How many of you think adobe should give out the source code for flash now that they getting rid of it

how many of you think adobe should give out the source code for flash now that they getting rid of it

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So ransomniggers have it easier to exploit that piece of shit until it finally dies? Nah.

think of all that will be lost


Open sores is such a vague term there are a few cases when -legally- nobody would benefit from it.
The petition is shit, who made is shit.
If they want to make anything good out of it, free software is the only way to go.

closed source is harder to exploit because the source is not fucking available to see what can be exploited, imagine what will happen if it becomes open source

It needs to die, I hope they just delete all traces of the source code.

If you want open source flash there are already alternatives, work on them... Oh yeah I forgot the type of people who beg to open source this shit can't even code in the first place.

>imagine what will happen if it becomes open source

1. some guy or multiple guys in the world finds a problem, because it's free and open source so everyone can study the source code not just poke the binary which might be violation of the EULA of the software
2. bug report is filled within 10 minutes
3. patch created within a half hour if the guy didn't already send one with the bug report
4. CVE and pull request created within 1-2 hours. Multiple Sup Forums threads created shorty after. Ribbit catches up of course. Major browsers alert their users that the version is vulernable
6. next day every gnu+linux distro that matters already has the fix in their security repos.

Delusion: The Post

>Implying non-scammer people are this invested in flash

>implying that all open source software has people constantly looking at the code

1. some guy or multiple guys in the world finds a problem, because it's free and open source so everyone can study the source code not just poke the binary which might be violation of the EULA of the software
2. bug report is filled within 10 minutes
3. patch created within a half hour if the guy didn't already send one with the bug report
4. CVE and pull request created within 1-2 hours. Multiple Sup Forums threads created shorty after. Ribbit catches up of course. Major browsers alert their users that the version is vulernable
5. GNU/Linux repo managers insert backdoors.
6. next day every gnu+linux distro that matters already has the backdoored fix in their security repos.

>actually have to beg for something that's obsolete

"Flash is no longer necessary to watch video or consume any kind of web content... new open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win."
- Jeve Stobs, 20fucking10

>>implying that any open source software has anyone looking at the code ever
How many of you guys feel that you're qualified to audit code that you didn't write?
Now, how many of you are prepared to work on auditing code for no return except criticism when you don't spot an obvious bug?

>mfw the linux kernel is 21m lines of code

You fucking faggots, shockwave and flash will never die because of how much history is behind it. Might as well make flash and shockwave libre at this point to be able to play them offline on any operating system.

Personally, I don't care. I understand a lot of content will be lost (Homestar Runner for example). But that always happens to old technology (Real Media, Quicktime).

>think of all that will be lost
You can play swf files locally with flashplayer/projector). Will websites continue to offer content that can't be played in modern browsers? Sure you can sandbox a browser and never update it but that is a pain for many people. And then there are the exploits that will never be fixed.

>Open source
Sure but only after modern web browsers are forcibly purged of the adobe flash plugin. But even at that point, I would still worry about exploits. Flash is dead and assuming we would be receiving up to the minute security fixes for a flashplayer is a stretch for me.

Everyone knew that Flash was coming to an end. And it sucks that there will be some content left behind. But I wonder if making Flash OSS would just cause more harm than good.

Projector is windows and macintosh only and doesn't work with shockwave, that's why it should be open source.

The "debug download" is available for windows, macintosh, and linux (4th one down in the linux section).

As you mentioned, it won't work on all flash content.

Upon second look, I am referring to the "standalone" version not the "debugger".

Closed source is also harder to fix if someone DOES find an exploit- some of which do not need the source code to figure out.

So the only way is to simply uninstall Flash and let it die for real.

If you still use Flash in the current year, you deserve malware

Still can't play shockwave and like you said can't play all flash content, still reason to open source it.

>still reason to open source it.
Or let it, and all the old content was wasn't converted to a modern medium, die.

>Let internet history and culture just die
Fuck off underage

>implying my age
>implying I give a flying fuck about saving


You're definitely underage, thankfully /f/ is scrambling to make as big of an archive they can for offline viewing past 2020.

>what the fuck will we EVER do without AlbinoBlackSheep

I tried to make Flash animations when I was 12 as well, user

>thankfully /f/ is scrambling to make as big of an archive they can for offline viewing past 2020.
Well, good luck with that. I'm sure somewhere the creators of, Strongbad and that fun snowball fight game I played at work 1999-2000 are crying tears of joy for your efforts. Godspeed Flash-Anons.

Just because you're too young to be posting here doesn't mean flash player should disappear forever.

Think about this logically, user.

If I was 12, with a copy of Flash during AlbinoBlackSheep's days, that puts me in my mid-to-late 20's now.

Most of this shit is already archived on YouTube, albeit it in low quality. Again, like someone said, /f/ is preserving it anyway. Not that any post-millennial pantshitters are gonna care about finding them.

20 years of games and movies, anons will continue to have flash and shockwave installed to keep playing them and making OC.

Don't forget the unpatched exploits.
>implying casuals know what a vm or sandbox is

Nobody on /f/ or the rest of the website will care, tons of OC was made in flash that has been shared on this website for years and will keep making new stuff even after adobe pulls the plug.