Hello guys...

Hello guys. I haven't booted into my Windows 10 partition for months and I am thinking about finally getting rid of it when switching distributions today. However, I'm concerned I might need it one day for university or work. Try to convince me to keep Windows. I don't need the space and Windows is not doing any harm just waiting there. It just bugs me to no end and I really want to get rid of it.

What kind of situations require Windows? Why would I need Windows in the future? What kind of Windows-related work I could not do via Wine or a VM? Should I just do this once and for all or should I hang onto Windows and keep my dual-boot? What do you use Windows for?

Also, I don't take vidya for an answer. Sure, I play vidya every now and then but I'm not a picky player so I just play whatever is available on Linux. I don't really care for AAA titles anyways.

if you think that you might need it someday, then better leave it on your hard drive

There is nothing you can't use on Linux(natively, or via VM/Wine)

Really concerned about Office products and Visual Studio. Sure VM is a possibility but my computer is a little old so I'm not sure how well a Windows VM runs.

I just got rid of Winturd 7 today. I formatted the whole hard drive so that I could store more frogs on it. I hadn't used it in about a month. I already have an XP VM set up in QEMU/KVM on my main Fedora hard drive for games, so it's not like I'm missing anything.

there are viable alternatives

If I'm getting a job with C# and the boss tells me they use Visual Studio, I don't think I'm a very hireable candidate if I start autistically screetching about using Mono instead. Excel is also miles ahead of Libreoffice Calculate.

That being said, I don't think I'll ever need those tools but you know, JUST IN CASE.

than keep it
what do you want to hear? make your own damn choices

I want to hear if there's any programs besides Visual Studio and Excel I should be worried about. I'm a CS student and currently those are the "big two" I'm worried about. Since most of the board seems to be CS students/graduates I'm wondering if there's any Windows-exclusive software needed in the field outside of those two.

>there's nothing you can't run on linux if you run windows to run them.

Why not keep windows and run linux in a VM?

Most of the fucking idiots that run linux on this board do it because of some meme, so are using it pretty much to "rice" their desktop/browser and that's pretty much the extent of their usage. They might brave the console and type neo/screenfetch and take a screenshot of it too.
If you're going to be doing windows dev, just stick to using windows.

I hate Windows and I won't use it unless absolutely required. I just can't stand it anymore. I will dual-boot if necessary but I will not do it if I have a choice. Realistically speaking, what kind of percentage of jobs would require me to run Windows?

You don't have to keep a windows partition, just running it in a VM is good enough for roughly all things.

Well if you *hate* windows, just do the opposite them, run it in a windows VM and keep the vhd somewhere safe until needed.

As for how many jobs, I don't know, ask google.

What's everyone using to activate W10 these days? The key i was using just expired

Gas your self, who in their right mind uses that crap?

What is latex?

>Nobody uses office at campus for a damn good reason

Many of us here are developers, engineers, cs people etc.

Most tool I use don't even exist for shitdows, and shitdows don't even got the clustering capabilities for starters. Start with machine learning shit, and see how far you get.
It was different 15 years ago, but face it windows is deprecated. All my shit is on linux now, I had 10 installed about 3 years ago. It went out the shitter as soon as I quit my job as an windows developer actually for 5 years this time. It was so fucking good too be able to throw it out (again)


You are a retard
T.Linux Lover

Pirate Win 7 and upgrade to 10 via accessibility. You get a legit Win10 for free.

No one in the real world will ever take you seriously if they find out to use Linux on your personal box

Really? Most job descriptions here specifically mention that Linux knowledge and usage is considered a plus. Also, the way I got my current job was partly because of my Linux knowledge and usage.

Go back to or wherever you came from.

Linux on the desktop is pretty much a meme unless you have tools you absolutely need to use
Just keep using both like you currently do and don't let your knowledge of the Linux shell fade away because Linux on servers is unstoppable and will definitely be important if you work in tech