You can get one after only living in Argentina for 2 years. For those of you from shitty passport countries, this will allow you to travel around EU without visa.

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>inviting more apes

well done scandicuck

what if we come from a poor country?

you don't understand if you think it's easy to live 2 years here coming from a rich country
it's more like ''if you resist 2 years here, then you deserve the passport'', kek

who even needs a visa to travel to eu besides turkey

then you'll have more chances, but our economy it's unstable af
again, if you resist 2 years, I'm agree with giving the passaport

It's easy to live everywhere if you have money.

But Argentina is 99% white German diaspora, r-right..?


n1 lad

no, those are brazilians (?), we're 80% spanish and/or italian

That's probably after you get permanent residency idiot, just like in canada or poland. There's no semi developed to developed citizenship without a 5-10 year wait.

Wrong. It is 2 years for Argentina.

There are even countries whose citizenship can be bought right away, without residency requirements.

Caribbean nations, Malta, Cyprus, and even Austria, do sell their citizenship.

No. It's literally 2 years.

Other fast countries to acquire citizenship are Singapore, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia, Chile, Panama, Belgium--all between 3 and 5 years. Singapore is only 3 years for example.

If you've got money, you can also buy various citizenships:

>Russian citizenship for a petty sum (if you want to be Putin's man)
>Bulgarian citizenship will appeal to the EU fans, although I prefer Malta
>St. Kitts & Nevis is a good compromise between affordable price ($300,000) and ease of travel (130+ countries visa-free)

Why would someone spend $300.000 dollars in the passport of a fucking tiny island?!

Ok I researched it and as always I'm right. You can only apply for the 2 year citizenship wait after you've lived for 5 years and gotten permanent residency approved by a judge, so a total of 7 years and probably longer to get the papers.

Here it's illustrated with a chart:


1. Because they have a terrible citizenship that doesn't allow them to travel easily, to open a bank account abroad, etc. Think about Pakistani or Afghani citizens. They're regarded suspiciously everywhere.

2. Because they're rich Americans living abroad and they don't want to pay income tax to USA (who taxes you regardless of your residency). A rich American can acquire St. Kitts citizenship for $300,000; renounce American citizenship; and then go live to the UAE and pay zero tax.

The goal is not to actually live there. It's used to flee your original citizenship.

>mfw shithole passport

it's not an aggressive terrorist shithole, but still shithole

how be what do

what's best option for me? I dont have 300k to spare for sain kitts and newis islands sadly, even though I knew about this particular option for a while now.



Art. 3° — Los extranjeros designados en el artículo 2° inciso 1° de la Ley N° 346, al tiempo de solicitar su naturalización deberán cumplimentar las siguientes condiciones:

a) tener dieciocho (18) años de edad cumplidos

>b) residir en la República dos (2) años continuos

>c) manifestar ante los jueces federales su voluntad de serlo.

También podrán obtener la naturalización cualquiera sea el tiempo de su residencia los extranjeros que acrediten las siguientes circunstancias:

a) haber desempeñado con honradez empleos en la Administración Pública Nacional, Provincial o Municipal o en el Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sud, dentro o fuera de la República.

b) haber servido en las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas o haber asistido a una acción de guerra en defensa de la Nación.

c) haber establecido en el país una nueva industria, introducido una invención útil o realizado cualquier otra acción, que signifique un adelanto moral o material para la República.

d) hallarse formando parte de las colonias establecidas o que se establecieren en cualquier punto del país.

e) habitar o promover el poblamiento del Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sud.

f) tener cónyuge o hijo argentino nativo.

g) ejercer la docencia en cualquiera de sus ramas.


>he wrote it in spanish

este es una cosa muy seria, amigo...


The less expensive passport may be Russia, but it's still $150,000+ and the program is untested. Comoros is even cheaper (I think it's $50,000), but it's a shithole.

Some Caribbean nations will let you invest the money (in government bonds or real estate) rather than giving it away.

Other than that, your only choices are:

>several years of residency in a "fast" country (Paraguay, Singapore, Panama, etc.)
>having ancestry from a country who give away citizenship by descent such as Ireland, Poland, Italy, Israel, Spain...
>marrying a citizen from the country you want: a "marriage in name only" may be bought cheaply in certain countries