Are you excited about internet of things?

Are you excited about internet of things?

No, I have installed various sonoff moduls throughout the house. I like it, but I could live without it

No I'll never use any of it

It's fine when it works but as soon as any amount of effort is needed to do something you wanna piss in the mouth of the fucking faggot shit that thought this was a good idea


imagine having earpods streaming music on there ownd

>mfw my dad is working on it
Its too fucking based on the cloud, but at least 5g is gonnna be pretty fast

sometimes it seems like the more i integrate technology into my life, the less fulfilling it becomes. i didn't design any of it, nor do i really have a use for it, so why do i have it?

He told me in the future all software including even vidya will functions like office 365. I hope he is meming

Inderned of dings :DDDDDDDDD

This is the future Sup Forums chose

I dunno many nights I'm ready for sleep when I realize my can lights are still on but very dimmed and I have to get out of bed and turn them off. Everytime I think I wish I had a app to turn them off instead.

I'm sorry for your shit memory and low brain capacity.

A poo is right once in a while

It's called computing as a service, it's how things used to be, and it's how things will end up. Owning your own "personal computer" came about in a time when everyone owned a home and a car.

Yes, i want to live on the Megaman battle network future.
Met viruses and all.

Lol that a Lebanese dude not a poo

What? Lebanese poo then.

Lebanese people are white
I'm from Lebanon and I am a white Christian

>I'm from Lebanon and I am a white Christian
So? Who the fuck are you trying to impress? Certainly not your Internet friends right?

Hi, Nadim.

Yes, it will be entertaining watching the dumpster fire crash and burn.


>23 seconds ago
>doxing yourself
good job

>year 2020
>hackers cause malfunction in my gas furnace
>carbon monoxide fills my house
>CO detector has been turned off

There was a Castle episode about this

Well you always have the recourse of just not connecting the shit to the internet. What I'm worried about is that eventually reach a point where every product you can buy will just flash a message saying "Connect me to the internet, I won't work unless you do" and then turns back off.

certain things have potential, like traffic lights communicating with each other and various cameras to increase flow and decrease traffic.
nothing in the home though

Can someone give me some examples of useful IoT in the home?

My list is basically two things:
1. Control thermostat
2. Unlock door with phone/and or unlock code

fridge that tells you if you have any food

can't you just look in your fridge?

control lamps. Mine switch on when my alarm rings, and when it's getting dark.
My computer also switches on when I wake up

bananas with sensors that tell you when there ripe

how about a tv alarm clock that plays videos for you to wake up to

I could understand how this might be useful if you were physically disabled but how hard is it to just push buttons manually?

> turning on your gas with no ignition for a few hours and then to turn ignition on to kill yourself nice and comfy while sitting
> turning off the AC while you sleep to make you suffocate
> locking doors and windows and make your starve
> locking shower door and full heat water

CIA is excited

IoT controlled locksafe with webcam. Keep key for girlfriends husband's peniscage in there. Remotely unlock and see him dash for it, remotely lock back up before he gets there

enjoy 'your' botnet

>internet of things?

there will be a feature length movie with this as the central plot (if there hasn't been yet)

I wonder if that'll scare everyone to not use IoT.

I thought IoT wasn't relevant anymore?

>a video of a cute anime girl waking you up
Will be cheaper than the Jap home automation thing too.

my bannanas change colour to indicate ripeness already


I'll pray for you.

id rather have my own earphones thanks m8

Do you have applications(antivirus, music player, browser, etc) that start with your computer when you switch it on?
It's just clicking on an icon to start them manually, yet you let the computer do it for you automatically)