European Union fails because there are too big differences in the cultures of the respective countries inside it and...

>European Union fails because there are too big differences in the cultures of the respective countries inside it and none of them are planning to sacrifice their cultures for the greater good
>The Soviet Union failed because there were too big differences in the cultures of the respective countries (and states) inside it and they weren't able to completely destroy the indigenous cultures
>The United States of America are successful because they succceeded in completely destroying the indigenous cultures and peoples

Economical success requires the destruction of culture/Culture is in the way of economical success
Prove me wrong

Protip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

> Economical success requires the destruction of culture/Culture is in the way of economical success

I agree.
If our ancestors hadn't sacrified their culture we would stil be using torches instead of electricity.

>European countries

>European Union fails because there are too big differences in the cultures
Stopped reading here this is bullshit

Wow, didn't expect everyone to be on the globalist side

Do you guys value good economics over culture and glory in all situations?

Hello Muhammad, have you visited the big church in Köln? It's pretty nice

>The frenchman who thinks that western/southern europe are the same thing as east/north europe
stopped reading here this is bullshit

>have you visited the big church in Köln? It's pretty nice

I know. There was a rad party at new years eve

Yeah, Merkel really tried hard to do it soviet style, but free press kind of made it difficult and now the EU probs has to reinvent itself after UK is gone

You've never travelled if you dont think the east/west/north/south differences compared to something as close as the USA

that's it I am now a #cruzmissle

Globalist here. Good to know not all anons are retarded nationalist edgelords.

>too big differences

Nice meme.

I'm not saying that there are not differences, but calling them "too big". Oh m8...

just destroy your culture then.

this is a Sup Forums meme stop using it you're ridiculous

I couldn't even distinguish between west coast and east coast cities or countryside

On the other hand just driving an hour from Estonia to Russia the differences are enormous

You've never travelled if you think the US even compares to europe in terms of culture. Unlike many think, there actually is a culture in the US, centered around capital and freedom to consume, and it has slight variations of it around it there, but c'mon. You can't compare differences of Texas/California to France/Greece

You're absolutely right. This is also why France worked so hard to destroy all minority language: a democracy demands a demos. When the kings were around, only 10% of France actually speaking French was no problem, because that 10% were the only people worth talking to from the government's perspective. With the Republics and later the Empires (which were basically republics with a slightly royalist bend) a French identity was neccessary.

Same for Italy. When Italy unified, only less than 5% spoke standard Italian. The rest spoke regional Italian dialects, and prominent/high ranking Italians spoke French to eachother. It was said that once Italy was created, it was time to create Italians.

Either the EU will manage to create Europeans, or it will collapse. And I'm seeing no real effort in creating a European identity. Perhaps with the Brexit almost being a certainity (today Cameron confirmed that Britain WILL be leaving the EU) and some MEPs expressing the EU might be moving away from English, French and German might be pushed as THE European languages, and their cultures exported. But then again, perhaps I'm being too optimistic. The entire EU is founded on the idea that all languages, countries, cultures, religions and customs are equally valid. French is put on the same footing as some throatsinging dialect only found in the most isolated woods of Lithuania.

All European countries are effectively the same. We have so many things in common, like all those times we tried to exterminate eachother due to irreconcilable religious, political and cultural differences.

>European Union fails because there are too big differences in the cultures of the respective countries inside it and none of them are planning to sacrifice their cultures for the greater good

No. The UK voted to leave not because they felt their culture was being threatened or destroyed by europeans, but because they felt their money was being wasted on others and their independence was threatened.

When was the last time you felt like you couldn't do anything Finnish because I was listening to fado?

>All European countries are effectively the same. We have so many things in common, like all those times we tried to exterminate eachother due to irreconcilable religious, political and cultural differences.

I'd still rather choose my own destiny with other like-minded people rather than let some cunt in Brussels do it for me. What hope would a German-born, German raised, German speaking, attuned in German law and school system and customs have about the problems in Finland? And what comes to a unified army, I'm kind of hesitant about the idea to die for a gypsy or a refugee.

re read my post

>lmao dude we could just like, make a brown skinned global population haha that would end racism and wars and shit then we could have global government and we all know governments are benevolent haha take another hit from the bong man this shits blazin

I didn't say we are the same. I just said that the differences aren't big enough to make a union impossible.
The current European Union isn't the union that we want, tho. I agree with that.
We must unite, but without stepping on each other.

