This should be an independent country. Anyone else agree?

This should be an independent country. Anyone else agree?

Total population is 10 million people.

part of glorious Georgia*

Georgians are sandniggers. Northern Caucasians are at least technically European. This region has about 3 million Slavic bydlos that should be deported.

Ok, but you free Quebec.

Georgians are sandniggers that are literally nicer than, say, the French, or Canadians. And they're Christian unlike, say, the French, or Canadians.
Been there, seen that.

they're also some of the oldest christians around, along with the armenians

they just like us for kaczynski

And Polaks are greasy Tatar raped gypos.

georgians are not sandniggers, they're mountainalmotwhitepeople and bros, batumi is heaven on earth except the angels have way too much chest hair and are even more homophobic

they're not getting anymore land though, fuck them

I live in this region. Yes it should be separated from the rest of Russia, it causes too many problems.

Ghost Recon was a fun game.

How many other Russians feel that Northern Caucus should be separated? What's the point of keeping it?

entire causcaus belongs to georgia

>What's the point of keeping it
Russia already lost its superpower status, it'll lose its status as an areal power too if they start giving independence to their native minorities

Idk, we have plenty of russian population here and Russia doesn't like losing clay. Even if it will separate many churkas gonna flee to Moscow.

It'll become a bloodbath the moment it gets independence

praise glorious caucasia

>putting together christian ossetia with a bunch of mudslimes
>putting together a bunch of mudslimes that hate eachother

what a good idea

basically this
that land is a patchwork of dozens tiny minorities who hate each others' guts. rare is a mauntaindweller who isn't up to wiping out the neighboring village

say circassians, they're christians, same as ossetians. they hate muslim chechens, but are more or less cool with akhazians. abkhazians hate muslims, not just chechens, but say dagestani too. only thing they hate more than muslims is georgians who are christians as well. and I should probably mention that muslim chechens and dagestani cand stand each other as well. it would all ahve been cool if all of those tiny places weren't sprinkled with armenians here and there, and even a few turks. everybody there hates the armenians, and turk-armenian relations too, you know, aren't good either

>Georgians are sandniggers.
Stopped reading

belong to azerbaijan

Glorious Transcaucasian union when?

Azerbaijan belongs to Russia.

"Azerbaijan" belongs to Armenia.


whoa that's a lot of Turkey

If we'll give them independence, we'll get a new ISIS near our borders. Nuking the DICH republics would be a better option.

Fucking hate this region. Such a dirt poor violent shithole fulll of animals, jesus, being Russian and living here is just a suffering. I swear to god I'll escape this bloody mess or I'll die childless. It's violation of human rights to raise kids here.

>I'll die childless
Do it you filthy pidorashka, pls

t. Churka Durkov

Rightful American clay

man im a but drunk right now but this fag here is pretty much right. everybody hates everyone in this region. the minute everyone would ge tinedependent it would end in chaos. its hopeless


I've seen this meme before but I don't understand it. Has Armenia ever reached the Caspain Sea? If so, how long did it hold the land? Were the people there actual Armenians or were they just Armenian subjects of another ethnicity?

I'm somewhat sympathetic for Armenians' claim to Nagorno-Karabakh and parts of what's now eastern Turkey, but going so far to want Baku and the rest of northern & western Azerbaijan seems weird to me.

Moscow has an IQ of 106 and high life expectancy and is basically highly developed, separation when?

Pretty much every capital city is like that.for example our capital has a higher gdp per capita tha Italy or israel