Tall aryan women

how common are 6ft+ Aryan women in your cuntry?

pic related is 6'2

Tall aryan women with her Asian boyfriend

>Tall aryan women with her Asian boyfriend
Same couple as above


we have them but they are usually self hating bitchies
my ex was 175cm according to her she was too tall and wished that she is 10cm shorter becuse heels and shit
women are fucked up


Jesus Christ Alicia is hot, muh dick

Tall Aryan teen with her Asian boyfriend

>Tall Aryan teen with her Asian boyfriend
Another pic of them


Cute, I hope they have 6 ft tall supreme gentlechildren

>>Tall Aryan teen with her Asian boyfriend
She is on the far right if you want to see how tall she is

I am not bothered with asian men dating white women, yet black on white bothers me. Am I raciss?

>Tall Aryan teen with her Asian boyfriend
Another pic showing her height


>4 years ago, when I was a fetus


the offspring of asian +white is human, and is easily restored to pretty much 100% whiteness after 2 generations. black + white destroys the genepool for a very long time.

lil bit raciss. I reckon it's because white and asian men see enough similarities with each other that neither feels threatened but big black men are still the Other.


Come to think of it you're right. I've never seen white on asian shaming shit online.
Do asians secretly despise white on asian dating, or is it as fine with them as it seems?

Elizabeth Debicki is too tall


>I went "awww, that's cute" in my head just by reading it

It's ironic because the tanned dark haired girl is way more attractive. Whoever she is, she's basically perfect

jose salazar detected

I don't think there is a person alive who won't admit that brown girls are more attractive than whites

They are the ones who spam the white woman/chink man stuff on Sup Forums.

muh diq i want a tall gf but i get along the best with short girls all the time
such is life of being a giant

Who is this female depressing me?

some tall girl that lives in New Jersey in the US. another pic of her, she is the tall one in the middle

>not 6'5f+
6'5 = almost 2 meters if you are in a normal country

Why the fuck would you want a girl that tall? Where do women like that even exist? Holland?

>tfw 5'8 male, but handsome
kill me

watch "The Night Manager" and get back to me