The EU must fall, but only to become something better.
I am a Catalan. I know a few things about being in a state (Spain) that I don't feel completely part of.

>Either the EU will manage to create Europeans, or it will collapse.

This. What I was trying to say, you put into one phrase
t. OP

>T. an actual retarded nationalist edgelord

>I'd still rather choose my own destiny with other like-minded people rather than let some cunt in Brussels do it for me.
Which is why a Nordic Union might have a fighting chance of existing (even though it would still have only a third of France's total population). They're likeminded peoples with a shared history (Kalmar Union, Denmark-Norway, Finland was part of Sweden for centuries and still has Swedish as an official language), shared culture, shared language sort of (with the exception of Finnish, all Scandinavian languages are mutually intelligible) and shared values (all of them are Protestant, and of branches that share quite a bit of doctrine). Uniting them makes sense.

Putting them in the same union as fucking Greece, on the other hand, makes zero sense. You'd have to stretch the definition of culture so far out to justify such a union that it loses all meaning.

>I didn't say we are the same. I just said that the differences aren't big enough to make a union impossible.
>I am a Catalan. I know a few things about being in a state (Spain) that I don't feel completely part of.
If you don't even feel part of Spain, what makes you think you can identify with the fucking Estonians? Your own country barely even works as a nation-state. For fucks sake, because of this your country barely has a unified legal code, regional legislation reigns supreme.

I unironically believe that nationalism was invented by the elites to keep poor people busy fighting each other, instead of working for a more equal society.
Note that the poorer a country, the more overly nationalistic its inhabitants are.

nah, I just like using hyperboles to point the retardation in various things

Version of the song in Swedish:

I can't identify with them, but I could live with Spaniards if they fixed their country. And the same I can say about the EU.
I want to add that the EU cannot expand to the infinite and more. Anything beyond Germany and the Nordic countries is hardly European. (There needs to be a "base of trust"). Eastern Europe is not developed enough.

I think we agree in the essential. You are just more radical about the solution.

then again without nationalism Finland for example would be either a neglected backwater farming area inhabited by second-rate Swedes for Sweden or a Russian shithole

>Putting them in the same union as fucking Greece, on the other hand, makes zero sense. You'd have to stretch the definition of culture so far out to justify such a union that it loses all meaning.

Thank you nederbro! I'd vote for you to replace Juncker!

aren't eu countries already successful economically

>I can't identify with them, but I could live with Spaniards if they fixed their country
And that is why Spain can never be a functioning country. A democracy does not work if there's no Demos. You might as well become an absolute monarchy once more at that point, if you value keeping the country together so much.

>I think we agree in the essential. You are just more radical about the solution.
I guess so. That's also why I think most expansions of the EU were a mistake. Original six + Iberia is as far as I'm willing to go, and that's me being generous.

nationalism during a war or foreign occupation is understandable, what I'm talking about is for example what happens between Eritrea and Ethiopia. They're basically the same people, and yet they've fought 30 years for petty reasons, leading both countries to famine and poverty.

Not really.
There's a lot of poor fellas in Africa who really don't even care who is rulling them as long as they don't come around to kill them and rape them.
Most of the Arab world consider themselves Arabs and Muslims first and whatever country they were born in second.

Nationalism is a thing because individuals are quicker to understand the "we vs them" than the "my lord vs some pesants of other lord"
Nationalism wasn't "invented". It was always there.

>too big differences in the cultures
>between EU member states
>between Soviet states
You're retarded.

Yes, death to culture.

nationalism in Africa is related more to ethnic tensions, they had pogroms and ethnic cleansings most of their history and things stacked up in the collective memory of the tribes. Add in colonial powers niggering up the border drawing and we had modern day Africa with its constant conflict

and I'd probably still be nationalistic about Finland, it is a good country and why should I not feel proud of a country I'm helping to keep going?

