Does anyone ACTUALLY use this for anything?

Does anyone ACTUALLY use this for anything?

all the time, especially in the terminal.

Never, especially not in the terminal.

Sometimes, occasionally in the terminal.

Is this a thing on British keyboards?
Seems like it would be useful

I think i use it in terminal, im not sure though

Does anyone ACTUALLY use this for anything?

Terminal, occasionally in the sometimes.

Yes, in spreadsheet programs. But that's literally the only place.

Are you telling me that you never use the contextual menu key? Motherfucker it's basically a mouse right-click on your keyboard

I use it a lot when I only have a keyboard plugged in.

it's actually fairly useful

In terminal?

all the time!

Hyper or Super

I honestly don't even remember what Scroll Lock actually does.

I use it to right click because my touchpad sucks

few programs use it but excel uses it to change your arrow keys from one cell at a time to one page at a time

my shitty backlit keyboard uses it to turn the backlight on and off

yea use to use it all the fucking time.
tab, ctlr, alt, enter, backspace, and that key are the only things you need to navigate any file browser.

It binds to M-x in Emacs gui

>what is ranger?

Not terminal is the especially

I use to masturbate my asshole senpai

All the time in FreeBSD

>>what is ranger?
dont know, is it a meme?

I made it my OBS recording toggle. Much like I made my Winblows key a PTT button. They're generally useless keys, so unbind everything and repurpose them.

Binded it for opening the terminal


I like that idea. Might have to do that.

Yes, it's really useful on a laptop, or when you go 100% keyboard. (okay, usually it's 99.999%)

Also this


For bringing up the context menu when navigating the GUI with the keyboard. It's quite handy.

Autistic reddit

come on, next time you'll be telling me you don't swap your caps lock and ctrl

I do use that when my right hand is occupied

I use it all the time on my lenovo laptop, since the touchpad is horrible and can't right click

Yeah how else would I screencap?

A lot of cheap KVMs use it to toggle between outputs.

can't live without it

To right click when typing in a word document. Like, change the size and colour of a chunk of text without actually using my mouse. Why waste that hand travel time to reach for my mouse for RMB when I have this key.

Git gud m8

Yeah, I remapped it as right-super on my laptop, since they keyboard otherwise lacks it. Right-click is directly under my thumb anyway.

Don't have one on my laptop, but I remember my old keyboard correctly, it's probably to far away to bind to something useful. Maybe bind it to lock the screen or launch some program.

Bound mine to mod4

i use it when i work on lotus123 for the closure

I used it once years ago and haven't been been able to close the terminal ever since.

When I'm high and make a typo in a browser and realize that Alt+Enter doesn't open a suggestion popup like in IntelliJ I'll press that to select a suggested word instead of moving my hands to the touchpad/mouse.

>Does anyone ACTUALLY use this for anything?
>Doesn't realise it ACTUALLY does nothing unless bound by user or some shit program that no one uses

I use it as my compose key.

>shit program that no one uses
Ayy slow down on the memes

i use it as a mute mic button for discord and teamspeak.

shift f10

Kind of

I use it to get around right click protection on web pages if I want to be lazy.