Find a flaw

Find a flaw

Name starts with an X. Only gay shit starts with X.

Includes non-free software.

apt package manager

Hunting for PPAs because the software you want won't be in the repos

doesn't work equally well on desktop and mobile

>starts with the best most dangerous letter
>lets you run the software you want
>uses best package manager

I said find a flaw

not gentoo

>not gentoo
He said find a flaw

>calling being gay dangerous

Fuck off homophobe.

LTS has dusty packages. 17.04 is perfection.

Windows 7 is better

Not based on OpenPEPE Leap.

Go back to /leftypol/

Find a flaw

reeks like faggotry

screen tearing


I'm already here.

Xfce is ugly

Use openSUSE
>real engineering
>no fagotry

>Name starts with an X. Only gay shit starts with X.
Wut ? My names is Xavier and i am not gay

No, it doesn't. It's opt-in, like most every other distro.

No LXDE is ugly
Xfce is unnoticeable

it just werks
for me, it is the best distro

Click and drag the whisker menu, it turns black.

>3 hours later.
>Still no flaw
>Really makes you think

i am using xubuntu right now with two monitors
when I boot up, my main monitor is glitched up, my second monitor displays my first monitor, but my cursor works like normal
so I have to go to Display settings and approximate where my cursor is to change the resolution, then change back
I am too lazy to fix this

but this is a flaw

You a right.
You filed it already as a bug on r-r-right user?
So that the devs can solve this flaw

Xfce is dead

Still Not neetrunner as default Browser

The fact that isn't even the current xubuntu logo

>Not manjaro

doesn't run gnome by default

Looks like shit

still flawless


>implying linux devs give a shit about one user's visual bug

Mods not banning spam.

They completely raped GCC/Clang so you can't compile a bunch of stuff.

>not Linux Lite


>no fagotry
That's nearly impossible in Germoney.

>X11 related bug that can affect literally any wm
>became an xfwm meme

Compiz doesn't have this problem.

Use a compositor (like Compton) you idiot

screen tearing


>neofa/g/s can't into gentoo
you basically bfto'd yourself

>desktop loonix

there's nothing more insecure in the world

Except you.

>implying was written by an OS
>implying M$ shill AIs


It's not fagotry if they are Real Men


Im sorry, but obviously you are