In some places nationalism works and in some places it doesn't

Successful example: Nordic and Baltic areas
Impossible examples: Balkans and Papua New Guinea

Areas without a dominating population are prone to having disastrous consequences to nationalism

this, nationalism is just an evolved form of tribalism extended over larger distances

>The United States of America are successful

lol no

the US is on brink of a cold civil war going hot

it's just he federal government media is covering it up like it's their first priority.

As Bob Marley once sang,

you can lie to some people some time, but you cant lie to all the people all the time.

Nationalism is extremely recent, mostly related to the French Revolution. The average peasant does not understand "my lord vs some peasants of other lord" because he didn't need to. The Ancien Regime had lords lording, and wars were fought by professionals who had made war their business and were commanded by nobles who owed fealty to their leage in exchange for privileges. It was the French Revolution, the abolition of the nobility and the rise of conscript armies that introduced the need for nationalism.

Before that, the relation between peasant and lord was more or less "that guy I pay taxes to so foreigners don't burn my farm".

>Successful example: Nordic and Baltic areas
have money, backed by US
>Impossible examples: Balkans and Papua New Guinea
don't have money, US wanted war to happen

yeah, must be a cultural thing

Nationalism makes people blind to their country's faults, even leading to justify war crimes. If you can't see what's wrong, you can't improve.
In Europe we don't have the real nationalism, being proud of your own country doesn't count as that.

Well, if Yugoslavia had too big differences in the cultures to beheld together, how could EU stay together?

>Poland and Mongolia were culturally indistinguishable as soviet states !!!
You're retarded

>In Europe we don't have the real nationalism

>Which is why a Nordic Union might have a fighting chance of existing

Yes and it'd be closer to home so to say. The decision making would feel more important when you don't see the "capital" as being somewhere far off and removed and all your representatives doing shady work who no one really explained to you (I've researched EU so I do know, sure, but talking from a view point of an ordinary Finn for example).

That's why EU parliament voting turnout is so shit, everything is so far removed from the perceived normal functioning of a country and every day concerns that it becomes this big bad overshadowing precence that eats up your sovereignity and which is also led by evil bureaucratic faceless technocratic communist neoclassical cunts.

no, fat nazis wannabe don't count

I believe that people have more than one culture and more than one identity.
EU must simply add another layer to who Europeans feel they are.
it's already happening and Brexit will help very much because it gives EU a clear 'enemy', a entity which we will for a lengthy period of time be at odds with.
There is a reason EU is popular with young people, the new identity is already under way.

>The United States of America are successful because they succceeded in completely destroying the indigenous cultures and peoples
They did destroy the indigenous people, but then we had to import new cultures.

The US isn't one monoculture. People think just because we all speak English we're all the same. We're not.
Different regions have completely different, and opposing, values, culture, and ethnic makeup.
We succeed because we put this aside and work together to get the job done, which Europe will never do.
In America it doesn't matter if you're a liberal Sicilian New Yorker, a poor black Michiganer, a progressive from California, or an Anglo-Russian mountainman from Alaska, we tease each other over accents and food but buckle down and run the world together, make all the media for the entire world, have a military presence all over the world, save your asses form the Nazis etc. That's why we run the world, because you're too busy in-fighting.

In America, regardless of location, culture, or ethnicity we still see ourselves as American.
In Europe, a Catalan says he isn't Spanish, A Scot says he isn't British, and a Flemish says he isn't Belgian
You're more concerned with exclusion and the US is about inclusion.


>Original six + Iberia is as far as I'm willing to go, and that's me being generous.
This is true, every other country is leech-tier except for our irish friends

Cultural differences between Poland and Mongolia are not why USSR fell apart.

And saying that there are big cultural differences between Croats and Serbs is also retarded. Croats and Serbs are culturally closer than different parts of USA are to each other.

You're trying to simplify different complex political and economic situations into some "MUH CULTURE" meme.

>the Catalan trying to explain that you can have a union with a bunch of countries you don't identify with
They say "it's not about the money" when they speak about independence, but they keep showing how much it actually IS about money.

I have to love these patriotic American posts. They are so innocent and naive.

Go find a basic definition of nationalism and read it at least sixty times.

>he confuses nationalism and national identity

Nationalism was always there. It was just given a name later because before that most allegiances were to a lord, not a country or people.
But people have always been close to those who are same or similar. It's tribalism and natural. And the reason why foreign lords always had more trouble rulling over other people even if they were the legitimate ruler.

