Finns are subhuman alcoholic retards with no real contributions to the world...

>Finns are subhuman alcoholic retards with no real contributions to the world. They rely on social welfare to keep their country running because they have low ambition and short-term goals. Capitalism doesn't work in a place where everybody is too lazy and drunk to work hard.

What did he mean by this?


You have mentioned Finland


That finns are subhumans
And socialism works there because they are still monoethnical
Its really funny when feminist queer murritards likes to holywar and take scandinavian monoethnical socialism apply it in their nigger and chink infected pawgland

Worst thread ever made. Finland is a great country, and so are the finns.
Had to be a fucking leaf.

you fucking what?
Vasily stop talking shit and go back to russia

Quanisha, please
Have ya ever been there

Yes Prokhor I've been there for several month and success of social programs is not influenced by ethnic or ethic diversity or whatever your vodka brain was talking about
and I'm not Quanisha, my name is Yurii and I've been to russia, finland and your shithole of almaty, so fuck off with your bs

the more you faggots bully finland and keep calling them mongols and inbreds makes them more relevant

or was that a part of your plan all along?

yes helo pay denbts plese

well its true in a sense,that is the image we want to project to the world
after that its hybrid war and world domination

I'm so sorry we are not all like that
Some of us are different


only if u giv reinder

i want to play hockey with finlan boipucci.

all finns are rude and hate greece

Fugg he has our number alright.

God dammit. Stop making Finnish threads, all that happens is a bunch of Swedish Finns in the Swedish parts come on here and start doing the "Finns aren't white XPP" meme and act like they're actually Finnish to fuel the mongol meme that died out years ago. Please stop.

How is that news? Isn't the entirety of scandinavia like that? A multicultural hellhole?

Send help

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Finland, is in fact, Sweden/Finland, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Sweden plus Finland. Finland is not a country unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Swedish system made useful by the Swedish religion, system of government and Fenno-Swede elite comprising a full country as defined by the UN.

Many Sup Forums posters interact with a modified version of the Swedish nation every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Sweden which occupies Lapland and Österland is often called "Finland", and many of its citizens are not aware that it is basically the Swedish nation, developed by the Swedish Kings.

There really are Finns, and these people do live there, but they’re just a part of the country. Finns are the proletariat: the worker bees of the country that gather the resources and work in the businesses that Swedes run. The Finns are an essential part of the country, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of the Swedish system. Finns are normally used to do manual labor under Swedish supervision: the whole country is basically Sweden with Finns added, or Sweden-Finland. All the so-called "Finnish" accomplishments are really accomplishments of Sweden/Finland.
