It's been ten days, has anything happened since?

It's been ten days, has anything happened since?

Aside from useful idiots being used to try to increase government control of the internet? Nope. They said they don't care about the amount of responses, but if they hold any weight for a cost benefit decision.

There are bigger problems than net neutrality: censorship, DRM in the official HTML5 standard, and lack of internet service in rural areas. Some people are stuck with using cellular broadband because no lines are laid down.

>There are bigger problems than net neutrality: censorship
If net neutrality goes away, censorship ensures.

>prioritization of packet speeds
Stop drinking the >>>/reddit/ koolaid so hard

The Drumpf defense forces have gone to defcon 2.

>using drumpf unironically
>thinking he has anything to do with net neutrality right now
Pls into legislative branch

You can multitask outrage and annoyance.

>ISP can throttle a site they don't like or that competes with them to drive users away and to other services
>ISP can just completely deny a site any traffic at all by not connecting their customers (That are often cucked by monopolies or oligopolies in the USA) to it
>This is somehow not giving corporations the capability to censor the internet

The FCC claimed that all the responses they got were a DDOS attack, and Verizon was caught throttling Netflix again while creating their own streaming service.

Why should I care about American isp's?

>>ISP can just completely deny a site any traffic at all by not connecting their customers
Yeah because this will not instantly result in outrage. Fucking retard, AT&T blocked Sup Forums when I was a teenager and there was a massive shitstorm.

I hope net neutrality fails so ISPs shut down Sup Forums so I'm finally free

It may be some time before anything substantial happens or it's entirely possible that absolutely nothing happens and for whatever reason ISPs choose to always provide equal bandwidth to all services even if not required to. However the issue is the groundwork has been laid for all kinds of consumer exploitation. We shouldn't allow that possibility to become reality.

ISPs may not be doing anything with regard to the repeal of NN immediately because they are worried about losing marketshare. If Service A throttles certain traffic or imposes fees and Service B doesn't then people are going to drop Service A and migrate to B. ISPs are probably being cautious right now but that is not likely to last forever and eventually someone will test the waters.

>has anything happened since
No, just like every other time this has happened.

Also "Net Neutrality" to the general public has literally 0% to do with what actual legislation does.

Please tell me a situation in the last 30 years that an ISP was found to throttle speeds to a particular domain or protocol and didnt immediately face enormous backlash and stopped.

I'll be waiting.

>they're good boys now, they learned their lesson and won't do it again

>They've repeatedly tried to be bad boys and always faced severe repercussion and customer loss
>We have to force them into being good boys and give government power on them!
The only time a non-mobile ISP has been charged with directly fucking with traffic is Comcast a decade ago, with P2P.

We've never had net neutrality, we've never needed it. Netflix wanted it because then they wouldnt have to pony up for the OBSCENE amount of network traffic they were using, and they ended up doing it anyways by charging their customers an extra dollar a month.
It's not necessary, it's never been necessary, it never WILL be necessary.
But no, please, yes, let's let the government stick its dirty fingers into the last remaining center of true free speech.

ISPs don't give a shit what you do until the government does, so stop giving the government that fucking power.

>It's not censorship if my ISP slowed me to a crawl

>Lets ignore the last 30 years of ISP evidence of them not doing that, and the one or two instances of them actually doing it they stopped
>Lets just hang it all over to the FCC, the same people repsonsible for full censorship of Radio, TV, Paid Access TV, Magazine Print, and News Print
>They surely won't do anything silly!

It hasn't been a problem
It has never been a problem
Stop buying into scare tactics
You fucking retard

the political beliefs you've been told to have are clouding your judgment

>He says this while defending corporatism of ISPs buying special rights to be the only allowed ISP in the city they bought.

mobile ISP's don;t have to abide ny NN rules yet you don't see them "throttling" or "blocking" websites

why do redditors keep making this assumption?

Congratulations, you've offered a completely meaningless rebuttal because I can say literally the same about you.
Challenge the idea not your projected belief.

That has precisely 0% to do with net neutrality. That's a monopoly and ordinance issue. NN won't stop Comcast from being a monopoly.

Mobile ISPs have to abide by *certain* NN laws.
They're not officially treated the same because part of Title II is being landline based, it's in the wording.
If anybody, mobile ISPs are the absolute worst offenders, but people seem to be locked into NO ITS MY LANDLINE THAT NEVER REALLY HAD AN ISSUE BEFORE NOW

>That has precisely 0% to do with net neutrality.
It does, if net neutrality dies and ISPs start throttling, your little muh free market excuse doesn't work if someone has only one ISP to choose

>Company already has monopoly
>NN, which NEVER LIVED through legislation, continues to not live
>Company somehow has even more monopoly
It's like arguing with a turtle.

>It does, if net neutrality dies and ISPs start throttling, your little muh free market excuse doesn't work if someone has only one ISP to choose

People can always move, or use a mobile ISP. There is no monopoly on the internet.

>Dude just move lol
Libertarians ladies and gentlemen

outrage over time fades.

if ISP's do it enough, and subtly there will be no room for outrage to get it back.

hence the needs for some sort of regulation or legal framework to prevent companies from abusing their power.

How can you subtly block Access to a website?

Trump and the Republican party do not support NN, therefore Sup Forums does not support NN.
It's pretty sad.
Imagine if Clinton had won, and was firmly against NN .They're be pro NN threads constantly.

>Imagine if Clinton had won
The economy would be down 40 points and we'd already be at war with Russia.
She's a warmonger. Look at her history. There's a reason people didn't vote for her, even though she seemed like the obvious choice.
The population isn't COMPLETELY blind.

But Sup Forums does support net neutrality

slower speeds paired with intermittent complete inaccessibility

not this retard

lmao then why do I see the same bullshit regurgitated talking points ("muh government regulation!" constantly on here and on Sup Forums in regards to NN?

Shills plus faggots from /r/the_donald who will defend the poo to their graves.

You know who supports net neutrality?

Hitler would support net neutrality

>hurr common carrier classification is the only way for net neutrality to exist

Can Sup Forums just leave pls?

you know
that´s actually reason enough to stay the fuck away from it
everything that disgusting ass touches is cancer
be it his schools or anything he finances

>Aside from useful idiots being used to try to increase government control of the internet? Nope
>free speech is government regulation therefore bad
good try shekelstein

You're all retarded

pick both?

4chans packets would be dead fucking last since it cost the jews the election.

>Yeah because this will not instantly result in outrage. Fucking retard, AT&T blocked Sup Forums when I was a teenager and there was a massive shitstorm.
And the only reason the outrage actually achieved anything is because the internet was a lot smaller back then and a ton of Sup Forumstards firing up LOIC were actually a credible threat. If ISPs tried to block a similar size site today (8gag for example) most people likely wouldn't even hear about it. Hell, they could probably block Sup Forums and nothing would happen. What are people going to do, take their money elsewhere and downgrade to DSL for the same price?

Introducing the new Sup Forums fast access pass! Only $29.99 a month extra!