Niggers in Africa didn't need the French to "invent" nationalism to start ethnically cleansing others.

no, you certainly can be a nationalist but not want to purge undesireables or enemies of the nation

>most expansions of the EU were a mistake. Original six + Iberia is as far as I'm willing to go, and that's me being generous.

And thanks for including us

then tell me why the so called nationalist parties are always strongly against immigration

That "nationalism" wasn't as much identifying with a nation as much as it was with a direct community. Even within a region ruled by the same lord, people from village A identified with eachother and saw people from village B as outsiders. Identifying with a city or region was much more common, and that makes sense. It's something you simply cannot avoid due to humans being social creatures.

Same with tribes: they're a direct in-group you mostly know by name.

>Nordic and Baltic areas
>have money, backed by US
Holy shit what
Finland, Norway and Iceland were third world countries some 80 years ago, the baltics are still not very rich even though they are doing well already after soviet occupation
The baltics, Denmark and Norway are backed by the US. Finland and Sweden are not

>Impossible examples: Balkans and Papua New Guinea
>don't have money, US wanted war to happen
Please tell me about the Papua New Guinean war that the US wanted to happen. Also balkan history is quite bloody without US intervention already. Balkan nationalism caused the first world war, which directly led to the second world war which I don't think was operated from the US in real history

>Original six + Iberia is as far as I'm willing to go, and that's me being generous.
I agree, but I would have included Nordic Council in the union too but so that Nordics were represented by the Council, in effect two different economic areas but different unions so that no one feels left out.

Because contrary to popular belief it doesn't make one a racist to oppose immigration. Purging undesireables = limiting immigration. Nationalist parties often feel, and the people supporting them, that immigrants erode the national values and culture. For example, a Somali here has a completely different mindset of how a country should be organized and what is permitted behaviour.

How are, for example, ancient Jews, not a nation?

They had their own religion, a land they claimed, they claimed common origin, a common identity, etc. They had all the elements of a nation.

You had nationalistic elements in the late Byzantine Empire, you had them in medieval Scotland, you had them in medieval Croatia. History wasn't just dumb peasants and anational feudalism as much as leftist historian like to go on about that.

>Purging undesireables = limiting immigration

I of course meant Purging undesireables =/= limiting immigration :DDDDD

Yeah, the destruction of bosniaks was clearly just a complex politically and economically motivated act that had nothing to do with national identity, culture or ethnicity. Why would I even think like that, silly me!

>+ Iberia
Nah. That's stretching it too much.

>it doesn't make one a racist to oppose immigration
it does if you do it on cultural grounds.
If you think that a somali is less capable than a northern european to live in an advanced society, you may be a little racist.

Can't blame USSR for not trying though. They were active in the prestigious field of gulags and Russian-born population relocation to areas emptied from its original population.

>the breakup of Yugoslavia was not politically and economically complex
ayy lmao

Croats and Bosniaks were also at war until they joined forces and now live together. There were around 18,000 ethnic Serbs in the Croatian army, by the way. So much about simplying the Yugo wars into "MUH GENOCIDE".

Hey Mohammed. How did it go today in the mosque?
Here, have some food for humans. I just hope you don't die poisoned by it!

When are you planning to remove yourself from the premises? :)
If you aren't planning to do so, we are going to do it ourselves! Don't you want to help us? We are your friends!

You're also ignoring the fact that there's more cultural differences between American states than between Croats and Serbs and you pointed out USA as a culture-destroying success.

It's not that they are not capable, it's just that they are not willing to play by our rules in our country. Which creates a lot of unneeded tension
Ethiopians on the other hand have conformed into the finnish society and are model citizens. Love those guys

t. other

Nationalism implies a nation. Nations imply a shared consciousness of belonging to an ethnic group.
Villages don't consitute the basis for ethic groups.

I only explained why people might feel limiting immigration is good. I didn't imply Somalis are unable to adjust to a modern society but I do believe that any immigrant from any third world put in a foreign country full of foreign people who speak foreign language and who have a vastly different mindset will face hardships.

