Europe in 1990 literally had the perfect map

>Europe in 1990 literally had the perfect map

Too many bumfuck irrelevant countries in Europe nowadays.

Other urls found in this thread: theilung Polens in den jahren 1773&hl=pl&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

>"""Union""" of Soviet Socialist """Republics"""

All the new bumfuck irrelevant countries are just ethnic states though, no different to the others

>Americans try to understand culture

I think you mean 1914

the only good thing about that map is the lack of finnish independence

Wish we could bring back Yugoslavia -- but the map was not perfect. Scandinavia, Iceland and Finland should be one country.

France should have Belgium. Germany should have Netherlands. CzechoSlovakia and Hungary should merge. Then the map would be perfect.

>Czechoslovakia without subcarpathian rus
I actually vomited a bit

This desu.


Too many big countries, the EU couldnt take over like this

>CzechoSlovakia and Hungary should merge

I'll take the year 1300 please

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was not a union, not socialist, and didn't have any republics!

Step aside, plebes.

>Ottoman Empire controls most of the Balkan Peninsula

>Ottoman Empire

>Buttmad dagoes and slavs

shouldn't exist tbqh

Maybe no republics, but the rest is pretty true

>dat aesthetic germany

It just occurred to me that Europe has been steadily balkanizing over time instead of centralizing, which is what I figured would inevitably happen as time went on

Brexit's just another stage in this, now we're going to see Scotland possibly become independent, maybe Catalonia

it's kind of cool, maybe there's a limit to how much humans can centralize


Coming through

I'm perfectly fine with this.

>stomach impaled by a czech dagger

t. Bob "I like map blobs" Jackson

Bohemia is one of the most aesthetically pleasing map spills ever.

these two are the only good ones

Who will be next to unify Europe in a fit of autistic rage?

>inb4 Belgium

EU is dead and it wasn't done militarily

Why did Hungary put its dick into Romania?

>not seeing it as an opportunity to divide and conquer

you have much to learn, my friend

>Who will be next to unify Europe
Won't happen for a long time if at all again. A united Europe under one power is a rare occurrence in history, won't happen again for a long long time.

Scotland and Catalonia are not going to become independent. Also if it balkanises it opens the door to armies of ragheads and africans, but I guess that's a moot point nowadays

>San Marino

They still exist on your perfect map.

That's their (((nose))), my friend.

>t. Bob "I like map blobs" Jackson

t. tiny irrelevant country

>He actually believes this

Scotland needs UK money

Catalonia I could understand because they're the ones that create Spain's money

But the Scots are a bunch of gays and won't do anything.

It's certainly no guarantee that Scotland will be leaving, the 'hype' was just reactionary emotion to show not getting their way and crying like a bitch. They've always been a bloody pain tbf making trouble.

t. "country" with less than 1k years of sovereign history

Hang yourself faggot

>now we're going to see Scotland possibly become independent
Britain is the example for the world for democracy.



kill yourself

I bet you would accept British guarantee like Beck did.

>Too many bumfuck irrelevant countries in Europe nowadays.

Poland doesn't want to have border with Russia, it would force us to be a geopolitical hostage. We need a lot of antirussian buffer zones. Even this mess in Ukraine was made mainly for this purpose.

Give Kustrin and Pomerania to Germany, Lwow region to Poland and Rutheria to Hungary with all its blatant, adjacent villages that still speak Hungarian and my map autism is sated.

Wrong time periods pajeet.

This one is objectively the best.

No it's not.


you know nothing saszka paliakov

To było chujowe pseudo-państwo bez silnej zcentralizowej władzy.

Zawsze się broniło a nie podbijało i atakowało.

idi ty nachui kurwa mač ja perdolje cyka.

t. Polish gopnik

Because there were tons of much better systems back then right? RIGHT?! Because the clay just joined on itself, right?

Geez...stop it saszka.

Szwecja, państwo ktore nie miało zadnej przyszlosci bo samo bylo wasalem Danii.

Uwolnilo sie i stalo sie potega. Zloili nam dupsko niejednokrotnie.

Twoja argumentacja konczy sie na wyzwiskach .

PLC było gówniane. Miało potencjał i wszystko zostało zaprzepaszczone przez zjebany ustrój polityczny i za dużo przywilejów dla nie Polaków.

Władza państwa nie powinna być kupczona.

Już wiem gdzie to zmierza:

>Tylko Jarosław, tylko silna unia z Rosją i Chinami!


przypomnę ci, że Szwedzi wydymali nas przez zdradę i najemnikami.

Nie, nigdzie nie zmierza.
Po prostu wkurwiają mnie te wymysły i chwalenie jakie to PLC nie było i wgl we wuz empire.

A prawda wyglądała zupełnie inaczej.

>prawda wyglądała zupełnie inaczej
I ty zapewne ją znasz.


A najśmieszniejsze jest to jak fanatycy próbują tłumaczyć rozbiory Polski.

