I asked my family to fill out blank maps of Europe and compiled their results

I asked my family to fill out blank maps of Europe and compiled their results.

i would date your purple sister though

Your mom is based

Why would you repost this? It was on funny the first time.

>i did le epik funny
Absolutely ROFL, user. ROFL.

Fucking kek at white terrorists and naming Iceland Scotland.

Top post thuogh OP, genuinely. Can't believe we're seeing some actual interesting OC.


are you from southwest germany?

>Mexican England
I like your mom

Not surprised.

Your mom is probably the average stupid american bitch getting blacked on the side from time to time

No, from the north

Your mom is a Fox news republican?

Hence one of his sisters is brown



Hey, fuck you. Fucking faggots.

England is very lucky that we are not anything close to Mexicans.
If the whore that gave birth to you had said that Poland is Mexico... The analogy would be more valid. But Spain... We have barely emigrated, even with the crisis.

we don't have oil and they have marked turkish thrace as anatolia, do tell your family to kill themselves

That's because you can't speak foreign languages for shit, though.

The women in your family are pretty dumb. I'm gonna assume that your mom and brown sister grouped Portugal with Spain, and that your purple sister was thinking of Paraguay, where Emily actually is from.

I was gonna >American in charge of geography, but your dad probably got more right than I would, so mad respect for him. Good job.

Your mom sounds like a bimbo brain.

>where Emily actually is from

I'm just saying it because neither Emily nor Emília are common names here, and I have my doubts a lot of American people recognise Portugal in a map with our south-american sounding name and african-looking flag.

Nice repost from a few months ago, OP, I bet you masturbate to the (you)'s people gave you

I hope your sister fucking dies


>ukrainian crimea

>Turkish thrace
You have no idea how awful it hurts to hear those words
>tfw no more Ottoman Empire with semi-independent Greece

Don't worry, it's not like in Europe we even know half of your states, let alone place them on a map.

Your family is dumb. Germany is the youngest German speaking country of all countries.

two old guys in my neigbourhood were talking about iceland yesterday and one didn't know where is iceladn and the other one explained him how its one of english colonies and how everything in northren atlantic is english

if the avearge American can't identify your country, you live in a non-country

I am from South West :3

well you're dad think's i am kosovo

>ethnic minority in Italy

Say whaaaaaat, I am Italian, bred and born, what the fuck is this shit?

How am I an ethnic minority?

Makes it sound like I'm some kind of nigger.

Your dad knows his shit but your mom is dumb