Finnish Ethiopians incidentally hate Somalis :D

t. knower of Ethiopian-Somali relations


>>Hey Mohammed. How did it go today in the mosque?
No THAT is some projecting. How about you go back to not shitposting, andaluz infrahumano?
>Here, have some food for humans. I just hope you don't die poisoned by it!
Actually, I just had an entire portion of Jamón, and a very expensive one, I'm sorry to break your heart, knowing you've only tasted subpar carrefeour or alcampo "jamón".
>When are you planning to remove yourself from the premises? :)
When are YOU planning on stopping to leech for Castilla/Euskadi/Cataluña, you subhuman andaluz? I know you really want to belong to Europe, but I hate to break it to you, Spain has nothing to with Europe; they always tried to kill us, they've had no respect for us and they see us as inferior. I know you are just a like cuckold who enjoys the thought of being fucked and beaten up by Germans, but grow some decency , you inferior piece of andalucian trash.
>If you aren't planning to do so, we are going to do it ourselves! Don't you want to help us? We are your friends!
Nah, you don't need to help me, andaluz, the castellanos -we- conquered this land, so go back to being a subhuman creature of less value.

>Still insisting that the Yugoslavia was torn apart by money and had nothing to do with various nationalist movements and ethnic tensions inside it
Wew lad, "MUH HISTORY"

Well Croats and Serbs are pretty much from the same mold, you guys could live in one country and nobody would notice.

I'm a Catalan you fucking idiot.

We had our land far before castilliantards ended their orgy with the moors.

Let me remind you that we are both iberians. You implied that we do not deserve the consideration of other Europeans, just like most self-hating moor-lovers do.

>"whoops... it just slipped! I didn't mean to say that :DDDD ;))"

Fug my ruse has been revealed :DD

>I promise I will be tolerant in the future! I promise! :DDDD I don't need the bull, I will behave!

>I'm a Catalan you fucking idiot.
Fucking worse, a cuckold french colonized by Castellanos.
>We had our land far before castilliantards ended their orgy with the moors.
Exactly, because you were a vassal state at the command of Castilla, and the command was: stop conquering this peninsula because it's OURS.
>Let me remind you that we are both iberians
I can track my ancestry to Castilla, Euskadi -and sadly, scataluña- but since you are catalán born, I'm pretty sure you actually are just andaluz in disguise.
>You implied that we do not deserve the consideration of other Europeans
What? Nice reading comprehension, Joan Fernández. I implied that Spain SHOULD NOT be in a union of countries that consider her trash and have done nothing but try to kill her.
>ust like most self-hating moor-lovers do.
Hilariously enough, the one people that has actually said that Spain should not get the consideration of Europeans throughout history has been Scatalans, who think they are "more european", when you people are just as non-european as the rest.

Yeah, fuck history, who needs that when we have our great "minor cultural differences did it" Finn?

>Croats and Serbs are pretty much from the same mold
You previously claimed that Yugoslavia fell apart because of too big cultural differences.

>a vassal state at the command of Castilla
In your dreams, faggot. Oh my god... Not even spanish-nationalist historians say a stupidity like that. Do you even know about the Duchy of Gothia you fucking faggot?

>I'm pretty sure you actually are just andaluz in disguise.
I'm not. But you will have to trust me on that one. We are sadly invaded by the andalulazies.

And think what you want about our europeaness. Can't argue with idiots.

Are you actually fucking retarded or do just want to not understand anything

Yeah, fuck culture and genocides, who needs facts when we have our great "complex economics" Croat?
There were other ethnicities in Yugoslavia than Croats and Serbs, I hope this is not new information for you. For further information, I'd suggest reading "The Balkans: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers, 1804-1999" and "The Serbs: History , Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia" but for starters you could take some vague background information from wikipedia

have fun

>Are you actually fucking retarded or do just want to not understand anything
Are you asking that question to yourself? Because you should.

>meme books and wikipedia
No wonder you're so clueless. Have fun dodging and ignoring actual arguments to go spouting your bullshit ideas.

> other ethnicities in Yugoslavia than Croats and Serbs
The war was between Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks. All three speak the same language, are barely different and even if they followed the same religion, the war would still happened.

