Type in your password buddy I wanna take a look

Type in your password buddy I wanna take a look.

your password

That'll be 3 warrants my good man.
1 for the unlawful entry of my home
1 for the seizure of my belongings
And 1 for the ethereal concept of a password.

My password is christopher1 for almost everything, unless it's caps required, then it's Christopher1

Lol tell that to a judge.. oh right you aren't allowed to speak in your own trial


And when they require symbols?

haha epic reddit joke upvoted

your password buddy I wanna take a look.


but i don't even remember what sites I use that on, I'll probably reset the password if I come across them.

Why not just use Christopher1! for everything? It'd be more convenient.

Could you imagine? A court where you're not constitutionally provided the right to an attorney? Pure fantasy.

in your password buddy I wanna take a look.

That's a good idea, I'll change the ones I use the most like my gmail to that and in the future I'll make all my new passwords that too.

reddit is an amazing site with awesome content

Glad to be of help, Chris


Sup Forums blocks your password see look ********


I use Slackware and it has something to do with BOB

My attack entropy probably dropped by 20bits lol

U-uhh... N-no thank you

Not even kidding when I had hacked Dominos accounts there were passwords like this.


How to make a decent password: start with a phrase you won't forget, then abbreviate it (or don't), saving capitalization and punctuation. Lastly switch letters with numbers. Voila!

that joke is older than reddit


>types 3m3rgenc13#d3l3td1$!!!
>laptop erases the disk completely, beginning from the header of the disk.
>because i use 30GB SSDs, its all gone in 90secs

When it abruptly turns off, I look confused and yell "what the fuck did you do to my laptop??? Is this a joke?"





i just make that my password becuse nobody will suspect me of being gay

look like it would take 2 minutes to tyoe that in with alt+number combinations



in your password buddy I wanna take a look.



reminder that anyone obsessed with "outing" redditors is a redditor himself.

Stop using my password!

like, way older. It's around at lease since IRC times.

good one user