Merkel wants more of this in Europe

>Merkel wants more of this in Europe...

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did he died

Are aspirins halal?

on the one hand it looks fake, on the other hand i cant confirm if nosebleeds can get that bad

why would isis bother creating fake videos if they can literally just take a prisoner and bash his head in?

>american education

he is having massive internal hemorrage due to having all his fucking skull crushed by a boulder mate. blood projects out like that because he is exhaling his last breaths.

also Trudeau

>ISIS can do shit like this to western soldiers and reporters now.

No way USA would have allowed this shit in the 80's. Would have dropped more bombs in middle east than in Vietnam.
Nowadays everyone is a cucked gay loving communist so these shitskins can do whatever they want.

its a joke dude

It's more like they don't care about ISIS. The only problem they have with them is that they are in Iraq, once they are driven out they won't care about them fucking shit up in Syria

I...didn't want to see this, Canada

That's clearly fake

No he grew old and lived happily with his wife and two children in rural Wisconsin


It's just a prank bro

That's just ketchup guys


(I want to believe)

Sure thing my dude.

Man, I don't wanna watch that. Clean beheading videos done with a sword I can handle, but stonings and people being crushed with boulders and tanks and shit... fuck that.

Fuck, i didn't want to see this.

Jesus, i hope it's fake

What about the one where they're burned alive in a metal cage?

Say what you want about Trudeau and gays but our immigration policy is possibly the best in the world. We cherry picked all the doctors, engineers, etc. most of them Christian and made it seem like we're being super humanitarian kek

but ISIS is doing exactly what Hillary paid them to do


Why did you even opened it then?
I NOPEd, just from the thumbnails and *.webm, then looked at the thread to see I was right.

There are times I wish we were the complete bastards everybody thinks we are anyway. Just bomb the fuckers flat and give no shits about collateral damage. Melt the flesh off their bones and salt the earth where they fall. But no, we have to spend an extra half-million per bomb to make it land within two feet of the target, as if the neighbors will appreciate the effort.

sometimes you can't take your eyes off something even when you want to

Sure thing m8, I was browsing pol the other day and found an article showing how there are proposing open immigration to all Meixcans.

Three wives and fifteen children*

Kys roach

give me one reason why we should other than fulfilling your retarded superhero-shit fantasy.

>yfw islam is rising
>yfw native populations are shrinking and Muslim immigrant populations are growing
>yfw most popular baby name in England is Muhammad (peace be upon him)
>yfw people deny that islam is going to take over Europe in the next 100 years
>yfw when muslims have high enough population in Europe sharia law becomes a thing
>yfw you can't say any of this without someone calling you a racist while you watch western civilization crumble

I opened it and saw the boulder getting picked up then closed it.

Out of all the death and conflict in the middle east, the thought of beautiful, young arab women getting stoned to death gets to me the most. It just seems like the most brutal, fucked up way to die.


>article showing how there are proposing open immigration to all Meixcans.
Is this Sup Forums autists assuming that's the logical next step from visa waivers, or an SJW with three followers on tumblr?

fuck t*rks

Barely any of them wanna come here instead of the US and that deal is for open borders between Mexico and USA too

good job

You have a rainbow flag for you region?

I advise you to convert to islam to know how good this feels

I can switch back if I don't like it, right..?

Ban Islam. execute anyone who follow it. Go full 1984 on that stupid religion and the trouble makers won't have something to blend in with the general population in the Middle East.

Read an article about Canada's policy towards this whole thing. Mad respect. Well thought out, avoiding the pitfalls Europe fell in, and doing your damndest to make sure they are integrated in [with a sort of disturbingly-friendly gusto]

where do they even get these sort of sick ideas?

> M E X I C O