With advanced options in uBlock Origin, is there even a need to use uMatrix or NoScript anymore?

With advanced options in uBlock Origin, is there even a need to use uMatrix or NoScript anymore?

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uBlock Origin doesn't block ads. It hides them.

gorhill said this isn't the case, care to comment?

this is such an old and tired meme

Doesn't uMatrix allow for more fine grained control?

uMatrix and adblock don't block the ads and connections. They hide them.


You're wrong. Test it for yourself in the network tab your browser's developer console.

What do you gain from spreading misinformation?

Your brain doesn't block the misinformation. It just hides it.


I think you meant disinformation.

>he doesn't use all three at the same time

I tested it and I still saw network connection requests being made.

ok, i'll bite. I've used uBlock for about a month after switching from ABP, and have used uMatrix for around 5 months

>pic in OP doesn't let you seperate between AJAX/xhr elements as it puts JS into a single category
>does not include the blocking of iFrames and third party frames

also, the options in the "privacy" settings:
>timing the deletion of cookies
>disallowing local storage completely
>spoofing the HTTP referrer
>blocking hyperlink auditing
>spoofing useragents with multiple presets and timers

>does not include the blocking of iFrames and third party frames
nevermind, it does.

Snake oil salesmen also say that their oil cures everything. They can't be wrong, right?

The requests are made, and they fail.

this is more confusing than umatrix

>noscript and umatrix

>using uhide

Fuck off lying piece of shit. This statement was proven false.

use all 3 and quick java


>quick java
I lold

Do they result in a HTTP 200? If not, they're blocked.


AnswersInGenesis.com also has great articles defending their own ideas.

Not arguments. The extension is free and open source, surely you can point me toward code that "hides" extensions.
From what I see, the requests fail, which is what it's supposed to do.

>the requests are made, and they are hidden

>26 replies
>14 posters
This is why every board should have ID's

>Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

yeah quickjava really and request policy

unique IDs mark of the beast much

Why would you defend a self-declared hobbyist slacker who admits sitting around scratching his balls watching Youtube for hours instead of attempting to learn proper coding?

Because he wrote a good extension, that blocks ads and does not spy on its users, and you haven't made a single point against it. The fact that you're resorting to personal attacks is evidence of this.
Also, there's nothing wrong with being a hobbyist. I started programming as a hobby, I think most programmers did. I don't see how someone who's produced a good project can be a slacker.
What does Proper Coding (tm) even mean?
You've just got personal attacks and FUD tactics.

>This is why every board should have ID's

Person A says something, Person B replies, Person A replies back. Person B interjects. Person A elaborates.

> 6 posts, 2 posters, onoes!

It's called a conversation. You should try it sometime.

Except this is an imageboard, not a 2 person chat application, and it's way too easy for people to astroturf.

>It's called a conversation. You should try it sometime.

You're expecting too much from an aspie.

random board

Nice ad hominem. Typical kike behavior.

Ublock makes everything not work now.
For example I can't create a protonmail account with ublock on.


>Doesn't uMatrix allow for more fine grained control?
no. open the logger and use dynamic filtering.
instead of use whitelisting all scripts from google.com and gstatic.com, like you do in umatrix, you can just whitelist /recapatcha from those domains while blocking whatever else google may sneak in in the future.

ublock-o can pretty much completely replace umatrix.

You can't allow, for example, only CSS and block JS with only uBO as far as I know.