Why do Americans hate Mexicans?

Why do Americans hate Mexicans?

Because they jump over the border and then try to "Make America Mexico Again" or some shit. Pretty obvious Hans.

Mexicans are disgusting just look at them.

they hate our superior culture
our macho manly way of life where men are still respected and are the head of the family
they hate our food but cant live without them
they hate the fact that we are indigenous to the continent and have more valid claims in the land than them
they hate the fact that we are reconquering our rightful clay and they cant do shit about it
for over 2 centuries they keep us down but this will change and they are scared

not being funny but what part of Mexican culture isn't present in the southwestern US states they took from you

That's funny considering that Mexican bitches love Big White Cock


I don't hate them individually.
Most Mexicans are decent people but there's just simply too many of them coming here.
They need to stay in Mexico and try to improve conditions in Mexico instead of coming here and making conditions here worse.
It's just like the refugees in Europe they flee their shitty country to try to find a better life but instead of finding a better life they just make the lives of the people in the country they move to as shitty as theirs.

because of chicano filth

most legal mexicans are actually pretty cool

No assimilation


I don't hate them as individuals, I hate that there's so fucking many of them and they're replacing my own ethnic group in my country- not through achievement, but through an illegal flood of migrants and reckless numbers of children they can't properly raise economically or socially.

I should have read the thread. My post is disturbingly similar to yours. Oops.


I hate illegals. I don't care that Mexicans are here legally. I just want the government to put together a migrant workers program so the companies that they have to pay income tax. It would also give them rights.

Why are y'all so short though?

germans hate poorlanders for the same reason

I am a Californian and I would say most natives do not hate Mexicans. Honestly a Mexican is no worse than a Redneck transplant from the mid-west or south.

that's because you are gay! I love mexican girls!

Mexicans do the job that fat-united-statesians. Stop to refer people from USA as "Americans" - this is pejorative to other people from Americas

I thought 1/4 of Americans were basically Mexicans?

>Also, aussie men is always gay

You are the gayiest country of the world

I have feeling that Easter Pepe would get much more smug if you would increase the length between his nose and mouth.