I wrote a program Sup Forums. How the fuck do I use GitHub?

I wrote a program Sup Forums. How the fuck do I use GitHub?


Was your program made with

rtfm ... lmgtfy

git init
git remote add origin
git add --all
git commit -m 'op is a fagit'
git push -u origin master

>made with

use this to ease up the process
alias git="/dev/null/ >"
sudo git /

Kek dont op

he is right.. i was troling..
follow this and you will be fine

stil lmgtfy and rtfm

I distinctly remember them having a nice little article/guide on the site about how to use it. It walks you through making your first project, pull requests, merging, etc.
Go read it, trivial learn and may be of use again.

git clone
is all you need

okay ill give you a hug

change the thread to "How the fuck do I use google"

Sup Forums is dead

>rtfm ... lmgtfy

Hope I'll die soon too user

What even is github?

Just use the UI application nigga

1. create repo on GitHub via the website
2. click to get the clone link
3. paste in UI
4. fill out forms

man git

>he uses a gui over a CLI interface

Are you fucking serious OP. How did you manage to write a program when you cant do something comparable to FTPing to a server?

Yes, because I have no interest in learning Git.

No one uses that shit professionally. I even use SVN to manage my repos locally, then only use Git for the final stretch to upload it onto SJWHub

>I have no interest in learning Git
t. brainlet

If you want to select certain files to commit cli is so painful. If you want to commit all changed files, sure. But for specific selections? Git gui is the way to go. Or even Sourcetree or whatever.


I don't care. *I* haven't come across it professionally.

I knowwww it makes me feel like le hackerman XD

Nigga even Microsoft ditched their homegrown version control for git internally
But I agree using the CLI for everything in git is masochistic

I use both for different things, you're retarded as shit.

>No one uses that shit professionally.
u fuckin wot
git is overrated but it spread like wildfire on meth because it's still a hundred times better than the alternative