>In your dreams, faggot.
No, not in my dreams, scatalan, you know your """country""" has been a castilian bitch for centuries now.
>And think what you want about our europeaness. Can't argue with idiots.
No, you are the idiot to think that Spain has anything to do with anything north of the Pyrinees. Wake the fuck up, you european cuckold: they hate you, they despise you, they see you as a leech, they hope you die, they DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. Yet here you are, trying to defend you "europeanes".
You are a true cuckold of both Castilla and Europa, doing as we say when we say.

You're wrong because America forged a culture of its own. It did not destroy the cultures, it assimilated them.

Therefore assimilation is the path to economical success.

You really deserve to burn. Fucking twat...

>You really deserve to burn. Fucking twat...
Is that your way of saying "please, France, FUCK MY FACE AGAIN, please, I really, really like it when you conquer Barcelona and piss all over me, don't let those Castillian devils get to me!"
You are just a blind little cuck that believed the lies of the "European Spain" disregarding that there's no such a thing and has never been.
You of all people should be the ones AGAINST a union with France, the country that literally claims you are theirs just to kill and impose the Paris way. But no, you have forgotten your own history, like a an obedient little cuckold. I truly hope Spain break for Castilla to be alone once again and to see you get overrun by the government of France.
How does it feel knowing that Europeans laugh at you for thinking you are European? How does it feel to know they see you as a subhuman creature that deserves no respect?

Globalism and nationalism were BOTH created by opposing factions of the elite who seek to control the world. The concepts of globalism and nationalism did not exist until the late 18th century.


>Credible research from the top universities of the world
>Meme books
No wonder you're so clueless. Have fun dodging actual arguments to go spouting your bullshit ideas.

ps. what about montenegrins, macedonians and albanian minorities? Let me guess: they had nothing to do with the wars, maybe they don't even exist as peoples? The countries were just formed because of complex economics, right?

>what about montenegrins, macedonians and albanian minorities?
>The countries were just formed
Maybe read that wikipedia link before you comment on Yugo wars.

>Not answering the question and continuing to puke shit

I'm done, you have only proven OP's claim. We are culturally way too different to be in one union. Different methods and different thoughts. The feeling based mediterraenian thinking is completely inadjustable to the requirements of modern rational world and can only bring forth frustration and separatism.

You are confusing religious fanaticism with nationalism. The Jews are not only connected by ethnicity, but by religion too. You are not a Jew if you are not a follower of the Jewish religion. Jewish identity has always been tied to their religion, it just so happens that Jews are the only ones who follow the Jewish religion.

>The United States of America are successful because they succceeded in completely destroying the indigenous cultures and peoples
they didn't destroyed their entire culture, but destroyed the parts that fought against the american culture integrating the rest. And since American Culture is revolved around individualism, capitalism and personal freedom anyone can be integrated. The same for Brazil but at another angle, our culture is revolved around integration, socialism and collectively enjoying life, and that way anyone can be Brazilian and share our culture. It isn't about destroying cultures, but removing the parts that struggle with yours. That's how you integrate immigrants into your culture. What the EU is trying to do literally destroy every European culture and putting the American one on top of all European national cultures. And since European countries cultures got too many struggle points with the Individualism and personal freedom culture of the USA they are refusing to accept this

I can't prove you wrong because I agree.

Not that it is desirable, but it is necessary unless you feel happier and more glorious being a little client state of USA/China/Russia.

It's no big deal, anyway. Our common yuropean culture already is reduced to using an american image board for shitposting in the american language from our american apple device or american microsoft software-using computer while driving to the cinema to watch the latest american movie with the assistance of american GPS while listening to american music and thinking of taking a mcburger for dinner and then go back home to ponder on all the memes and cliches of american cultural production we've already assimilated as you pass by an 'ethnic' person, a 'hipster' or a 'liberal'.

>poopy poop
You made no actual argument in this whole thread.

No, I'm not.

>You are not a Jew if you are not a follower of the Jewish religion
Yes, you are. There are atheist Jews nowadays and there are Biblical Jews who followed pagan Gods instead of YHWH. Religion played a big role to the Jewish identity, but Jews, even ancient ones, were a nation. The whole concept of Judaism revolved around creating a righteous nation/people of God. They even had the concept of a nation state.

Also, converting to Judaism implies that you're joining the Jewish people and are abandoning your previous national attachments.