; sudo systemctl status $1.service; }
stop() { sudo systemctl stop $1.service; sudo systemctl status $1.service; }
restart() { sudo systemctl restart $1.service; sudo systemctl status $1.service; }
status() { sudo systemctl status $1.service; }
enable() { sudo systemctl enable $1.service; }
disable() { sudo systemctl disable $1.service; }

# userlevel
startu() { systemctl --user start $1.service; }
stopu() { systemctl --user stop $1.service; }
restartu() { systemctl --user restart $1.service; }
enableu() { systemctl --user enable $1.service; }
disableu() { systemctl --user disable $1.service; }
statusu() { systemctl --user status $1.service; }

Your guest vm won't be using your host's motherboard, so no. You will have to install graphics drivers on the guest though.

Have my multi purpose onliner.
Works for lots of imageboards and dls any file in a thread into the current directory.

Sup Forums example:
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html,s.jpg -rHD i.4cdn.org

4plebs example:
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html,s.jpg -rHD img.4plebs.org

You get the idea.

Thats what I was thinking, what redhat drivers do I need?

Always quote variables!

no need