/wend/ + /slav/

Mythology edition

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Do you have a non-meme-language version of the tree?

Sorry, I have only version in real Slavic language i.e. Polish :)

bardzo politpoprawna ta lista narodowosci jak na cos wzorowanego na wierzeniach słowiańskich

t. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz

Slovenia is a fake country with fake identity.

From antiquity to 19th century there was no Slovenia nor Slovenian.



>217 Choked by the hands of minor children

And now you post hohol savage crimes on Polish civilians.

There is no one more buttblasted on this board than slo*enian scum. - Especially whenever Poland is mentioned.

It's your problem that you don't know how to read Polish archaic spelling.

>glorifying UPA
Congratulations, you are no different animal than them.

>le wend meme
Reported for pshchekposting. Get your shitty memes back to /s4s/ and never come back.


GTFO from my country eastern mongol subhuman


make me

Tree of live tree of the world lol
What should I be a polak or russian ??


Lugiowie is cognate of Lechici

BTW I just read an interesting article about Wendic/Slavic toponyms in Germany. Really makes you think...


>Lugiowie is cognate of Lechici

As well as Vandals aka Przeworsk culture

Can someone explain to me why Upper Carniolan is the superior slavic language and contains more schwas than anything else?

Because it is a Slovene dialect, a language that is in itself superior to all other Slavic languages. Because Upper Carniolans are crafty and frugal folk, our ancestors realised that many vowels can be replaced with half-vowels (schwa) to make words and sentences shorter (as well as taking out many other sounds and putting several words together).

I see


>why Upper Carniolan is the superior slavic language and contains more schwas than anything else?
It does not contain any shwas. That retard is probably confusing it with yers.
>our ancestors realised that many vowels can be replaced with half-vowels


>many vowels can be replaced with half-vowels (schwa)
my nigga

>slavic "mythology"

>le cyrillics meme
We call it half-vowel, though.

GTF back to fapping to Thor or Jupiter then

I'm not a retarded neopagan, my unwashed friend

>he confuses yers with vowels

slavic neopagans, ladies & gentlemen

Ah so you worship jew on a stick

>he confuses yers with vowels
Are you retarded or something?

>They originally represented phonemically the "ultra-short" vowels in Slavic languages (including Old Church Slavonic), collectively known as the yers.

Yers were types of vowels dumbass.

there are no "types of vowels", only a method of their representation

schwa is a vowel, yer is a mongoloid's attempt at writing it down

So this is what we've come to, /slav/. Being held hostages by the Eternal Janez?

>being unable to tell apart letters and sounds

it's one Upper Carniolan life failure who sits in his cottage 24/7 spamming Sup Forums with his unfunny villager memes

also one neopagan slavaboo "pole" probably the same one who spams Sup Forums with maps

/slav/ is a containment general

Read this wikipedia article before posting anything else, you uneducated retards, because you are already getting on my nerves.


Modern cyrillic hard sign (Ъ) and soft sign (Ь) have nothing to do with original yers which were so called ultra short vowels present in every Slavic language.

>ultra short vowel

care to vocaroo them?


Another idiot. Yers were fucking sounds. Do you understand? And just because they are represented with two symbols that also happen to be part of the cyrillic script, it becomes incomprehensible for retards like you.

Why would I do that?

why, I'm curious how these ultra short vowels sound like

front yer (ь) = very short i
back yer (ъ) = very short u

Polglasnik je samoglasnik, ki v slovenščini nima svoje posebne črke. Fonetični simbol zanj je [ə]. Zapisujemo ga po večini s črko e (npr. pes), lahko pa je tudi pisno odsoten (npr. film, grm). Polglasnik lahko pri pregibanju besede izgine (pes - psa) ali pa se vrinja (pasma - pasem). Polglasnik je nujen ob vsakem r, ki ni ob samoglasniku: npr. črv, nedrje, rdeč, vendar se zapisuje z e le pred končnim r: npr. veter (izjema: žanr). Izgovori se z jezikom v nevtralnem položaju in pri pregibanju izgine.

