Redpill me on Manjaro
Redpill me on Manjaro
Sup Forums: The Distro
why wouldnt you just use Arch
you can install Manjaro OpenRC spin if you're not a faggot
It's a great distro. It's arch but instead it sends updates out in waves. Personally, miles more stable than arch was for me.
niggers use it
Daily reminder next election white traitors will elect Bernie Sanders or any other socialist jew, this socialist jew will use taxpayer money to fund gender studies 4 year program for the white trash and you'll be thankful when this socialist jew create a state health agency run by big pharma companies claiming it is necessary because they have to offer ''free public health for the poor american people''.
Fuck off Sup Forums
It's ok i guess
It's Arch without the downsides.
written and maintained by kebap sellers in germany and france
It's #3 on distrowatch so they're doing something right
Who wants to waste time with that shit?
It's like Antergos but you have less packages because Manjaro uses its own repositories. You still have access to AUR if you're keen on breaking your system when updating.
If you want something better just install Xubuntu, enjoy more new packages that are maintained and included in the official repos. You spend way less time in deleting bloat from *buntu than configuring everything with Arch or its forks.
But if you really must use some Arch-like distro, use Antergos.
How Europeans say kebab.
Xubuntu is the buggiest POS ever. Fuck PPAs, fuck the software store, fuck the retarded default settings, fuck apt-get, fuck the Debian way, and fuck you.
>Fuck PPAs, fuck the software store, fuck the retarded default settings, fuck apt-get, fuck the Debian way, and fuck you.
Works on my machine
I know how that movie ends.
they both use systemd
install void
t. Luke, again
Install Gentoo for a proper system-eks-dee-less experience
You can use Open -RC
Choose Arch or Antergos, Manjaro is pointless since it uses its own repos. It's like choosing Ubuntu over Debian, grow up.
as opposed to keybob, the burger pronunciation
This is objectively the reason I don't use a Serbian based system anymore. It's just too much of a pain in the ass.
Who is this semen demon?
It's a fucking cartoon.
It's fine dude
Manjaro is the "Stable" to Arch's "Sid". I use manjaro for servers and never have a problem.
I'll fuck a cartoon. Where do you think we are?