Why does Clover (a Sup Forums browsing app available on F-Droid) need access to NFC?

Why does Clover (a Sup Forums browsing app available on F-Droid) need access to NFC?


For Android beam support

don't worry about it. just press accept

To steal your credit info in case you put your wallet next to your phone

Wow, ok ty. What is beam support? Like, the app doesn't make purchases so I'm confused why it's there

Google "android beam"


There are questions you shouldn't be asking, goy.

It let's you tap your phone to another phone to share things. Clover probably uses the permission to share a Sup Forums link rather than a google play link to an app like normal.

If you tap your phone to someone else's phone using clover they will be sent to the thread you are on. It is a little known feature that is never used because no one who browses Sup Forums has friends.


>because no one who browses Sup Forums has friends.
and those who have friends don't care about NFC

I think I used it once, to transfer a Google Maps location. Pretty neat, but very niche

Did you get harrassed irl by the hacker Sup Forums?

is there a point to using an app for Sup Forums, ive just bookmarked to homescreen and works just fine (even recognises the Sup Forums logo) on my z3

Thanks thanks ty ty

I think it looks a lot nicer in an app and is easier to browse and save pictures. I prefer the apps over the browser even on a desktop

I need to get Clover too but don't know how. Just got myself a new Android. Can anyone just post a direct link to the app?

I'm using some shitty Chan Bandura app right now.

Google "Clover Sup Forums" and click the first link to the official site

How long does it take to update the repositories? Mine's going on 5 minutes now :/

Hah! The moto g5 plus doesn't have a gun pointed towards your feet.

>implying I have NFC

>Install it
>Remove permissons after that

My friend and I used to use NFC to transfer threads to each other on our tablets, not with Clover though