>b-bo złe prusy z austriom i rosjom nas napadły - n-nie mielismy szans
Ale kompletnie ignorują, że Prusy były wtedy słabe i nadal w lidze malutkich księstw. Ignorują, że Austria była chujowa na wojnach i praktycznie wszystko przegrywała. No i, ignorują to, że Polska była wasalem Saksonii (lol).

Prawda boli i ciężko jest ją przyznać. Sukcesem Polaków była II rzeczpospolita. I co z tym zrobiono? Znowu kurwa zaprzepaszczono pracę pokoleń.


>austrokek this mad

Nikt nic nie tłumaczy chłopaku, jedyne co się dzieje to jakis student historii albo historyk amator tłumaczący dzieje Polski, dzieje które może wiesz albo nie prawie wszystkie zostały spisane w XIX wieku kiedy to tak na prawdę pisano historię.

Więc na 100%, nie ma opcji, nie-e, przekłamali nic a nic.

>Muh grosse deutschland


Najbardziej to zakłamują historie sami Polacy.

Tak jak zrobili to z Piastami i brakiem dynastii Popielidów i Lechów. - Z czego zrobili kurwa bajki, pomimo tego, że Prusacy o tym pisali.

Pisali też o wiedźmach na miotłach i czartach wyskakujących z kociołków i penetrujących zaskoczonym domownikom odbyty. theilung Polens in den jahren 1773&hl=pl&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

^ strona XXIII

Jak zwykle Polak sam sobie sra do garnka i twierdzi, że to bigos.

>jedyne źródło
Powodzenia przyjacielu.

Zorganizuj o tym konferencję naukową bo jestem pewien, że jako jedyny oi pierwszy odkryłes ten tajemniczy manuskrypt, bezsprzecznie i niepodważalnie stwierdzający fakty.

Grzegorz z Tours, Jakub z Bremy - Kolejne źródła.

Polskie zwierzęta nie potrafią po prostu zadbać o swoją historię.

>on all of these maps, Portugal and Ireland exists

Britain, Spain
Explain yourselves.

To co pierdolisz to bajki o wandalach nie Piastach. Zdecyduj się o czym majaczysz.

A German made a good post about that being exactly why Germany does what they do

Starting with Napoleon, someone has tried to bring Europe under one blanket for continental wide standards with mixed results

Brexit was another example of how Europe just doesn't see eye to eye

>American education

It has everything
>Russian encircling of the Caspian Sea
>Hungarian Transylvania
>Middle East safely under Ottoman control
>Bulgaria has Aegean access
>Austria-Hungary has Bosnia, completing its aesthetic shape.
>Dat German borders.
>Russian Finland gives Russia a huge ammount of Baltic Sea coast, protects Petrograd which in 2016 is dangerously close to NATO.
>Danish Iceland, not a republic
>Dat North Africa
and last but not least
>Greater Britain
The only flaw is "Montenegro" and "Albania" existing, and the low countries looking the way they do.

This is all voided by the fact that funland isn't independent tbqh

This pretty much. I have a soft spot for Montenegro though. Those fuckers are crazy.

>Russia had Finland AND Poland
A-are you guys ok

> Catalonia I could understand because they're the ones that create Spain's money.

mfw a stranger teaches about my country

Finland during 1800-century was as autonomous as it could be with the senate of the time answering only to the emperor and the general-governor appointed by the emperor.
It was a good time except for the famine that killed a ton of people in 1860's.

Although it is funny how nicholas ii got a bullet to the back of his head the moment he tried to russify and integrate the grand duchy into the empire.

Looks like the UK is fingerbanging Ireland.

Neat, thanks for the read

>przypomnę ci, że Szwedzi wydymali nas przez zdradę i najemnikami.

To ty bredzisz. RON zabiła "Złota Wolność". Banda liberalnych warchołów (regularnego żołnierza mieliśmy mało, gdyż wolnościowe robactwo nie chciało płacić podatków)
nie miała szans z doborowym, zawodowym wojskiem - a takim była armia szwedska.


the problem is that there are too many arabs in turkey
but that was before they had their independence for 100 years, i am pretty sure we could have fixed it by now and had the middle-east running "okay" for the most part

Yes, I'm sure there is a correlation between that and Nicholas racking up unpayable debt towards the Germany for infrastructural projects and the French, to pay the German debt, as well as general starvation from the landed gentry not giving reformers such as Witte and Stolypin a chance, low government cohesion and the infamous lost war at the hand of the Japanese, racking an even greater debt

Look at this perfection, even you faggots can't deny this is the most aesthetically pleasant map ever made.

Yugo was,objectively, the best commie country/ferderation/whatever that ever existed.

Why the fuck would we merge with country that has shit economy and doesn't speak our language?

Jest bezposrednie polaczenie miedzy wandalami a popielidami i piastami.

I to nie ja piernicze a zagraniczne zrodla, osiolku.

You robbed us from western lands and didn't give eastern ones back?

Thats kekoslovakia

muh starożytni polacy