I'm kind of confused about Greece right now.. Heraklit, Platon, Parmenides, Aristoteles, Pythagoras, just to name a few...

I'm kind of confused about Greece right now.. Heraklit, Platon, Parmenides, Aristoteles, Pythagoras, just to name a few.. How did Greeks become the stupid fucks they are nowadays?


breeding with Turks does that to you

turk admixture

Mehmet, are you even trying anymore?

1/10 I expect more effort from you "I am Greek"-roach.

There's no correlation between producing good philosophers and running a 21st century first-world economy.

Are you saying Greeks are still as smart as they were back then? Seriously? And what the fuck do Turks have to do with this now. They can't even count to 10.

They weren't only creating philosophers m8..

That's not unique. Mesopotamia and Egypt come to mind. There are not many ancient nations who retained their intelligence level. How we did this you ask? Well, the answer is drinking christian blood.

>all Germans are 1 poster

The German hivemind is too complex a concept for a mere pawn in our game to grasp

Thinking isn't that useful these days so producing great thinkers does not help a country.

>Thinking isn't that useful these days
Lel.. stop thinking and you'll end up like all Arab countries.

take a look outside your window

Did you say that because the poster is a turk, or because he lives in Germany? Or both?

This guy is an immigrant in Germany.

Turks in Germany don't hate Greece.

All empires die, there is no exception

this, most succesful countries i've been to are full of dumbasses..


Does it matter?
It's pretty clear that the same thing that happened to us 600 years ago is now happening in the West countries too. Mixing with Mongol Muslims from deep Asia is obviously going to dumb you down.

>Mongol Muslims from deep Asia
Greek intelligence shining like a lamp once again.
