"I'm lazy but smart"

>"I'm lazy but smart"

Which country most aligns with this attitude?

Other urls found in this thread:



Italy,Spain, Portugal, Greece.

Spain is up there, but I'm too lazy to give more proofs.

Throughout my primary, middle and highschool life, teachers always told my parents at meetings "your daughter can do so much, she is smart but she doesn't study".
pretty accurate for most turks


tang china and japan

tang (or some other don't remmember XD) china could have literally invaded the rest of the world many times over if it had sawn any value outside china

japan rose to industrialization effortlessly. to economic prosperity effortlessly after ww2. but japan just doesn't care about foreign markets, if it bothered japan would be the richest country by far

sheer tao and wu wei


Argentina? Idk


Me eating popcorns

lazy but smart doesn't actually mean smart

It's dumb people who THINK they're smart

like all of r9k

Except for the whole crushing "we have a suicide forest for people that don't score straight A's" competitive culture.

youre just projecting. lazy but smart is literally what it says.
that's just a meme

eh. The Smart and lazy can develop methods to stop being lazy by a slight margin and do what they have to with quality. There is no hope for the stupid and lazy. Which is what /r9k/ is.

t. lazy and "smart"

Canada it seems


Measures of intelligence are meaningless without proper context -- anyone or anything can be seen as "smart" or "stupid" given the right perspective. A reportedly brilliant nation with nothing to show for it is worse than a less-than-stellar country having accomplished innovation.

"Smart and lazy" is an oxymoron, composed of worthless, feel-good adjectives that unsurprisingly shares even less than other descriptions. It is a poisonous mindset for anyone and stagnates progress.

The USA is in many ways is a dumb, bumbling cluster of blobs obsessed with vague ideas of freedom, but the fruit of our work has drastically sculpted the modern world alongside other notable cultures, and it is that drive towards production that give it its edge.

What have you given back to the world, kangaroo-fuckers? Boomerangs don't count.

Probably Italy, Romans invented the west as we know it but Italians today are just a bunch of neets living at home until 40

>but japan just doesn't care about foreign markets

then why japan is an iconic example of export-oriented economy?

Smart and lazy is just a meme lazy people invent to make themselves feel better over their lack of accomplishments.

You in London?

shit but full of potential


You misspelled "greeks"

post feet

All of southern europe

>t. spaniard

France tbqdesu


>burgerland solution to everything is: leave your father's house at 18
your opinions a shit

>me in high school
>user you have so much talent but you consistently fail to apply yourself
>Ok Mr principal
People tell me that I'm gifted but that I let it go because I was lazy.


>t. Thomas Edison

Post mustache


your not lazy, your retarded/unstable like me

I think it's pretty safe to say most people who browse here are of above average intelligence.

>invent democracy
>has to be bailed out of debt by the Germans multiple times

>I think it's pretty safe to say most people who browse here are of above average intelligence.

They are stupid.

>but japan just doesn't care about foreign markets, if it bothered japan would be the richest country by far

It's because girls won't date you if you live at home past 20
Even though they live at home until they get married

No rly. This doesn't mean there isn't a lot of social awkwardness and strange subculture esoterica but that kind of shit is pretty common in the """"""gifted""""""

No, you're applying your own mindset on everything, in a Middle-Age fashion
>our only God is Jesus Christ
>the Roman Law has to be interpreted with the Bible
et voilĂ , the ius commune was forged. Absolutely inane way to interpret something nowadays.
You, in your country, with you own mindset have that issues. We, in our country, do not have those issues. At all.
We have a totally different approach at houses, family and dating. Houses are built for the future generations, your houses are not made to last that long. An house is an investment for the future generations, and often (outside of metropolitan areas) are created big and divided with sons and daughters. There's no issues at all.

Canada is the most educated country, we have the most people with post secondary school education percent wise

Sup Forums is the kid in your class who eats paste. He isn't as stupid as his cousin Sup Forums, who eats paint chips, but he is by no means smart

Mexican "intellectuals"

Great analogy, screencapped

answers your question

put me in the screencap

Too late Chong it's already reddit front page #1

Haha friends, don't forget the zoomed words and funny meme pictures

What if you ACTUALLY are smart but lazy. I mean isn't it true? if you're smart but too unproductive and low energy to put it to practice, then you are smart but lazy

"Momma always told me, stupid is as stupid does"- a retard

I'm sure people like that exist, but I'm 100% sure none of them have ever described themselves as "smart but lazy"

Intelligent and lazy but I'm not worthless and can pick my shit up enough to hold down a cozy position at a law firm where everyone likes me. Feels nice.

What's your excuse?
I pay for my car, I pay for my house and utilities, I pay my student loans and still have money for liquor and nicotine mints.

If you're smart and lazy over a long period of time you aren't smart any more

>has a job
>"but i'm lazy just like you guys!!! xD"

Fuck of JLaw normie scum

>lazy like you guys
Yes, except that I'm not a non-productive member of society like most of you. Besides earning myself and my firm money, I play videogames and browse Sup Forums almost exclusively. Sometimes I ride the stationary bike. Wow!

My daughter

good joke lad

Thanks for joining us Schlomo. How're the matzah balls tonight


what fault has Fatmagul?

What did he mean by this?

You eat popcorn with guacamole?



110 iq here lads
feels good not being smart but not retarded either

wow... it's almost like.... you're a normal person!