V slovenskih neseverovzhodnih narečjih se polglasnik pojavlja kot ošibitev visokih samoglasnikov i in u (sit > sət, kruh > krəh) in kratkega a (zlat > zlət).

So here, all you need to know about the schwa in Slovene, and in Upper Carniolan specifically. Even if the root of the schwa in Slovene is a weakening of I and U, it's still functionally identical to the usage found in English.

Ok, now translate it to some human language so I can understand it.

just stick a bunch of prze, (c)ie, and wy's and dumb the syntax down to something that could be comprehended by a three year old, and you've got Polish.

>human language
ugh, poles gonna pole...
pro tip: if you want people to do something for you, try not to offend them at least

In celebration of the 4th of July in Slovenia (the day of Slovenian internet victory over the Poles and their caveman language), I'm posting some 16th century literary Slovene:

Pred oseminudvaseti lejti, tedaj kedar sem v Loki per Radočejufarmošter bil, je bila gori nad Kompolom v vinogradih ena baba; ta seje svetila inu pravila, s. Sebastijan inu s. Roh vsako nuč k niprideta, ž no govorita inu velita, de se nima na tim hribu nadKompolom inu Šemačino ena cerkev sturi inu sezida; aku tiga ne dajo,taku hočta čez ludi inu čez živino tako pomor inu žlize poslati, demalu ludi inu živine žive ostane; onadva tudi hočta vse vinograde inupole s točo pobiti. Takim babskim hudičevim marinam so ti preprostiljudje verovali, inu zdajci od lesa inu desak sture eno kapelico inozačno undu mašovati, živinu inu drugu blagu ofrovati inu perpravlatikamine h timu zidanu. Ampak jest sem takimu zidanu inu ofrovanu močnusuper pridigal inu govuril; za tiga volo so mene hoteli ti farmani naŠemačini biti, de sem od nih moral pobegniti. Natu pošlem mujgavikarja, gospud Jerneja Rugelna, h ti babi inu pustim vprašati, vkateri uri inu v kakovi štalti ta dva svetnika k ni hodita; natu jeona djala, ob pulnoči vselej dva lipa črna moža k ni prideta. H timuje gospud Jernej rekel: "Nekar ne pravi, de sta črna, temuč de stabela, zakaj ti zludji so črni, svetniki so beli." Ona odgovori: "Jagospud, jest hočo reči, da sta bela."

Glih taku ena druga baba je hotela imejti, de bi se bila tatretja cerkov gori na Bruniki per tih Trijeh kralih zidala. Blizimujga rojeniga domu per Rastičici je ena cerkov Divice Marije, kir seprvi na Silevici. Undu se je tudi ena vsem ludem vejdeča kurba, tej sodjali Šavleča Katerina, inu ena vduva Margeta Hudakončevka inu en mujstric Gregor Trubar malinar -- le-ti tri so se tudi veden svetili inupravili, koku se nim Divica Marija perkazuje inu hoče imejti, de se naSilevici ni en nunski klošter sezida. S tejm pravlenem so tudi h ticerkvi dosti gvanta inu živine perpravili. Od tiga so farji inucehmojstri dobru lebali inu per tim hud konec vzeli: farmošter te istecerkvi je od sujga svaka ubijen, cehmoštre so Turki ujeli, mujgastrica Gregorja je enu drivu ubilu, Hudakončevka je v Ahen hodejoč --nišče ne vej, kej oli koku -- umrla. Glih taku ta cerkov na Sveti goriper Gorici je tudi od ene zludijeve babe gori prišla inu te drugecerkve na gorah skoraj vse. H timu farji, škofi inu nekateri gospudje melče, zavolo kir odtacih malikovih ofrov imajo dosti mesa h kuhanu. Oli zludi nje, kir htaki pregrehi melče, super ne pridigujo inu ne branijo, bode tudikuhal v tim peklu vekoma, aku prave pokure inu per pravim času nedajo.

