I got an s8 plus instead of an iphone did i fuck up ?

I got an s8 plus instead of an iphone did i fuck up ?

>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site
Fuck off to your general

Naw i got 1 to and i fucking love it


Nope ordered my S8 yesterday best phone atm

Nah, you made the right choice.


it's a samsung device
so yes, you fucked up

Not at all. You didn't get the best Android smartphone out there (oneplus 3t) but even a $20 wallmart piece of shit Android smartphone is better than any iPhone.

t. ex iphone 7 plus owner

Compared to iphone 7? no
The s8 has a far more impressive screen for one thing.

have fun using a phone thatll be a laggy mess in a month
t. owner of an iphone since 3gs

nah, s8+ is fine
t. owner of an s8+ since launch

>durr i admit i have no experience but still choose to shitpost!!! t. apple :DDDDDD
itoddlers in 2017, folks

Nah, I love my S8.

Got rid of touchwhiz and this phone is great now. Battery life kicks ass, the screen is beautiful, camera is solid, plus 64GB plus a 256GB memory card slot means plenty of storage.

iPhone 8 might be better
But s8 is my pick for best phone at the moment

>muh itoddlers
I think ill keep my iphone over some google spyware os that sells your info to chinamen

Enjoy your green bubble

>Enjoy your green bubble
Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

I'm really liking the S8 so far but honestly it's way too fucking fragile. I have 10,000 scratches on the fucking front already and I haven't even dropped it once. This never happened with any other phone and I always lay them face down on tables and shit.

Otherwise I like it though. And don't tell me to get a case and a screen protector I'm not a fucking woman.

A couple days ago I wanted an old wallpaper off of an ancient ipod touch I had lying around.

The fucking thing wouldn't even act as a normal USB mass-storage device. There was literally no way to access my own files without installing Apple's malware onto my computer.

After a bit of fuckaround, I took out my Samsung Tab, took a godamn PICTURE of what was on the ipod GIS'd that shit.

Anecdotal, but the point is that Apple's entire attitude towards information technology is negative-sum. Buying their products or even tolerating people that do is tantamount to self-mutilation. Which is really unfortunate, because they make some nice stuff.

OP, get insurance and a case for it as soon as possible.
>Chink replacement screens start at $275 (They don't get reliable until the $320 mark)
My shop has replaced only 2. The first one we did came back a week later because we bought the shitty $275 replacement screen and the customer had touch issues.
The second customer we grabbed the $350 replacement and has had no issues with it at all.

>Most repair shops will start at $400 for screen repair alone.
My shop actually starts at $450. Hell, we don't even keep the damn thing in stock because of how expensive it is.

>Insurance deductible: $200 (from what I heard from returning customers)
For the love of god use your insurance before you bring it to a shop.

>Try your hardest to get a good quality screen protector
The cheap $2 chink screen protectors have been known to peel/lift from the screen

Why is it so expensive?
Touchscreen overlays have been basically free for years now.


pajeets love every form of pussy repellent it opens their chakras

>Best android smartphone
>Oneplus 3T

This is a troll post, right?

eric antdre

What is wrong with the iphone? I plan to upgrade from nexus 5 to iphone 7 next spring

Hurr i dislike protecting my investments then complaining about how i didnt spend $20 on a screenprotector thus preventing the issue.

you just contradicted yourself

Spending that much money on either is worse than buying a new ThinkPad but it's probably still a better choice than the iPhone

The 3T is currently faster than the iPhone 7 plus, better specs, and costs half as much. No other Android phone offers that.

1.) It overheats often and sometimes to the point of becoming disabled
2.) You have to use iTunes to access one which can somehow predict when you need it to function the most and hang or crash for shits and giggles.
3.) Battery life is about the same as the 3T (slightly worse) but charging time is fucking long. Takes 3 hours to go from 0 to 100. My 3T takes 30 minutes to get to 60%. GOD FORBID you use it while charging.
3.) The display is absolute garbage, literally cannot display the basic color black.
4.) You can't install apps outside the playstore without having to hack it.
5.) You are required to buy and deal with dongles for basic things like listening to music while charging. This is especially annoying when you need plug it to a power bank. Charging time increases btw.

Overall I still like my iPhone's simplicity and ease of use but it's just not fucking worth it for people who know what the word torrent or DDR3 mean. It costs more and gives you less while treating you like a toddler.

>No other Android phone offers that.

Any other garbage chinkphone like the 3T offers that, and will somehow be supported for longer

Samsung has its own botnet

SE is the only iProduct worth having honestly

Enjoy your no updates after 6 months

>480p screen
>1 hour battery life
>no OIS

>Not having cell phone protection from your CC with a 100 dollar deductible

It's a phone

iphone will get support for a longer period of time
samsung seems to stop pushing updates long before others.

>pay hundreds for a phone
>complain it's inferior to cheaper phones
>"I-it's just a phone"
Do you even have a job son? I work as a welder and come home dead tired almost every day. I'm not going to spend my hard earned money on a shitty phone.

True but iPhone updates gimp older iPhones.

t. iPhone 6 user

Unfortunately for me my iPhone died from touch disease before it died from updates that gimp.

SE is cheap as fuck and much better than chinkphones.

Then why are most family members getting the "iPhone needs to cool down before you can use it." error message after using it to browse the web and complaining about having to charge it 2-3 times a day?

Apple is a fucking joke.

It's recommended you don't use the 3T while plugged in for heat issue, this is some pot calling the kettle black shit

I watch videos or listen to music on mine while it charges. I've 0 problems so far.

samsung seems to stop pushing updates long before others
iphone will die from lagOS updates before 1 year

Probably it is. It's chink tier shit desu. My friend got an OP5 and it came with paint chipping off the camera lens bump. Customer service told him that it's normal.l

To be fair apple does the same.

Not saying it's good but it happens.

Samsungs get updates, they just roll them out slower because there's a thing called testing period and they need to make sure localisation is in place as well as touchjizz.

Rolling out an update on global scale is not an easy feat.