1,you're country

1,you're country
2,can you tell Slavs(especially Poles) and Germans apart?
3,which do you think is more attractive?

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.pl/books?id=jPdWAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Die theilung Polens in den jahren 1773&hl=pl&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Germans, because I enjoy women whose jaw I can use as a right angle.

Slavs have a more Asian-esque face then Germans.
Germans look like Americans but with more refined features.


We're less swarthy due to fact that we were never raped by Romans like Aleman scum.

How can anyone look American? It's just not possible, you guys are the most ethnically diverse country in the world. Even your white people come from different ethnic groups.

>Slavs have a more Asian-esque face then Germans.

do not use a proxy,nip

>Slavs have a more Asian-esque face
Thank you for confirming our Sarmatian origins, my wide friend.

1. Germany
2. Yes, Germans are not the one stealing my car
3. Germans, but I might be biased because one of those two groups stole my car

Not really

books.google.pl/books?id=jPdWAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Die theilung Polens in den jahren 1773&hl=pl&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

^ page XXIII

I bet you believe that Poles fought against Alexander the Great as well, idiot

Go to Germany, your grandma's jewelry is already there.

the pole ones are dirty and poor and smell like shit constantly trying to steal or get a job from the german
german rich, old, and famous, having 5 euro waving from his anus

Where did I say that you faggot?

Viking sagas speak about Ascomani - Popielidzi, but for some reason polish shitty historians ignore the sources, because muh "Popiel" and his "mouses" lol.

Yes, physically Germans have strongest and uglier features, Slavs have longer faces and more attractive jaw.
At least from.what I've seen

because you quote "pre-Piast dynasties" that were invented by Kadłubek to make his chronicles read better

because Germans are fucking clueless they used Kadłubek's fanfiction in their """history book""" that you keep quoting IN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THREAD

2. No at all. moreover saying, there is no need to correctly distinguish them because they are not so different from each other.

>were invented by Kadłubek
Even though there are sources pre-dating Kadlubek.
You fucking imbecile. How stupid can you be.

certainly not as stupid as some braindead gluehuffer who took the "Poles are Wends" shitposting too seriously

To all new - its a bait

>Even though there are sources pre-dating Kadlubek.
Such as?

>slavic just imo