>and dumb the syntax down
Nice try but syntactically Polish is probably the most similar to the original Proto-Slavic language and is also very close to Greek

Sorry but it's that mountain jew who constantly tries to exalt his literal meme speech and thereby offends successors of ancient mighty Lekhites like me.

what/who are zerywanie
what is nurowie?

The eternal Zlovenian jew must be stopped.

Can you Balkanites understand the sermon of Trubar's that I posted? Some words are randomly mashed together, but I think it shouldn't be a problem in most cases.

never bothered to read it tbf

According to the autor they were the first people.
Croatians. They are classified as Nurowie (Neuri) together with Slovenes, Czechs and Moravians.

so we werewolves now?

That's why u IQ of 80, Balkan monki. All Balkan monki do is work building site so he can buy gold chain, throw kebab on hot coals and dream of career in organize crime, OK!?!

Here you have Slavonic masterlanguage



Who is this retarded Slovenian autist?

Neuri were one of ancient Slavic groups.

they lived on what is now belarussian land but it is nowhere said that they were slavs
also on my werewolf remark
>He also reports a Scythian tale that the Neuri changed once a year into wolves

Jaz poskušam držati e-fronto proti poljskim jamskim ljudem, ti pa takole.

>the most similar to the original Proto-Slavic language
Still waiting for your explanation:
As a person interested in Slavistics, I don't find Polish especially archaic.

>they lived on what is now belarussian land
Nobody really knows where they actually lived. According to one of theories it was between Bug river and Greater Poland, because there is a lot of *nur / *nyr hydronyms and toponyms there. That would be in perfect accordance with Poland as Slavic urhaimat theory.

>it is nowhere said that they were slavs
Wikipedia says that they are considered Slavs by majority of Polish scholars.


yes well I don't speak polish you see
croatian wikipedia calls them scythians

>As a person interested in Slavistics
If you are interested in it you should have this basic linguisctic knowledge that West Slavic languages are the most archaic. No linguist is denying that today, really. Read some books Ivan.

why did /wend/masterrace merge with /slav/es?

>tfw you can't make it out and I can cause of my ur-Slavic language

nomen est omen desu lads

>polish wishful thinking again
Okay, if won't see any proofs from you anyway, say at least why is archaicness so important for you? I mean, it's not like the Proto-Slavic grammar was something rational and well-structured. It wasn't a language of science and culture like Latin or Ancient Greek as well. Just why?

I'm a good Upper Carniolan so I'll help you, Grzegorz.

Half-vowel is a vowel without a special symbol. The phonetic symbol is [ə]. Usually, it's written with the letter e (pes), or it can be left out completely (film, grm). The half-vowel can disappear during declension or can be added in (veter; exception in the word žanr). It is required by every r, that isn't next to a vowel, but it is only written with e in front of a final r. It is pronounced with the tongue in a neutral position and disappears during declension.
In dialects not in the northeast, the halfvowel appears as a weakening of the vowels i and u (sit > sət, kruh > krəh) and the short a (zlat > zlət).

Listen Ivan. First of all, all Slavonic languages are internally very archaic and close to the original PIE language. In fact they are continuum of PIE dialect that was spoken here in Eastern Europe few thousands years ago (pic rel). Differences in archaicness between West, East and South Slavic languages are actually small. However West Slavic languages (especially Lechitic/Polish) are a bit more archaic simply because we never left Slavic homeland which is located in what is now Poland whereby our language wasn't influenced that much by non-Slavic substratum like your languages were. It's as simple as that.

Regardless, archaicness is not so important for me. I'm just baiting that annoying Slovenian troll.


>ywn get to see a Tocharian

I still see no examples. It could be an explanation why it is archaic but it's not a proof of the archaicness itself.
It's actually very hard to say what is more archaic when the changes that happened in different languages are so heterogeneous. For example, I can clearly say that the West Slavic langs have saved much more different noun endings than East Slavic languages (Czech is better than Polish in it btw), but at the same time they've completely lost the differences in accentuation of words while we still use different declension patterns for words like "gorb" and "dub". How do we know what is more important?

what is Nurowie/Neurowie ?
