What is your country "muh 6 million"?

What is your country "muh 6 million"?

Here we have "muh Franco's dead commies"

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FUERON 30.000

>muh pavlos fyssas

even though they are right

muh civil war commie casualties I guess


Where to start...



We don't have any, we've never committed any genocide but the white genocide is starting to become a reality

>american education

don't forget about muh oro

looks nice id like to travel there and show a picture of this to my mother she likes crosses and shit you know, as you'd expect from a typical spanish mama-san

poos btfo

>not 9-11

Come on now

>thinking memes are real

Guernica is probably the next thing. Other than that, we've """destroyed"""" Europe about four times over, so where do we start?

not sure really

maybe getting btfo by the japs in burma in dubya dubya two

charge of the light brigade maybe?
can't really think of a time when our civvies were helplessly slaughtered en-masse

where is it now

Well it's the largest christian cross in the World.


delet this

Amerindians, WWII era Japanese internment camps, the French Acadian expulsion, the opression of the French minority in general, and baby seals.

Dead nazis that Brits sent us after WW2.

>6 billion killed
But now is
>"Muh 43 """"""""""""students""""""""""""

we don't have such a think we are good boys :^)

Too bad it was built by prisoners.

I love the Mexican defense mechanism of justifying the insane murders in their country by implying that everyone who gets murdered is a drug dealer.

Can't really think of anything

>muh jews
>muh partigiani
>muh comunists
>muh ethiopians
>muh gauls
>muh britons
>muh dacians
>muh jews again
>muh lybians
>muh carthaginians
>muh slovenians
>muh immigrati

Or a commie guerrillero

Well besides the 6 gorillion,
Muh Hereros and Namas
Muh Armenians (joint guilt)
Muh Native americans (joint guilt)
Muh Tasmanians (again joint guilt)
Muh Eastern Euros
And well this

But Spain, what if we, ourselves, are the 6 million in question?

>434 years of poverty, plunder and starvation as a colonial garrison of the Danish crown
>Another 81 as a literal puppet, only this time of the Swedish crown

but thats true. the south is full of communists and the drug cartels in the north are too busy killing each other to go on berserk killing sprees

We have The Great Famine, also the cromwellian massacres.

in russia

by commie prisoners.
At least they did something good.